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Dear USRji: How to determine correct Lagna

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Dear USRji,


I had posted my horoscope with questions regarding my marriage a few days ago. My birth time is at the cusp of Simha and Kanya lagnas. You had taken Simha as the correct lagna based on the time recorded. Can you explain in cases such as this, how does one determine the correct Lagna? My question is out of curiousity since different astrologers have advised me differently. Please enlighten me on your approach when you can. I can give more information also.


Here are my birth details:

May 2nd 1975, 3:30 PM, Mumbai.


Some key events/characteristics of my life:


Personality: Average, at times impressive. Emotional, but very reserved.

Sibling: One younger sister, married with a daughter. Excellent personality and career.

Family: Very close relations with parents and sister.

Education: I completed my bachelors in 1997 and worked for a few years before coming to US to begin a MA-PhD in 2002.

Field of study/career: Anthropology, Arts and Culture.

Money: Always earned enough--never more than that. Thankfully, earnings have always been more than expenses.


Thank you,


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Suvidya Ji,

Every event and other things like parents,brothers&sisters,kith&kin etc are all related to lagna and the time of birth.Even if time of birth is incorrect or not known it can be calculated by correction.In your case my observation tallied.

Regarding explaining the method ,it is personal secret :) .

Already i explained several things in this forum,which sometimes follow me like a commentary.

This is like having more commentaries by Coleridge,Jorge Bernard Shah etc on William Shakespeare.

Wish you Goodluck,


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