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Need ur help deepaji

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Hello Deepaji


I'm a female from India but have been living in the USA from the past 7 years. I'm facing problems in getting married. Pls look into my birth details and suggest me a gemstone and can u pls give some general predictions abt my married life. When can i expect my marriage to happen?


D.O.B : 27th January 1981

P.O.B : Hyderabad

T.O.B : 03:05:00 AM IST



Thanks much


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Here are my answers deepaji:


1. I'm living in the USA since mid 2002.

2. My family life has been OK-OK types.

3. In my studies I've always been a topper but my career isn't shining well.


Could you suggest me how my future life would be. When I'm gonna get married?

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Dear Raks,


There is no denial of marriage in your chart. All your life you have to remember 2 things -


1. You have to strengthen Jupiter - It is guarding you against may malefic influences in your chart. In case you do not know much about astrology - please know that there are malefic influences upon all charts, ok.


=> you need to wear a pukhraj in your right hand index finger, set in gold, on a thursday


2. Ketu in 3rd house - which would have otherwise made you really benefit in terms of career in writings, foreign affairs, journeys and from neighbours and relatives - is casting its 5th aspect upon your 7th house of marriage. You need to propitiate ketu lifelong.


=> Do Ganpati puja each and every day of your life. More importantly, after you get married.


You are also currently running shani saadesati, which thankfully should be over in a few months.


You have Jupiter Mahadasha going on - with efforts you will be able to get married before 5/11/2009. If possible, try to get married through internet/advertisement or marriage bureau consultancy and not the intervention of friends/relatives.


I wish you all the best!


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