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a spiritualist definition of evolution and intelligent design - by bija

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A spiritualist definition of evolution and intelligent design

By bija

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(Please forgive the forwardness of which I begin this short essay. I take the risk of being misunderstood or criticized, due to my motivation – compassion.)

I have a type of siddhi (psychic phenomenon) and see subtle aspects of material energy and mind. An extension of the subtle body. New age people since the sixties in the west have called it Aura – which does great injustice to the phenomenon. Modern science would call it ‘synesthesia’ which is also a limiting analysis in some ways. Neglecting the spiritual aspect (study of synesthesia is in early stages presently). Here is an example of what my mind sees. A friend had her first baby last year. I saw the child just after birth…the babies extended subtle body (aura) was pristine innocence and simplicity. About as close to the most perfect reflection as I have seen in this material world, of spirit/soul or pure mind. I have seen similar in some fine adults too...but matured. This vision opens up a whole new scope of living – which I cannot begin to discuss in this short article. Rather I would wish to ever so minutely, touch on the nature of mind and evolution. And the relevance of this experiential encounter, and how it effects my own spiritual growth, and also a small attempt at dialogue with science. Especially the field of transpersonal psychology, para-psychology, and quantum field research.

I would aspire for such beauty and simplicity that I saw in that small babe, as a vaisnava aspiring purity. This is my realization from the words of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura regarding the Vaisnava. Such beauty in nature is surely proof and...a painting of God’s immanence in creation.

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The character of a Vaisnava is sinless and no part of his character is fit for hiding. Simplicity is the life of a Vaisnava. He always teaches others by setting his own examples. Unless his character is pure, he is not fit to be called a Vaisnava.(Sajjana-tosanl 5/10) by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

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Now I would like to elaborate here, why I have chosen to discuss such things, in the opening of this essay, in relation to the video Hadai Nityananda Prabhu has posted. Please bare with me.And also I would like to touch on how a developed spiritual human being can understand the inadequacy of Darwanism, the future potential of Intelligent design, and the relation of all this to Bhakti Yoga toward the Supreme Personality – the Summum Bonum (as decribed in the Bhagavatam). Please forgive my liberalism which can go a little abstract from mainstream Gaudiya teachings. I allow this liberalism because I am talking to the scientific community in terminology, as is represented in the above video.

Maybe I am foolish to admit such a thing as a psychic gift (siddhi). But I will attempt to explain how this has impacted my spiritual journey as a bhakti yogin, and as a developing conscious human (and spirit) encased in a subtle body. And how a Krsna conscious devotee can share his faith and awakening in a somewhat scientific way. Even though such discourse may not be understood by many scientists and religionists presently, and may not be sufficient in proof.

I believe a day will come that people will freely talk about such things as the subtle phenomena of experience (without being considered crackpot or attention seekers). And like a candle lit from one candle to another this human gift will pass from one to another. We only need to acknowledge it and not be ashamed (and leave behind esotericism). Infact as ‘evolution’ of consciousness develops on earth we have great potential for healing and love...and with the world crisis of abuse of natural resource (and each other) etc...the organism will awaken to save itself. This ability to self heal is built into both the micro and macro organism.


One intelligent new age man ( a qualified psychologist – James Redfield) wrote the book 'Celestine Prophecies' and made a lot of money. It is a wishy washy book in many ways – very new age. But he had a very good realization. And he touches on my own experiential encounter of mind. He says this in his book, I will para-phrase: On a subtle energetic field people dominate each other or nature....or at least try to. As the human becomes aware of its minds potential...it can be released from its delusion of being the controller of all it surveys. And instead awaken to deep sensitivity and full humanity. A cultivation of spirituality. Does this sound familiar?


Humane is a beautiful word. And until we awaken to the wonderful truth of 'one organism' or ‘the reality of Krsna’ of which we are a part, and its inter-action (even if this world is just shadow of a spiritual world), we may never be humane as a species. Man is not an animal as such, because of this quality of humanity, that can be exercised to a great degree. Beyond sect, beyond nation, beyond family...universal potential!


It is very simple to see who has developed humane sensitivity (and has began to awaken to the spiritual dimension) and who has not. A religionist with little humanity is a fanatic...a human without spirituality is potentially selfish and a miser.


