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Respected surentharp Ji, need prediction

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Respected surentharp Ji,


Need prediction for my financial backlogging, What are the yogas present in my chart. Which causes vipareet raja yoga in mine. How about dasamsa and navamsa chart.How will be my marriage life and foreign travel.


My birth details,


DOB : 4th january 1983

Time : 6:36 am

Place : Coimbatore(tamil nadu)



Thank you,


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Om Suryaya namah


Dear Mohan,


Foreign travel: Jupiter may give you foregin travels (crossing oceans), as the 7th lord in 9th house. As venus 5th lord in 8th house indicate some instability during venus periods.But Strong Sun and MT Rahu indicates good fortune in native place.


in marriage concern the viparita raja yoga cause by mars indicates that strunggle before succes in initiation of marriage, strong 7th house indicates strong desire in relationship, good in relationships.If the birth time is wright, then the navamsa is soo great as ketu in 12th from AK indicates that the soul is more intrested in attaining moksha, beautiful the msa ruled by ketu is heramba so we can clearly tell that there is something strong buliding over moksha, your ishta devatha is Lord Ganesha, but your soul will hold control of his maya indicates that you may be already engaged in worshiping Lord Ganesha or you will.


In dasamsa mars in lagna indicates that the firey nature of yours in service.It's a chart of a service person, strong rahu and ketu indicates the peron may engaged in computer and research, strong venus may idicate some venusian work too, here the strong saturn indicates that the person is the hard worker.But the moon is affilicted by stong ketu shows that initiation of the native is in question (affected).

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Dear surentharp Ji,


As per southern vedic birth chart, I find my 8th lord in 9th house.And Venus is the 6th lord in 2nd house along with mars and mercury.Jupiter is placed in 12th house. Please reLook in to my charts.



Thank you


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Dear surentharp Ji,


Beautiful prediction regarding D9 ketu in 12th.As you said my ishta devtha from my child hood days is Lord Ganesha till now.

and the peron may indulge in research.Perfectly matches my work.


Regarding "viprita rajayog caused by mars, struggle before success". And as you said (ketu shows that initiation of the native). If you Suggest some remedies. Will be helpfull for me.



Thank you,


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