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Varnasrama-Showing by example

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</td> <td id="uxp_ftr_right"> <table id="uxp_ftr_right_nest" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td> Prabhupada's Lectures Srimad-Bhagavatam 1968 680822SB.MON

Spiritual life is so nice. So fortunately, one of our students, he has taken a very large tract of land in West Virginia to develop a society like that. That simple life, eat simple things, grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, and save your time for advancing in Krsna consciousness. Don't be implicated in the ugra-karma. Modern civilization is implicated in ugra-karma. Vast machinery, everything complicated. The government complicated, the society complicated, economics rule complicated, foreign exchange complicated. Everything has become complicate.



Morning Walk Vrindaban, March 12, 1974 740312MW.VRN

Prabhupada: ...it will be constituted, that. Their business will be to exploit the poor citizens. And they will be embarrassed and harassed so much: by one side, no sufficient rain, and therefore scarcity of food, and the other side, taxation by the government. In this way, the people will be so much harassed that they'll give up their home and go to the forest. Very piti... Unless they take to Krsna consciousness, they'll not be saved. The varnasrama college has to be established immediately. Everywhere, wherever we have got our center, a varnasrama college should be established to train four divisions: one class, brahmana; one class, ksatriya; one class, vaisya; and one class, sudra. But everyone will be elevated to the spiritual platform by the spiritual activities which we have prescribed. There is no inconvenience, even for the sudras.



Room Conversation New Orleans, August 1, 1975 750801RC.NO

So make, organize. I can give you the idea, but I'll not live very long. If you can carry out, you can change the whole... Especially if you can change America, then whole world will change. Then the whole world... And it is the duty because they are kept in darkness and ignorance, then the human life is being spoiled. These rascals, because they do not know how to live... Andha yathandhair... They are blind, and they are leading... Others are blind, and they are leading and they, all of them, going to ditch. So it is the duty. There is... Caitanya has explained, para-upakara. Save them. If it is not possible to save everyone, as many as possible... This is human life. This is Krsna consciousness, to save others who are in the darkness.




Prabhupada: And money, spend for Krsna--for Krsna's palace, for Krsna's temple, for Krsna's worship, gorgeous, as gorgeously as... Not for false... This is the human civilization. And to organize this, varnasrama will help you to divide the society--brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya--as there is division in the body. That will help. Don't waste human form of body for sense gratification. I wanted to introduce this. Now I have given you ideas. You can do it. You are all intelligent. For Caitanya Mahaprabhu's para-upakara... So you do good to others. Not exploit others. Any human being who has been bestowed by this body has the capacity to chant Hare Krsna. Give them chance and make situation favorable. Is that clear?

Over Coming Challenges

Created By

Western So-Called Civilisation

<hr width="100%"> Prabhupada: Sraddha-sabde visvasa sudrdha niscaya. This is basic platform, that

"What Krsna says, that is truth." Krsna bhakti kaile sarva-karma krta haya: "If

I follow Krsna, then my business is complete." This is intelligence. Now... We

have come to the open field. How it is nice. And so long we were passing

through that congested areas--hellish, simply hellish. And now here is open space. How

it is nice.

Hari-sauri: To enter into a city is so imposing on your consciousness.

Prabhupada: Up to that point, simply rubbish, all papers thrown here and there.

People are living in... Now see here, how it is open and pleasing. Organize

this farm project. Farm. (background talking) Hari-sauri: He's just saying that in the West one requires a great deal of

capital. To start a farm, to get the land, you need a lot of money because land

is very expensive. And also we have to use modern farming techniques because we

have so few men to run the farms.

Prabhupada: No, you show example. People will do automatically. When the people

find it is very nice, they will take.

Hari-sauri: Should we try to make an effort to have our householders go and

live on the farms, a special effort? If it's ready to do that?

Prabhupada: Why householders? Everyone. Hare Krsna. (japa)

Ramesvara: In America there is a very big emphasis on getting people to join us

by moving into our temples. The temple presidents are very eager to get as many

people to move in as possible, but in the long run most people cannot come up

to the standard.

Prabhupada: Therefore I am [advocating]... Farms.

Ramesvara: So they have to be encouraged to have a little bit of Krsna

consciousness in their own home, make their home a temple.

Prabhupada: No, let them go to the farm, New Vrindaban.

Ramesvara: Many people... Most people in the world, they are grhamedhis, and

they cannot give it up so easily.

Prabhupada: "No, you remain... Come here with your wife, children. You remain


Jagadisa: New Vrindaban is very austere. If we build little bungalows with

modern convenience...

Prabhupada: Oh, yes.

Jagadisa: There has to be some modern convenience.

Prabhupada: Oh, yes. Then we shall do that.

Ramesvara: But for many people who live in the cities, they have their jobs

already. They don't want to give it up.

Prabhupada: (train slows down) What is the nonsense? No, there is a station? No station.

Jagadisa: Why does this train keep stopping? (train stops)

Prabhupada: Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna. Jaya.

Jagadisa: Why does the train keep stopping?

Prabhupada: Who is this gentleman?

Hari-sauri: Pradyumna?

Prabhupada: Oh, Pradyumna.




Ramesvara: Say, in America, most people live in the cities, and they already have their job, and they are set in their ways.


Prabhupada: But you said that there is unemployment also.

Ramesvara: To a certain extent. But there are still 250,000,000 people. So most

of them...

Prabhupada: So those who are unemployed, let them come to us. We shall give them employment.

Ramesvara: Yes. But for the mass population...

Prabhupada: Well, gradually you will increase and...

Ramesvara: We have to give them something that they can do in their home.

Prabhupada: Oh, yes.

Ramesvara: Because it is impractical to think that they will give up everything and move into the temple.

Prabhupada: No, those who are unemployed, let them come. We shall give them employment.

Jagadisa: On the farm.

Prabhupada: Yes.

Ramesvara: For those who are unemployed, that's attractive.

Jagadisa: But for those who are already employed...

Ramesvara: But most people have jobs.

Prabhupada: Eh?

Ramesvara: Many people already have their jobs and their families.

Prabhupada: All right, let them not come, but those who are unemployed, let them come.

Ramesvara: But what...? For those people who already have their jobs, instead of...

Prabhupada: That job... They will be very soon jobless. Don't worry. (laughs) They will come. They will be obliged to come. Now they have got job, but as the days are advancing in Kali-yuga, they'll be jobless. </td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>

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