Christ called us to be meek...and Lord Caitanya called us to be humble. Both said a great gift awaits such a person. Rather than use siddhis (psychic ability or awareness) to make money, hypnotise people, or other dominating gross activities etc (as many in India and around the world have done)...we should utilize our awakening being for awakening of human love and healing of the world. Which culminates in love of God. The pinnacle – which is the message of Gaudiya Vaisnavism. A golden age some may say is coming…some of us can see its immanence already. Animals live with abilities (in accord with nature)...if humans abuse their natural gifts of nature, mind and body, they are less than animal. Siddhi serves a purpose (rather than a stumbling block for the ego)...a step toward the <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:placetype w:st="on">kingdom</st1:placetype> of <st1:placename w:st="on">God</st1:placename></st1:place>. A stepping stone that need not be a hindrance.


My spirituality is bhakti…my humanity is knowing and moving toward Spirit. My humanity is a part of my God conscious experience while encased in this body. An Immanent God as well as Transcendent God is what I feel is truth. For me this is full integration as a human being and as a Krsna conscious spirit soul. And this cannot be boxed into a stereo-type.

“humane: marked or motivated by concern with the alleviation of suffering.”

The preacher of Krsna consciousness must discover novel ways and means to convince the scientific world, the new age spiritualists, and the atheistic society of the relevance of an Intelligent design. The only way to scientifically experience that reality of God, is to experience it!

I feel if we deny the 'physical' and its potential to be utilized in spiritual practice, we disadvantage ourselves as spiritualists. Physical is not false, it is simply temporary and prone to change. And it is not for self-gratification. A harmonization of body, mind, and spirit is possible, without being a materialist. In a sense this harmonization could be called realization. It is definitely application in Krsna consciousness.


My hope is that religion and its purer forms may follow the course of human evolution (and the Immanent God)...and not remain simply in books of a past time in denial of modernity. But intelligently find terminologies to relate to the mechanistic scientific society. Even if that means using terms and words of the 21<sup>st</sup> century scientific community that appears to be slowly moving toward spirit. Remaining in book terminologies of a past era (which is not wrong), to teach modern atheistic people can stifle potential of convergence, and increase divergence. It can divide further the pure spiritualist and the pure materialist. There is enough evidence of this amongst fundamentalist religious fanatics and fundamentalist materialists caught up in inadequate theories such as Darwanism and destructive religious ideology. The outcome of these opposing groups is definately not harmony and spirituality, which has been the mission of representatives of God. No wonder those who have not awakened to the reality of God are suspicious of religion and its men, and confused by the limited dry vision of the mechanistic scientists.

Unfortunately there may be many obstacles to this pragmatic Krsna conscious vision and preaching, some of that opposition from the very structures, temples, mosques, and churches, which by nature were founded to bring about the actualization of the human. And a spiritual world-wide society.


One example of this is the religionists insistence that evolution is heresy. When infact such religionists do not have enough good sense, due to bias, to realize that Darwin’s model of evolution was a preliminary model and speculation, with many flaws, due to lack of scientific apparatus and observation (when in fact 21st century science is a totally different ball game in some cases – the quantum world). And this is also due to their inherent nature to fear all knowledge which does not conform to their belief structure. When infact if doors were open their ideology could have profound impact, if it was not limited by themselves. The ideology should not be limited – but expressed in such a way that this suffering world can be emancipated. That is humane preaching, and compassionate.


Real evolution of consciousness (of the human organism – the bound spirit soul) can only be known by direct experience (in my opinion)...and this movement of spirit/soul is in no way opposed to the reality of God (infact it supports the reality of God). It is scientific religion aimed toward the atheistic community and scientists. The fear of heresy becomes a fear, when truth only exists in the past. Religion needs desperately to mature in this regard (and religious structures such as many religious institutions need to apply intelligence if they are to be the saviours of the world as they prophecy).

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The fundamentalist Hare Krsna and other religionists will point out the heresy of evolution, by the simple fact that the vedic cosmos is degrading (kali yuga). And position, how can an evolution be at all possible? They will say...evolution...non-sense! Degradation!!!

We Vaisnavas need to re-term the word evolution.


A simple reply to this argument of the fundamentalist, is to realize that all things in nature are a picture, or at least point to the reality of God. Just as a human being begins life as a child...the human then matures if fortunate into a spiritual humane/spirit entity. And as old age and death approaches, such a spiritual person experiences the light of grace, and beatitude of humanity, even with the presence of disease and death. Infact for the spiritualist, death is life.


This is the redefinition of the term evolution that I envision, even in a macro-scale (of the universe), not just an individual phenomenon. I understand such phenomenon as a golden age, even within the age of degradation (kali). To use a religious terminology used by many Hare Krsna people.

