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Why many fear the book and movie Da Vinci Code

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Why many fear the book and movie Da Vinci Code



posted Thursday 24 July, 2008

Answer is very clear.


Fear of reemergence of Gnosticism.


Why they fear Gnosticism? Since it has to do more with Hinduism than with Christianity. It is speculated that organizations such as Opu Dei in Latin means "work of God" took birth in Catholic religion to challenge everything associated with Gnosticism.


There are two set of Gospels in the world. First set of gospels which one can read in the Holy Bible are called Synoptic Gospels which consist of Gospels of Mathew, Luke, John etc.


Second set of Gospels are known as Gnostic gospels.

They were written by Thomas [doubting Thomas], Mary Magdalene, Stephen

etc.Church destroyed these gospels since it has more to do with

Hindu Upanishads than accept beliefs of early Christian church.


But Gnosticism came back to life when fifty-two ancient texts were found buried in an earthenware jar near the Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi in 1945.


Gnosis is a Greek word meaning knowledge

like Vedas means knowledge. Veda is derived from the root "Vid",which means, "to know"


1-------The Gnostics claim to have inner knowledge of God like Hindu Rishis.


2------Like what is taught in Upanishads, Gnostics believed God is not a separate entity to be prayed to, but God is within every one of us as well as around us. Like Hindus, Gnostics also believe God has male as well as female attributes.


3------Gospel of Mary Magdalene reads: Take care that no one deceives you by saying Look over here, Look over

here.For the true child of humanity is within you. Follow it. For

those who seek it will find it.


4-----In Gospel of Thomas Jesus said, "Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to him."


5------Amazing it may sound an important statement of John 1:1 in the Bible


In the beginning was the Word


(In principio erat Verbum),


and the Word was

with God


(Et Verbum erat apud Deum)

and the word was God

(Et Deus erat Verbum)


is a repetition of Vedic statement


"Prajapathi Vai Agre Aseet"

In the beginning was Prajapathi,

The Brahman, The God


"Tasya Vag dvitiya Aseet"

with whom was the word:


"Vag Vai Parama Brahman"

and the word was verily the Supreme Brahman

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