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Dying Without Pain And In Peace

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Looks rather like an advertising slogan of a new business, than actually thinking of benefitting people. However, more and more people seek for relieve of pain, can't tolerate it anymore to live in a diseased condition.

Austrian Comedian Herbie Fux lived his last days in so much pain that he asked for euthanasia.

Today, May 25, he would have become 80 years old. He prefered to die on Tuesday, his relatives comenting, he couldn't take the pain anymore he said he didn't want to suffer like that.

Euthanasia seems once again to revive in the EU, especially more and more prominent people like pianist Georges-Adrien Chevalier, are chosing this way to leave the world in dignity.

The Church is criticizing this development heavily, comenting, children are only taking birth nowadays by cesarean delivery and old people are demanding for assisted suicide.

In Switzerland the news says that many old people are complaining that euthanasia would be with 8000 Dollar too expensive but the government introduces now an option for the poor that costs only 400 dollar.

In Zurich they opened a so called "euthanasia hospiz", a place where people can go to die.

It is a development from which one obviously dissociates but it's probably unimaginable to do without such epochal achievements.

There's lately a strong rush to Euthanasia orgs the news says.

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