The eminence of personality and personalism



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Here is a quote from the introduction of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's book 'The Phenomenon of Man' by Julian Huxley 1958. <st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Pierre</st1:place></st1:city> was a Jesuit priest who was also a scientist, he aided in the discovery of Peking Man skull. He attempted to reconcile evolution with his faith as a spiritualist and personalist.


This book is a study of the potentiality of man as a 'person of spirit'. It may be an apparent unlikely source to support Krsna consciousness but in my opinion very helpful. The ultimate beautitude for the spirit soul, according to the Srimad Bhagavatam and the Gaudiya teachers, is existence in a realm of conscious awareness, permeated by pure devotion to a loving center – the Supreme Person. In my understanding this 'personal realm and reality' is the destiny of creation. And is Goloka Vrindavan and the Vaikuntha spoken of by the ancient sages.


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"...In any case the concept of a hyperpersonal mode of organization sprang from Pierre Teilhard's conviction of the supreme importance of personality. A developed human being, as he rightly pointed out, is not merely a highly individualized individual. He has crossed the threshold of self-conscious to a new mode of thought, and as a result has achieved some degree of conscious integration - integration of the self with the outer world of men and nature, integration of the seperate elements of the self with each other. He is a person, and organism which has transcended individuality in personality. This attainment of personality was an essential element in man's past and present evolutionary success: accordingly its fuller achievment must be an essential aim for his evolutionary future.

This belief in the pre-eminent importance of the personality in the scheme of things was for him (a jesuit priest) a matter of faith, but of faith supported by rational inquiry and scientific knowledge....He realized that the appearance of human personality was the culmination of two major evolutionary trends - the trend towards more extreme individuation, and that towards more extensive interrelation and co-operation: persons are individuals who transcend their merely organic individuality in conscious participation'. From the introduction to the book ‘phenomenon of man’ by Pierre Tielhard de Chardin written by Julian Huxley 1958

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In regards to evolution of the mind and its psychic ability...

To bring this essay to a fold, I would like to begin where I started, by quoting myself.



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The motivating choice to share is part of our nature - humaneness. We can base our decision to speak about the nature of God, and humanity (mind body) by such a choice of compassion. Then all will be assisted by grace - for our own good as a whole.


Drawing back to the beginning of my point in the first few paragraphs of this essay, and my own psychic/spiritual unfoldment. And the ability of a fully developing human mind (and eventual awareness of its potential - in my case an energetic harmony and visualization of such based on love, not on the false assumption of ourselves as controller – each person ofcourse has their own unique encounter of mind, body, and spirit)...in relation to spiritual cultivation and application of this human gift. And the great potential of this evolving conscious awareness of ourselves and the environment we live in, by God's great mercy and design...and the potential activation of a global and universal spiritual (personal) consciousness. The destiny of existence.


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'...Pierre...extrapolating from the past into the future, envisaged the process of human convergence as tending to a final state* (I call this final state Vaikuntha keeping with tradition I study and practice), which he called the Omega point, as opposed to the Alpha of elementary material particles and their energies. If I understand him aright, he considers that two factors are co-operating to promote this further complexification of the noosphere (the atmosphere of mind). One is the increase of knowledge about the universe at large, from the galaxies and stars to human societies and individuals. The other is the increase of psycho-social pressure on the surface of our planet. The result of the one is that the noosphere incorporates ever more facets of the cosmos, including the facts of its general direction and its trends in time, so as to become more truly a microcosm...'

*Presumably, in designating this state as Omega, he believed that it was a truly final condition. It might have been better to think of it merely as a novel state or mode of organization, beyond which the human imagination cannot at present pierce, though perhaps the strange facts of extra-sensory perception unearthed by the infant science of parapsychology may give us a clue as to a possible more ultimate state. (Parapsychology and transpersonal psychology has developed since its fledgling days in 1958.)

*from the introduction to the above book Phenomenon of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 1958

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Such an unfolding of human awareness and potentiality, in my opinion points toward the truth of the Personalistic View of the Ancient Veda, and of its relevance for todays world. Especially its central focus on bhakti (devotion) culminating in harmonious love of God. One might say, such encounters within our own being are pointers to our fulfillment (the omega point)...Krsna consciousness (and existence in that land). Such bhakti, with full consciousness of being and humanity...may just be the key to a new world and expanded conscious living. Beyond the bounds of religion and current science.

The intelligent design theorists may infact come to the conclusion that there is a God, simply by the encounter of their own spiritual awakening. Which they will then scientifically describe. The vaisnava who is brave enough to speak on their terms, may have some insights to share with them, from his/her own encounter of gradual awakening.

