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Yakrit vikar (liver disease) in Ayurveda

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Yakrit Vikar (Liver Diseases) <HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->

Yakrit Vikar (Liver Diseases)


The liver is the largest organ in the body, it is pyramidal in shape and its major part is situated in the right Hypochondrium of the abdominal cavity. It brown in colour, and approximately 2 kg in weight, it plays a vital role in the body, because its secretions are very essential for life, as liver is the important organ it shows , the following functions.


à The liver secret bile, which comprises salt and pigments, and aids in digestion of fats.

à it stores the substance necessary for the proper functioning of the bone marrow, which manufactures red blood corpuscles.


Causes of Yakrit Vikar ( Liver diseases)

In the Condition of Agnimandya ( Lack of Digestive Powder ) and Ajirna ( Indigestion), if patient take Oily, fried , excessively hot and spicy preparations of sour diet, heavy to digest food and antagonistic food, regular and excess intake of alcohol can create liver diseases.


Liver diseases are of Two Types.

1- Diseases due to impaired digestive system like Anaemia, leukemia , jaundice , etc.

2- Some are self oriented diseases like liver cancer, liver abscess, swelling of the liver etc.


Yakrit Vriddhi ( cirrhosis of the liver )


Cirrhosis of the liver is the chronic diseases characterized by the progressive destruction and scarring of the liver cells, fibrous tissues similar to scar tissues replace the normal tissues.


Hetu and Lakshan ( Causes and symptoms )


The colour of the organ turn brown into yellow and it contracts, there is the tendency for the body to swell up. Cirrhosis of the liver is of many types.

When it develops among children, it is generally due to a faulty diet and is known as infinite cirrhosis. In Adults, its generally the result of excessive intake of alcohol.

In children it develop due to the improper and heavy to digest milk of mother, excessive intake of sweets and oily food in child hood also causes cirrhosis of liver.


In the cirrhosis of the liver it shrinks upper side towards the thoracic cavity, which causes pressure on the diaphragm and muscular wall of abdomen, so the patient feels difficulty in breathing, The Symptoms with cirrhosis of the liver are loss of appetite , diarrhea and flatulence may follow and then pain in the region of the liver noticed. The liver help to neutralize the toxic substances liver fails to neutralize, therefore the patient suffering from cirrhosis should avoid taking substance like tea, coffee, tobacco and alcohol before medication.


Treatment for infantile cirrhosis is


Daily intake of Amala Juice or sweet Amala for lactating mother

Pure Vanshalochan (125mg) twice a day with honey or milk to small kid

Lime water 2 Drops mixed with 10 drop of water or milk given to child

Pipali powder 250mg mixed with honey twice a day to child .


Chikitsa (Treatment ) The best medicine for the cirrhoiss of the liver is :-


Bringraja (eclipta alba ), the juice of the plant mixed with honey is administrated in dose of one Tea spoon trice a day in case of Infantile cirrhosis.


Katuki (Picrorrhia Kurroa ) is the Drug of choice for cirrhosis among the adults, one tea spoonful of the powder, mixed with an equal amount of honey is administrated thrice a day

Arogyavardhani vati 2-2 tablets twice a day can be administrated as a good result in liver disorder

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