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  1. Arvindnew I do not think the way you are demanding that you be helped is right. No one is obliged to help you. Nikhil may have made a genuine error and when writing the lagna/rashi but he has taken time out to offer his opinions. If you want to demand answers I suggest you go and pay for astrological services!! Regards Daran PS: Do not waste your time trying to reply to this as I am not interested in a msg board debate. It is my opinion and I am not going to change it!
  2. Thank you very much for your answer. You are very kind to take time out to help people like me. Best wishes Daran
  3. Would be grateful for your guidance Answerrs to queries above Thanks
  4. Thank you for ofering to help out Deepaji I am currently seperated. I work in Aberdeen, Scotland Have been away from Medicine due to having to take up research jobs Thanks
  5. Stil hopeing a kindly soul will help out by answering my question
  6. Dear sir/Madam Would be grateful if anyone could help answer this qn. THanks I am seeking some guidance and welcome any astrological advice ( non technical language please). I am a doctor by training but have not got the opportunity to work as one for past 8 years. Will I ever work as a doctor or will I continue in the same line. Also is there a second marriage indicated for me? My details are DOB 27th Dec 1970, TIme of birth 00:03 am (midnight) Kurunegala((7N30; 80E22) Sri lanka same as IST at time of birth. I am currently a lecturer. Thank you
  7. I am seeking some guidance and welcome any astrological advice ( non technical language please). I am a doctor by training but have not got the opportunity to work as one for past 8 years. Will I ever work as a doctor or will I continue in the same line. Also is there a second marriage indicated for me? My details are DOB 27th Dec 1970, TIme of birth 00:03 am (midnight) Kurunegala((7N30; 80E22) Sri lanka same as IST at time of birth. I am currently a lecturer. Thank you
  8. I am thinking of changing careers and do not know whether anyone here could be able to guide me based on astrology. Daran
  9. I am a Krishna devotee for many year but have not had the opportunity to join any group due to my location. I have been doing yoga seeking guidance from God and feel I am ready to have my kundalini awakened. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you Daran
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