There are many scientific approaches in this 21<sup>st</sup> century that acknowledge the possibility of God, that also deal in the area of mind. Transpersonal science and psychology and para-psychology have come leaps and bounds since the discoveries of quantum physics. Dare we be brave enough to speak out our small realizations (as spiritualists)…to the materialists. Or shall we be in fear of being called eccentrics or crackpots by them. Or being called heretics by the fundamentalist religionists, when we are simply attempting to serve Guru and Gauranga, and the great souls who tread the path before us. Being motivated by compassion.

Your servant…bija.

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all over the world the changes are setting in; this is true


Intelligent design in the sense of a belief or faith as in the 'Tom Cruise' religious observance is far fetched as it has been observed from this 'i' as that faith has been described


the idea that intelligence 'designed' existence... is not so far fetched..


so the idea of intelligence (described by mankind) each contributing to the layers of knowledge, like bricks in a pyramid, is part of the evolving process of 'awareness' being comprehensible; in which phenomenon are being defined within parameters that allow realities of mind to combine with realities of the experience to combine; establishing real truths (each brick)


One question left unaswered in the footage;


What is the purpose of life? To continue! Just that simply. See any instinctive animal in existence; what it is doing? From there the rule can be seen pure.


Yet in form at the base atomic level the method of defining this truth is by addressing the energy (light) as the life upon mass. That progression can be recognized mathematically simply by observing the 'golden ratio' in all living things. 2 systems combine to increase the potential of the energy between the structures and the ratio shares these increments.


To observe the math combined with the physical and conscious understanding, a reality unfolds that is both real and true but also humbling;


the collective conscious begets the beginning; but that has happened yet


meaning this lattering of knowledge (evolution) has been the progression which eventually allows mind (knowledge) to combine with consciousness which ultimately creates the beginning (existence)


may be tough to swallow at first but then feel the Love unfold when you realize we are literally responsible for our very existence.


We each are literally the physical personification of you know who upon mass, equally......


as since the beginning of time, the light of life upon your body, is the same light since the beginning and if ever that spark was put out, you would not be here. so your whole lineage is alive within you, in the flesh


be responsible to them to God and all other life; from this moment on and live forever in what you do


have I mentioned my good looks to any here?


I mean, really good looking.... :P

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Sometimes we need to polish the mirror of our heart rather than continual polishing of bathroom mirror:P.


If we wish our eccentrics to be understood by others...we should wear a feather in our hat:idea:!


The Hari's and other guys have got it...use the tongue to glorify God (I wonder how to do that - woe).



then maybe I can be understood by them bishadi


The most good looking fella in my house is me lil' mate. (but still he doesn't listen to me;))


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by Pierre:cool: :


"Seeing. We might say that the whole of life lies in that verb - if not in end, at least in essence. Fuller being is closer union; such is the kernel and conclusion of this book (the phenomenon of man). But let us emphasise the point: union can only increase in consciousness, that is to say in vision. And that, doubtless, is why the history of the living world can be summarised as the elaboration of ever more perfect eyes within a cosmos in which there is always more to be seen....To try and see more and better is not a matter of whim or curiosity or self-indulgence. To see or perish is the very condition...And this, in superior measure, is man's condition".



"The sun is the eye of God". Ancient Sages.


"light upon mass" bishadi:P


'woe is the Me' bija:eek4:

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'I have a type of siddhi (psychic phenomenon) and see subtle aspects of material energy and mind' quoted by bija





Pierre:rolleyes: :P :


Subjectively, first of all, we are inevitably the focus of our own observation......so that, when they reach the end of their own analyses they cannot tell with any certainty whether the structure they have made is the essence of the matter they are studying, or the reflection of their own thought....Object and subject marry and mutually transform each other in the act of knowledge: and from now on man willy-nilly finds his own image stamped on all he looks at".




'subjective evolution of consciousness' Srila Bhakti Rakshaka Sridhara Dev Goswami (a lovely simple devotee)




'the super-subjective plane' Srila BR Sridhara Dev Goswami




'in the final analyses both soul and super-soul view the object...and are eternally a unified Personality that dance in relationship - the only difference being one is searching for truth and the other is truth (personified)' bija




'the stormy search for the self' grof




'the subjective must allow room for the diversity that abounds - and be grateful (as does God, and is God for all his children)' bija:P




'diversity is joy - union is indescribable' bija



'silence is a virtue' unknown


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