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life without light , please help?

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please i seek advice !!

i am about 21 yrs of age but seems to me that i lived more than it appears.

right from my childhood things for me was very difficult, even though i pushed my limits and got far enough but when i look upon others now it seems that my life wasn't fair.

i am currently a student studying my engineering, no matter how hard i studied results were not satisfactory, i gave my iitjee exams and failed badly while rest of my exams were fine, it seems that what i dreamt always was taken away from me, not only this my personal life love life too also was unstable, i love a girl and was without any contact over 5yrs now when we meet she requires time to continue a relationship, moreover myself not sure even with my job aspect,even my friends stay at different far place and have to come up making new friends i miss all of them.

my dob 02 november 1986, time of birth 9:30 am kolkata india

i know a lot of my life is there and its just the beginning

i feel if this is how the beginning then it should'nt have started.

please kindly show me the path my time when i should strike hard to obtain fair result


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You have kaal sarp yoga in your chart. Not only that, you were also born on amavasya.


Everything has a remedy and all well meaning people reading this thread, including me will also pray for giving you a better life.


I must tell you - the type of Kaal Sarp Yog that you have is not extremely severe - as in your case, a lot of rise in career is also foreseen


Shankpal Kaalsarp Yoga


When rahu occupies the 4th house and Ketu the 10th this yoga is Formed. The native gets trouble relating to work sphere and has to go through stress and anxiety. Sometimes the native has an illegitimate child or can be an illegitimate child. However this yoga also has the power of conferring high political success and windfall gains.



Natives having Kala Sarpa yoga, are advised to worship Lord Ganesh, Goddess Durga, Lord Shiva and Lord Hanuman in the order mentioned here and recite the following mantras 27, 54 or 108 times, as per convenience.

Om Ganapataye Namah Om Mahakaleshwaraya Namah Om Nagendranathaya Namah Om Mahadevaya Namah Om Mahakalyai Namah Om Chandikayai Namah

Besides, some more remedies are also suggested

Wear Naga yantra or Bhairon yantra on your body. Observe fast on Nag-panchami day. Donate pulses to beggars on 43 Wednesdays. Worship Shiva Linga adorned with a snake, made of Silver, on Maha Shivaratri day. Complete the recitation of the Shiva Panchakshari mantra 'Om Namah Shivaya' 1,25,000 times, before Maha Shivaratri every year.

You can also see this link http://www.astrojyoti.com/misconcep…

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thank you

i knew there is kaal sarpa yog in my birth chart and it also refers that it will end after 42 yrs of my life is passed .

i will follow those rituals that you mentioned

moreover my sun strenght is not that strong so i really dont like joining politics like ( sir jawaharlal nehru and rest politicians who had played important parts in their lives)

could you please refer how will my life settle in terms of career and relationship in few years from now

i am thankful that you provided such generous efforts for me


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