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HELP PLEASE check my kundali for DIVORCE?

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I am very worried about our marriage and compatibility - please check my horoscope specifically for marriage - if i am getting a divorce or second marriage or what?


my details

Miss K


UK - Chiswick, London



his details

Mr S


UK - Wimbledon, London



I am very lost at the moment and not sure if i should fight for our marriage


Please help if you can




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Dear Miss K,

Can you give some feedback on major events taken place in your life.

You are running Ketu Dasa from 28/2/2006 till 22/1/2013.

The ketu is in the 12<SUP>th</SUP> house from your lagna (Rasi Chart), in the 7<SUP>th</SUP> house in Navamsa Chart and in the 12<SUP>th</SUP> house in Dasamsa chart.

Ketu is very spiritual planet and it brings hardship meant to provide us lessons.

Just want to confirm about your reproductive system status. It is shown; you might not have children or only have 1 which might be a female child.

Did you get married around end of 2002 or 2003?

Period from19/8/2008-13/1/2009 onwards, your domestic bickering might increase and you might need to have full heart checkup.

It is you who have all the right to decide whether to sail or not to sail.

You might ended up choosing a wrong guy gain if rush through. This period is good if you can spare some time to do caring work for the “Out caste & Untouchable” people in our society.



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Thanyou for your response.


Lucky to say no major upsets in my life so far - I did loose my job in March 2006. Had a difficult time at work between 2002 and 2005.


We met on 19th Nov 2006 and got married on 19th August 2007 (Hindu way). We do not have any children and he left on 17th June 2008 saying we are not compatible. I have not seen him since. We have now involved our parents and he says he needs time to think now.


Are we both Mangalik? Are we a good match? Or do I have another marriage in store or does he?


Sorry I do not know much about planets so please explain this


'The ketu is in the 12<SUP>th</SUP> house from your lagna (Rasi Chart), in the 7<SUP>th</SUP> house in Navamsa Chart and in the 12<SUP>th</SUP> house in Dasamsa chart'


I am very worried he will stick to pursuing divorce - its not what i want and i thought if we tried again we would be ok!


Thanks again



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Dear Miss K,


There are some exceptionally great aspects in your chart especially viz a viz wealth and social status and reputation!


As per the dates given by you, I could also say that the entire period from 22nd May to 28th June has been excessively troublesome.


You are also at the helm of some serious trouble till at least September 2010, although there will be some saving grace in between.


Shani is in marana karaka sthana and tends to make you unlucky, not a good destiny. It also stops a career progression which you really deserve in life - there is a bad rahu aspect upon that front. It also makes you unable to benefit from father.


All your life you seek happiness and apply yourself towards family, education, etc. You are devoted towards your mother too.


There is a major rahu influence in your life which does need a lot of attention.


I am not posting my analyses as I believe you are not well versed with it.


But I do understand the situation you are in and admire your monumental patience in attempting to deal with it.


There is a certain issue which might have caused the break, since this is personal, you may contact me on my email-id, as so many others do.


I pray for the coming time to pass peacefully. In any case, future is excellent!


Best Wishes


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