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Yogas for Enlightenment

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Dear Learned Friends (especially those excellent astrologers out there),


It is said that at first sight yogas for elightenment seem to indicate adversity. In the charts of spiritually orientated persons we often find indications of problems in mundane life. However, more often than not these problems have been the main source of spiritual wisdom.


I invite you to share your knowledge on yogas that signify elightenment in the the astrological chart. I am sure there are hundreds of such yogas. If you can discuss ones that are not well understood I am sure this will benefit many astrology beginners like myself.



Many thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello HST

In Jaimini sutra, the condition for kaivalya (Liberation or enlightment) is stated as below:

From admakarakamsa, ( namvamsa sign that houses the planet that has maximum degrees) if the 12th contains Ketu, Kaivalya results -especially if this 12th house is mesha or dhanus.

Generally 12th house is house of final liberation and ketu the liberator.Hence if the 12th house contains ketu that is an indication of liberation and enlightment.


K.Ravindran (Ravindran Kesavan)

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Dear HST,

If admakaraka is with ketu then ketu is not in 12th house from nadmakarakamsa but in 1st. (Where the admakaraka is located in navamsa is considered to be an assendant called Admakarakamsa). The first house is not the house of moksha.Twelth is - Ketu has to be there for moksha.


This does not eleminite the possibility of moksha if other combinations for moksha prevail. I dont know of them in detail One combination is parijata yoga. Other learned astrologers might enlighten on other combinations of moksha.


Having stated that, my own personal opinion is that Moksha and astrology are not compatiable. Let me explain. For one who got moksha or jeevan mukthi, astrology will not work as they are freed from the grip of karma. That is what liberation means - they are not bound by karma and hence planets do not predict their life, as planets are mearly instruments of the laws of karma. To put this argument in another way, if you are intented to get moksha, you will get it inspite of the planetory conditions. Planets will have no power to prevent it. There is no need to check the yoga for moksha. All that is required is upasana. To argue in another way, God is above planets and can grace any creature and grand moksha. God is not subjected to the laws of planet or karma as god is a free being above karma. After all god created those planets and hence beyond their power.


Hence it is a mistake to assume one cannot get moksha as there is no combination for it in the horoscope and waste one's life in other persuits.

sincere attempt for mokaha will be richly rewarded in spite of the adverse planetory combinations. What can planet do when God decides to free from their grips? And to assume god will not do it is to assume God does not have free will and God is not omnipotent - that is God is powerless in the grip of planets.. That is a mistake. Isnt it?




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