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Seeking spiritual guidance

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I am a Krishna devotee for many year but have not had the opportunity to join any group due to my location.

I have been doing yoga seeking guidance from God and feel I am ready to have my kundalini awakened.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

Thank you


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What exactly are you wishing to accomplish by awakening your kundalini? I tried that years ago and found it to be unpleasant doing bodily yoga and all that and when I read Prabhupadas Bhagavad Gita it seemed to suggest that kind of yoga is basically unnecessary and impracticle. Not trying to discourage you, just curious in what you are trying to gain from kundalini yoga that isn't present in Bhagavad Gita or Srimad Bhagavatam?

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Dear Ancient Mariner,


Can I beg to differ with you on two oppinions of yours?

1) That Kundalini yoga is not not present in Bagavad Geeta.


All yogas are present in it (and that is why it is considered to be one single most holy text of hindus - it represents all the doctrines and vastness of hinduism). Perhaps the name kundalini may not be present. But that does not mean that the science of kundalini yoga is not there. Bagavad geeta discusses many systems of yoga - they are kundalini awakening scienses.


2) That Kundalini awakening is not nessary:


Without kundalini awakening no god realization is possible. Kundalini yoga is the science of god realization. Even Bhakti yoga (which you will agree is prescribed in Bagavad geeta) is a form of kundalini yoga as bhakti is a means of awakening kundalini. Yogic texts refer to this fact (for example refer Patanjali yoga sutra), and many sadakas following bhakti yoga report kundalini awakening . (Rama krishna Parama Hamsa is an ideal example for this. Though he has practiced many tantric techniques of kundalini awakening, even before he practiced the path of tantra yogas, his kundalini was already awakend by his mere Kali bhakti).


Kundalini awakening is a very important and essential thing in the progress of spirituality. All religious experiences are due to kundalini awakening - whether the experiencer knows this - conscious of this - or not.

No Kundalini awakening No spiritual/religious progress.



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Dear Kumar daran,


The kundalini awakening is a very serious and rigorous parth. There are many techniques and paths to awaken kundalini. some are very slow and take years of practice but safe. Some are very fast. It is said that in certain tantric systems kundalini could be awakemned in just a few seconds.But they are risky.


You may decide what kind of dicipline you are prepared to go through. You will get , nowadays excellent descriptions and details of the paths. Bihar school of yoga is one source you can try. They have excellent authentic publications. Vivekananda's Rajayoga gives an overall introduction to the path. For your convenience I am outlining the essential technique here.


There are two essential pre requirements for kundalini yoga.

1) Bhramacharya (celibacy). Kundalini is a power transmuted from Semen. Hence before attempting to awaken kundalini by long period of celibacy Semen must be conserved. This is a decisive rule. Kundalini shakti cannot be awakened without stringent celibacy.

2) Vegitarian and satvic food. Your nadi must be purified before kundalini is awakened. For this you must, amoung other things, live on pure vegitarian satvic food. Whic means not only no meat but also no spices - no masala- no chillis no salt.


With these regulations you can practice first nadisuddhi pranama first.

this is a simple pranama. You inhale through one nose and Exhale through the other. then reverse the sequence inhale through the same nose you last exhaled and exhale through the nose you originally inhaled. This is one round. You need to practice this for many many rounds in four times a day, Morning sun rise, midnoon, evening sunset, midnight. If youy are regular and regorous in this practice with in 3 months nadisuddhi is attained.

Signs of nadi suddhi are your mind will be calm and peaceful. Thoughts will stop when you sit for meditation. ( other times like when you are working,houghts will come). Your body will emite a mild fragresce when you perspire. You can sometimes see subtle things and here subtle sounds. You will gain a clear body awareness. You will be aware of every part of - each and every cell of -your body.

These are the signs of nady suddhi. Once this happens you can proceed to activate kundalini.

Holding the breath (Kumbaka) and intence one pointed conscentration (dharana) are the main techniques for kundalini awakening. Practice kumbaka pranama and some form of Dharana. For dharana, mantra dhatrana will do. Chant your istadevada's mantra mentally, silently and with complete concentration -with the exclution of every thing else - along with kumbaka (holding the breath in naval) . this will heat up your root centre and kundalini fire will be kindled and awakened, provided you had followed celibacy and conserved your semen.


There are many techniques of kundalini awakening . You may find them in yogic texts. What I have given here is the essential method. This essential method will work if you practice them for long enough. Defenitely it will work if you practice it regularly for twelve years. ( your kundalini might be activated much before. It all depends your constitution and rigor of practice).


You can also awaken your kundalini if you could find a siddha guru who can by mere touch or glance awaken your kundalini. But such gurus are rare and cannot be found easily.The method of dharana and kumbaka pranama outlined does not require a guru. Its merrit lies in your practice.







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