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Who blocks the earth's sound?

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earth-cries.jpgScientists have made new recordings of the sounds of the earth, and this time its not songs of the whales and the drumming of rain, but charged particles from the solar wind colliding with Earth’s magnetic field.

The sounds are blocked from our hearing by the ionosphere, or charged layer on top of our atmosphere, which is good because apparently they sound awful, and reportedly would overwhelm all radio stations on the planet.

Though scientists had previously thought that these screeching radio waves just oozed into space, recent research shows that Earth’s racket is actually beamed off into space, making it easier for aliens to listen in, should they tire of their own cosmic rock.

<hr>But have they considered who made such a perfectly systematic arrangement of blocking the sounds to enable our survival on earth? They may say that it happened randomly simply by chance but the chance that it happened randomly is one in many zillions. The Vedas give us the answer that it has all been arranged perfectly by Supreme Creator and Designer Lord Gauranga Krishna Himself to protect His souls (part and parcels)!


(srila gurudeva)

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Scientists have made new recordings of the sounds of the earth, and this time its not songs of the whales and the drumming of rain, but charged particles from the solar wind colliding with Earth’s magnetic field.
Sounds is mass with waves. Clap your hands and that concussin is pushing waves of energy within mass.


Not much mass in open space so the idea of 'sound' conveying through empty space is kind of short to reality.



The sounds are blocked from our hearing by the ionosphere, or charged layer on top of our atmosphere, which is good because apparently they sound awful, and reportedly would overwhelm all radio stations on the planet.
Which is like suggesting that to yell real loud will affect your radio stations transmittions (radio) waves.....



Though scientists had previously thought that these screeching radio waves just oozed into space, recent research shows that Earth’s racket is actually beamed off into space, making it easier for aliens to listen in, should they tire of their own cosmic rock.
No aliens out there.


IN such that we are conscious as a species; we have that window to see in all time; please share where a 'seer' recorded contact with one/them.


ie..... there are people alive on this earth now who know you are coming to visit them before you get there.


the aurora's are ionized H (hydrogen) hitting the atomosphere's oxygen and nitrogen. And when H and O mix, we get a reactions (fire/color) and the 'exhaust' is simply water.


i.e.... the earth at its beginning has always had oxygen within the matel / in the rocks (O is almost 50% of the earths make up by mass) and when heat releases O to the atmosphere, as the sun constantly send us H, now you can see how the oceans formed.... over a few years (hint hint)


it's a constant process. So when you see the aurora's..... say thank you mr sun sir.....

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lol. Who knows...they may be subtle entities. Have you met anyone who has had a ufo/abduction encounter. It is on the subtle plane.


But then again that could be just mind.


I am one such person. My first memory goes back to when I was about seven. It does not take place on the subtle plane alone. It very much involves the organic body.

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I am totally open about it and do not expect anyone to believe me. This is not a rare thing. It certainly is strage twist to an already strange enough life though.


But back to the topic. Yes this is what I mean by science just being another form of scripture to the Krishna conscious person. The Krishna conscious soul hears veda everywhere. Veda is written into the atoms. While the scientists are all excited about some new factoid they have learned concerning the ways of the universe your teacher immediately saw it in connection to Krishna and as something that just further speaks to His glories.


I suspect on some level that the whole universe is glorifying God. "Blessed is he who has ears to hear and eyes to see."

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lol. Who knows...they may be subtle entities. Have you met anyone who has had a ufo/abduction encounter. It is on the subtle plane.


But then again that could be just mind.


Subtle plane? Just looked down; both feet on the ground.


Point was; in the three ares of concern; experience, knowledge and relation; with existence........... still no flying dudes from anywhere but this planet........


Even traveled to NM (area 51/Roswell; walked through the shops, talked to people and always open to opinions; still no (experience of) flying dudes from 'out there'.....

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:cool::cool:(men in black)lol.



knowledge and relation by bishadi

When I was 8 years old, had a vision of a huge craft during daytime. Still remember it very clearly. It was 1977, and a week later a full blown abduction with the probe/platform, entities and things (the typical type reported). In 1977 the 'close encounter of the third kind - movie' was huge in the mind, on planet earth (it was released in 1977). The visionary, over the course of years sees many things, of the collective....it is essential to be like an old tree....with roots and foundation. Feet on the ground...as you say wise man!


It is very interesting....that is what I call subtle plane. But it is not the goal...love is the goal.


