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Sangili Karuppan and Muneshwaran

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Hello Innocent


Gayatri mantra originally is of Vadic and Arian origin for sun worship ( Savita, savitri) latter extended to various deities of northan sanscrit hinduism - gods refered in sanscrit texts. there are no gayatries for typical dravidian gods. Sangili karupan and muniappan are typical village deities of tamil nadu and hense no gayatri for them.


Of course you can invent gayatri for them by interfacing three names of the deity with the four words of gayatri: 'Vidmahe', 'Dhimahi', 'Tanno' and 'Prachodayat'.


The general form ;

.........Vidmahe........dimahi, tanno .......prachodayat.

Wherever the dots appear fill in one name of the deity. If you know any three name of Sangilikarupan you can invent his gayatri mantra by this formula, provided you dont strictly believe all mantras are discovered by ancient rishis and you cannot create one for yourself. If fact only Veda mantras (the entire veda) are discovered by rishies all latter mantras of various gayatris of various deities are invented by others.


By the by if you are interested in worshiping or invoking these deities you dont need their gayatri forms. Local names and songs are potent enough to invoke them. Afterall these deities have been worshipped for ages by local deciples and siddhas isint it? What is the need to sanscritise them?



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Inventing mantras? I really don't think that's right, but the reason I have asked if there were gayatri mantras for these devtas was because of overhearing gayatri mantras being chanted to these devtas during worship.


On overhearing these gayatri mantras, it was easily recognised because the same four words were heard:'Vidmahe', 'Dhimahi', 'Tanno' and 'Prachodayat'.


I guess they have indeed invented it.


Long ago, these devtas were mostly worshipped along with only Maha Kala Bhairava and Maha Kali and maybe Durga Mata. But at present in many temples these devtas are worshipped with all the other devis and devtas like Vishnu, Saraswati, Rama, Krishna..........etc.


There are so much mantras and bhajans for all these other devis and devtas and hardly any known ones for Muneshwaran and Sangili Karupan. I guess this is what drives some worshippers to invent mantras and bhajans to chant, so that these devtas can be equally invoked and worshipped under the same standards like others.


But what disturbs me though is the invention of mantras. Some individuals attempt to use dravidian language, while others use hindi. I was taught that pronounciation and grammar structure should not be taken for granted pertaining to mantras.


I am concerned. During the invention of these mantras, can't mistake occur? Wouldn't an individual who chant these mantras be affected in some way negatively, if mistakes in pronounciation and grammar structure exist?

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Dear Innocent,


Not only mantras can be invented but even completly new Gods, devadas and entities can be invented and created, according to tantrra sastra. There are tantrics ( expecially black magic type) who routinly create new psychic entities for their use. Of course it is a science in itself and you need to be an adept to do such things.


The basic principle of such creation is the tantric principle that "Mantra and devada are one and the same". That is, Mantras are not the names of a devada ( as you and I have our names and we are not our names) , but the devada is the mantra. (Word Krisna is lord Krisna) This is the difference between human names and the names(mantras) of gods.


Principole two: Every sound - letter is a mantra, havindg its own consciousness( devada) . At least this is the case in Sanscret language and is true in Hebrew too. Sanscrit alphabet ( and Hebrew letters) cannot be taken as mearly some sounds for communication purposes as in the case of english . They are deities on their own account and have associated consciousness and powers. Sanscrit language is not an arbitary system of sounds just for communication . Sanscrit alphabets are discovered by rishies from within the body. Each sanscrit letter is a seed mantra and exists as such in the chakra petels of the yogic centres inside the human body. and Hence any word uttered in sanscret is a mantra. That is why The entire Veda is considered to be mantras. There are no separate mantras given in Veda - the entire Veda is mantra.


This knowledge gives us the flexibility to create new mantras and new deities - any string of letters in sanscrit is a mantra.


Of course you should know what you are doing as Bhairo says in the previous post. And you need to be an adept in this Scioence.




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