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Respected Deepa ji, need Analysis on my chart

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Respected Deepa ji,

Please take time to analyse my chart.

Im working in a private concern


My birth details are.

DOB : 4th january 1983 - 6.36 am - Place : Coimbatore


Financially i was facing problems and regarding Promotion also certain delays are there.

Please analyse my chart and need Gemstone prediction.

As per one astrologers advice to wear Ruby. I have doubt that can i wear Ruby in my forthcoming Rahu maha dasa? Please predict a suitable gemstone that i can wear for beter prospectus.


Thank you,


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Dear DeepaJi,


Thank you for your response.

Can you take some time to analyse my chart and give a general prediction regarding placement of planets(lagna lord Jupiters placement) good and bad.

How is the placement of Rahu in my chart, wil its dasa will be good.How about my professional and marriage life. Please provide me prediction.


Also can u predict me a "Gemstone" thats suitable for life time wearing.What gemstone can i wear during rahu maha dasa.


Thanks in advance,


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Dear DeepaJi,


Thank you for your response.

Can you take some time to analyse my chart and give a general prediction regarding placement of planets(lagna lord Jupiters placement) good and bad.

How is the placement of Rahu in my chart, wil its dasa will be good.How about my professional and marriage life. Please provide me prediction.


Also can u predict me a "Gemstone" thats suitable for life time wearing.What gemstone can i wear during rahu maha dasa.


Thanks in advance,


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Mohan ji


You have raja yog, vipareet rajyog and also gaj kesari yog. But let that not make you feel essentially very upbeat. I dont want to sound mean, but you see I know of a recent case where even exalted planet has given sheer misery.


In your case, there are some really good points in the chart. Go ahead with Ruby the way your astro has advised.


Rahu MD should be fine but you have to be careful about Ketu AD and also when Rahu MD ends. Rahu is also known to give some unexpected results.


Best wishes


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Deepa ji,


Thanks for your reply. I know my limit in certain cases, will always have my faith in god,without him nothing can happen.As you said i will follow your predictions. But as you said earlier "You must wear a ruby now - but only till the Rahu MD begins."-- is it so? Then during that Rahu Mahadasa period should i remove it off??


Also need your predictions regarding my lagna lord jupiter(In my chart its placed in 12th house). How is it placement in navamsa and dasamsa charts. Whether jupiter is auspicious to me.


please bear with my queries. Need some clarification.expecting your response.



Thank you,


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Dear Mohan,


Pls do remove ruby during Rahu MD.


Jupiter in 12th does indicate problems with health. I saw that earlier but the same lagna in trimsamsa and certain potent influences protect your health.


Jupiter also gives you occult tendencies and benefits from them


Jupiter is in trines in both navamsa and dasamsa, the placement is average,


Best wishes


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Thank you Deepaji.


But still i dint get the answer that what gemstone can i wear during Rahu MD. Can i go for yellow sapphire of jupiter or gomedhag for Rahu itself. In which finger can i wear it...


also as im learning astrology to know about my chart. im still novice now.

want to know what are placements causes raj yoga and vipareet rajyog!


My curiosity makes to me ask these questions.Please take some time to answer these 2 questions.


Thank you,


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Dear Mohan,


Curiosity for own's chart never ends. Kindly take up free online astro tutorials. You will be better off.


My effort here, is to make people imbibe astrology as a tool to make their lives better.


Its like a beautician doing make-up - you try to understand the ugly aspects and do some make-up to hide (remedy) - and you try to take up and focus the best aspects to acheive a beautiful result.


If I begin with explaining charts, it will not solve the purpose.


Best Wishes


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Dear Deepa Ji,


First of all let me try to tell you the reason for my curiosity.

My curiosity has certain reasons. Because for the past one year i faced financial loses like losing money in business and also two weeks before i lost my some valuable items mobile , watch in theft and all. So in regard i want to know what are the good and bad aspects of planets in my chart so that i can be cautious in forthcoming days.


Also i thought to get a remedial measure of wearing ring. But as you said i cant continue it in fully. i have to remove it during rahu MD. So i thought to know any other strong planets that can support me all throughout. In that curiosity only i asked those questions.


Thank you,


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