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sadhu-sangha – association with the sadhu, devotee of Krishna, is the root-cause of K

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Lend our ear to those persons who have very little to do with this world




The servitors of Godhead will always look to our interest. In this material world, our friends sometimes like us and sometimes they turn against us. But in sādhu-sanga there is an opportunity of hearing about our original home from the lips of persons who are quite familiar with the same.

With this means there is something to learn.


What would you like to know?






Change Our Mentality



If we neglect the opportunity we shall repent in the long run. Their words will lift us and change our mentality. All sorts of puzzling questions will be solved if only we lend our ear to those persons who have very little to do with this world.

Again, who is willing to hear?






Hear of the transcendental world



Our situations in this world are liable to change like fogs and mists. As intelligent men, our prudent nature should manage sometimes to hear of the transcendental world, instead of being unaccountably diffident (Not forward but reticent or reserved in manner). An incredulous (sceptical, doubtful, or cynical) attitude will not give us the opportunity to hear of such things.:pray:

this is understood as it seems the 'attitude' is the cause of not hearing.


in humility that arrogance is also within the 'i' of Understanding!


as maybe the arrogance of self still exists within the body of the living mind,


even in the failure of patience, knowledge is being learned.


So as many will see the words of truth and know them when observed, the identity of the truth will have no name until the time reveals itself.


So enjoy what good can be acheived and put on a seat belt as the experience is on the horizon.

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Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada:

"The church that has the best chance of survival in this damned world is that of atheism under the convenient guise of theism. The churches have always proved the staunchest upholders of the grossest form of worldliness from which even the worst non-ecclesiastical criminals are found to recoil.


It is not from any deliberate opposition to the ordained clergy that these observations are made. The original purpose of the established churches of the world may not always be objectionable. But no stable religious arrangement for instructing the masses has yet been successful."


:smash: :smash: :smash: :smash: :smash:

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