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Adenoma Of Liver

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Respected Doctors ,

My daughter aged 18 suffered from stomach pain on 5<SUP>th</SUP>,6<SUP>th</SUP> and 7<SUP>th</SUP> Feb’08.

On 8th Feb'08 she was shown to Dr( Gynocologist ). After undergone ultra sound scan (in which a solid hepatic mass was observed in Right lobe of liver ), Dr. advised her to go to a Gastroenterologist .

On 11.2.08 , she was shown to Dr.( Surgeon in GI ) and following Tests/Diagnosis/Treatment have been organized.

11.02.2008 - Ultrasound Scan – Atrophic changes in Rt.lobe of liver with hypertrophy of quadrate lobe and thrombosis of portal vein and portal cavernoma.

11.02.2008-Upper GI Endoscopy & Colonoscopy- Normal

11.02.2008 - Biochemistry – Liver Function Test , AFT, CBP and Serum Creatine

12.02.2008 - CT Scan – 1.Heterogeniously enhancing lesion in right lobe with non visualized right portal vein(! Compressed ) and isodense in delayed phase 2. Few small lesions in left lobe. 3.No Ascites - ! Atypical hemangioma , ! Adenoma , ! Mesenchymal lesion.

After going through all the above reports Dr. suggested her to under go Diagnostic Laparoscopy.

14.02.2008 - Admitted in the hospital and ECG , RBG , Serum Electrolytes , ProthambinTime , ESR , FBG , X Ray etc., were conducted.

15.02.2008 - Diagnostic Laparoscopy Surgery + FNAC + Punch Biopsy was conducted. ( Operative findings : Large tumor arising from right lobe of liver and Multiple smaller nodules found in left lobe. )

21/22.02.2008 – Biopsy and Cytology Reports say No evidence of Malignancy and Features are that of steatosis of liver.

After going through the above reports, Dr. suggested her to under go MRI for further investigation.

28.02.2008 – MRI Test – Right lobe liver well encapsulated heterogeneously enhancing mass lesion with non opacified portal vein. Suggests the possibility of neoplastic lesion probably fibrolamellar HCC. Segment 8 lesions probably represents metastasis.

Due to the above report Dr. suggested her to under go Tru cut liver biopsy .

01.03.2008 – Tru cut liver biopsy conducted

06.03.2008 – Report of Tru cut biopsy suggested that Adenoma needs exclusion.

<SUP> </SUP>After going through the above reports ,Dr. suggested her to under go surgery for removal of mass from the liver lobes.

After taking opinions from other surgeons and radiologists , she has been admitted in the hospital for surgery.

12.03.2008 - Admitted in the hospital and CBP , BG&T , LFT , ProthambinTime , Immunology ,ECG , X Ray FBG , Serum Electrolytes etc., were conducted.

14.03.2008 – Exploratory Laparotomy + Wedge Biopsy of Left Lobe SOL + Tru cut Biopsy of Right lobe SOL conducted.

Operation Findings –

(1). Evidence of right lobe segment 5,6,7 – 10x 8 cm large exophytic mass.

(2) Trucut biopsy and frozen – s/o adenoma.

(3) Evidence of multiple adenoma – Palpable in bothright and left lobe .

(4) Left lobe 3x2 cm adenoma – wedge excision and frozen – s/o adenoma –No evidence of malignancy.

(5) No ascites / deposits.

In view of multiple SOL presenting both lobes of liver excision was abandoned. Frozen section suggested hepatic adenoma.

Dr. indicated the necessity for Liver Transplantation in future ( after two or three years ) if multiple adenomas create problem.

19.03.2008 – Discharged from hospital. Advised three weeks post operative care and rest.

As mass of size 10 X 8 cm ( even though benign only ) could not be removed , what will be future course of action AYURVEDA suggests as treatment to my daughter

Thanking you

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Dearest sir ji

thre are many nice and good compound In Ayurveda from which miracle had done and i m sure u will got better positive treatment from Ayurveda.. and from my opinion whre the weastern medicines ends the Ayurveda starts.. thanks for sending all details about ur daughter.. i would like to know have u ever tried ayurveda medicines before or have u went to Any Ayurveda physican ?? where are u from .. ??

thre are many medicine in Ayurveda for liver like ..

lela vilas ras

dharti loah

prawal panchamrit ras

aakeek pisti

prawal pisti..


1X2 puria dose twice a day with honey ..

along with it..

Daily intake of Amala Juice or sweet Amala for lactating mother

Pure Vanshalochan (125mg) twice a day with honey or milk to small kid

Lime water 2 Drops mixed with 10 drop of water or milk given to child

Pipali powder 250mg mixed with honey twice a day to child .


Chikitsa (Treatment ) The best medicine for the cirrhoiss of the liver is :-


Bringraja (eclipta alba ), the juice of the plant mixed with honey is administrated in dose of one Tea spoon trice a day in case of Infantile cirrhosis.


Katuki (Picrorrhia Kurroa ) is the Drug of choice for cirrhosis among the adults, one tea spoonful of the powder, mixed with an equal amount of honey is administrated thrice a day

Arogyavardhani vati 2-2 tablets twice a day can be administrated as a good result in liver disorder.

.. i havnt diagnose ur daughter.. and if ur nearer to my place its would be nice to bring ur daughter for PUlse diagnose and other examination.. so that i will be in more confortable position to tell u about the treatment for ur daughter..


adwait tripathi

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