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Respected Ppena Ji, Please analyze my chart

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Respected Ppena Ji,

I have gone through your posts and like to hear from you.


I need your prediction regarding job,health,foreign travel and marriage prediction in my chart.

Im facing delays in change of job, facing financial issues too.

One more thing is, I dont find anything that come as gift or the one im getting without hardwork it gives me double the losses in someother way.


How is the placement of planets in rashi and divisional charts, any Yogas for foreign travel find in my chart!


How about the placement of moon in 9th , is it affected in any divisional charts.How will be my forthcoming rahuMD and rahu placement?


My details are


date of birth : 4th january 1983

time : 06:36 am

place : Coimbatore(Tamil nadu)


What are the prayers and remedies to be carried out.


Thank you,


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Respected Ppena Ji,

I have gone through your posts and like to hear from you.


I need your prediction regarding job,health,foreign travel and marriage prediction in my chart.

Im facing delays in change of job, facing financial issues too.

One more thing is, I dont find anything that come as gift or the one im getting without hardwork it gives me double the losses in someother way.


How is the placement of planets in rashi and divisional charts, any Yogas for foreign travel find in my chart!


How about the placement of moon in 9th , is it affected in any divisional charts.How will be my forthcoming rahuMD and rahu placement?


My details are


date of birth : 4th january 1983

time : 06:36 am

place : Coimbatore(Tamil nadu)


What are the prayers and remedies to be carried out.


Thank you,



It is odd that your are having a problem with finances at the moment since this chart seems to indicate a person with a great earning capacity. In some ways it is vaguely similar to Oprah Winfrey who is also a Sag. Ascendant with Venus in the 2nd of Capricorn and Saturn exalted in 11th in Libra. She also has many planets in Capricorn.


So, eventually money will be absolutely no problem and you could be quite wealthy even rich.


What is happening now is perhaps the MD of Mars brings into play the lord of the 12th house of loss. Also lord of the ascendant is there in the 12th house of scorpio.


Jupiter should be strengthened. It is important to wear Yellow Sapphire. NOw is a good time because Jupiter is on your ascendant in its own sign of Sagittarius.


Please wear on a Thursday when the moon is waxing and do some service to Guru or spiritual teachers.


Of course, the Guru Gita, is the best text for Guru. (Actually the Guru Gita is good for everyone).


Sun and Ketu in the ascendant is difficult. You are both very expressive and shy at the same time! You want to be a leader but the aspects of Saturn and Ketu sometimes make youfeel timid or you feel no one listens or pays attention to you.


Moon is in Leo in Kema druma yoga. So you spend a lot of time alone. Sometimes isolated.


Ruby would also be a very good stone for you as it would bring into play both the 9th lord and the lord of the moon sign.


Also interesting is the fact that all the planets in the chart are close to the ascendant showing a person who is very self-involved, sometimes even vain. It is important to include others in your life. But the good thing is that it can give strong leadership qualities.


So many planets in the 2nd mean wealth is very important to you! It definitely shows an entrepeneur and one with a handsome face, good speaking/singing voice and family is quite important to you as well.


Education is very favored.


Still the combination of Ketu on the ascendant and Jupiter in the 12th makes you spiritually oriented and interested in things like astrology, psychich phenomena, siddhis, things like that. It gives an interest in unusual things. It makes one mystical.


You are starting a new cycle Mars/Mercury. This should be pretty positive with an emphasis on relationships and career. Coming from mars/saturn which could have been difficult.


So again, Yellow Sapphire for Jupiter very important.





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Thank you pablo Ji,

For alloting time in analyzing my chart.


Your following prediction matches good :

Sun and Ketu in lagna and saturn aspects - timid nature

Second house planets - orating skills and had given speech in broadcasting media

regarding moon - most of the time situtaion was there to be

separated from friends or known persons and to be with new faces. Felt isolated maily in the year of 1999-2000-01(first half), 2005(november,December)

Ketu on the ascendant and Jupiter in the 12th - Interest in astrological and astronomical science


"I had ordered for a yellowsapphire will be getting it soon and wearing it"


I had following Queries,Kindly look in to this,

1. moon is alone - Kemdruma yoga- referred in websites and found that is not that good.

Any remedies to carried out Or any cancellation of this Yoga is there!

Regarding My Marriage life and Rahu MD:

How will be marriage life. When Will be the correct time/period for me to get married.

Rahu in 7th house - How will be my Rahu mahadasa.


Thank you


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Dear pablo ji,


I had following Queries,Kindly look in to this,


1. Kemdruma yoga- referred in websites and found that is not that good.

Any remedies to carried out Or any cancellation of this Yoga is there!

Regarding My Marriage life and Rahu MD:


2. How will be marriage life. When Will be the correct time/period for me to get married.

Rahu in 7th house - How will be my Rahu mahadasa.



Thank you,


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Dear pablo ji,


I had following Queries,Kindly look in to this,


1. Kemdruma yoga- referred in websites and found that is not that good.

Any remedies to carried out Or any cancellation of this Yoga is there!

Regarding My Marriage life and Rahu MD:


2. How will be marriage life. When Will be the correct time/period for me to get married.

Rahu in 7th house - How will be my Rahu mahadasa.



Thank you,



You do NOT have kemadruma yoga. Kemadruma yoga means there are no planets in the sign before, in, or directly after the moon (no planets in 12th, 1st and 2nd from the moon). You have Sani in 12th from moon and Jupiter in first.


Rahu and Mercury are good cycles to get married (either MD or ADs).


Best of luck,



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Hi panditji,


TIME OF BIRTH : 07:12 am

DATE OF BIRTH : 08-03-1981

PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. nagercoil/tamilnadu/india



Your current status : Service

Educational background :engineering

Work Industry and current salary.:software,20000


Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember:my degree passed out year.my marraige in a critical situation.when i got job.

Family background :

Father : Service ..

Mother : Service .

Brothers : 1 , elder ,married,in service


please analyse my horoscope.whether iam having any problem in my married life.whether any seperation seen.now iam facing some misunderstanding with my husband.his detail 14-08-1973,04:15 am,nagercoil.marriage date 18-8-2004.whether divorce is possible?any longevity problem for my husband?will i get second marraige?



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