This planet, universe, mind....network, must be a master design. Responsibility for thought and action is understood in this regard. (hollywood has alot to answer for)



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Yeah Bishadi they don't cruise Roswell or Area 51 anymore, it's become too commercial. Besides the bad memories that Roswell brings up they consider it jinxed.


but with the price of fuel and the laws of physics, you would think the commercial aspect would maintain better relations....


or did they tap into a sunday televangelist show and realize there will be no Peace on that planet, and take off never to be seen but by the 'chosen ones'?


in this capacity; call me a 'show me' kind of cowboy


not one to believe in magic without the experience between me and existence

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When I was 8 years old, had a vision of a huge craft during daytime. Still remember it very clearly. It was 1977, and a week later a full blown abduction with the probe/platform, entities and things (the typical type reported). In 1977 the 'close encounter of the third kind - movie' was huge in the mind, on planet earth (it was released in 1977). The visionary, over the course of years sees many things, of the collective...

Did you see snaps of the show before it was released, in your dream?


now remember, you be a part of existence, if another had an emotional experience or better still a collective of people had a high emotional experience; that 'entangled state' can convey and how prophecies were felt. Or simply dejavu has been experience by most everyone.


so be fair and honest with this vision at 8... share the experience with us all

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Here is the encounter as an 8 year old (through his eyes):


I was climbing a fence, with a water pistol camera, looking for the lady next door...to squirt;). I looked up to the sky...and there was a large blue patch between the clouds. I saw approximately one third of a highly advanced metallic craft. This was the size of approx. 'one football field'. The craft emitted no sound...and was of the finest manufacture. I was amazed that I had seen a space ship...so ran inside to tell my mother.


Around the same week or there abouts, I recall vividly one night, waking. I was in a room lying and a type of platform/bed. Four entities, two on each side of the platform, where standing silent watching me. I was aware of their conscious presence, but they did not speak. They were taller than average men...and thinner faced. Their face was covered by some type of covering. The room was dimmed somewhat with a presence of a type of red hew/light. I felt no fear.


I became aware of a probe machine behind me, as I lay on the platform...and a probe from the machine coming toward my third eye. I was also aware of a presence behind me...but could not see behind me. As the probe was about to enter my forehead...the experience ended. That is all I remember.



Here is my definition as a 38 year old (which may change in due course), of the above encounter. Basically all we see in this world is mind or extension of the mind (physical). There is collective mind on an unconscious level.


The idea that the original soul is impersonal is a fallacy. The only impersonal thing is the vritti. Vritti is the mind stuff of passing thoughts. This is a chemical process of the brain (grey matter). The conditioned soul speaks and acts from vritti to expereince personal life in the material world. The subtle body or mind is different than brain. As humans we have what is called the unconscious aspect of mind. There is also a collective unconscious. Within that realm of mind are many impressions (that drive a conditioned person). The conditioned person identifies (when in deep ignorance) as the vritti. And the vritti then manifests into some form of action...beginning the wheel of karma (action and reaction).


The space craft was a part of that collective mind. The vrittis of humans also manifest within the collective unconscious; thus it evolves. Deepening the wheel of action and reaction.


The soul (whose symptom is consciousness) is never at anytime impersonal. But is a person and persons....parts and parcels of the Supreme Person. We are not this body we are not this mind. The realized soul has potential to live in a realm of pure consciousness, which is full of diversity, personality and love. This is called in the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition - Vaikuntha (free of anxiety).


If the soul desires liberation in an impersonal realm it may achieve this. But in due course, because there is no rasa (flavor), due to negation/denial of personality...the soul again enters the material world...to experience flavor. The impersonal liberation or void is attempt at self suicide. Which is never possible as the soul is eternally a person.


As the realized soul cultivates bhakti yoga to the Supreme Person...she gradually becomes liberated, being gradually freed of anarthas (uneccesary things such as offences). This is the gift of the Holy Name which is non-different to God. Naam is fully conscious. And when the body dies...the soul leaves behind the subtle and gross bodies...entering the spiritual world. The kingdom of God - a realm full of diverse spiritual planets (back to home - back to Godhead).


Hollywood has become a potential money making sham. Full of cinematic violence etc...manifested from the vritti of those bound by sense-gratification. The mind both collective and individual becomes further bound...in the wheel of birth and death, to use hollywood as an example. And I am of the opinion...we as a collective organism of spirit...need to awaken, before earth degrades further. The motivation being compassion.


To live consciously, responsibly, with a life based on love is humane. Ever moving forward to discover our own personalities (spirit/soul), and the Supreme Personality (supreme spirit/soul). Fully conscious in service to the whole.


The enlightened spirit souls...live in this world....full of joy. The compassionate teachers of spiritual truth, are few. Teachers of truth must teach that consciousness points to personality. And as we are finally liberated we may then enter the kingdom of God. Teachers of impersonalism, and morality (alone)...unfortunately either misguide the general public...or, the general public misses out on the goal of life. Love of God. God is a person...our experience in this earth can be one of spiritual preparation for entry into God's Kingdom.


Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Jaya Gurudeva!

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