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Prison inmate demands eating sanctified food (prasad)in jail

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Inmate Sues for Prasadam


by Bhakta Mike

Posted May 13, 2008


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    In response to a law suit citing obstruction of religious practice, the Arizona attorney general has requested the Tucson Iskcon temple and Govinda's Natural Foods Restaurant to provide three meals a day for inmate Jeff Walls, a Hare Krishna devotee in Federal Prison.




    Walls told the state that eating the prison food violated his religious practice of only eating sanctified food prepared in a clean, meat free kitchen by a Brahman with spiritual consciousness.


    The attorney generals office is negotiating with temple president Sandamini devi to provide those meals.




    Since the prison is over an hour away, the prasad meals would be kept frozen and picked up on a bi-weekly basis for distribution.


    The state is mandated to provide prisoners with meals according to their religious beliefs such as kosher and halal meals, so why not prasad? This may be the first in a series of sanctified meals demanded by Krishna devotees imprisoned all over the country who are concerned about their upliftment and purification.




    Undoubtedly this would be very pleasing to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna.



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I'll wanna get thrown in jail so I could do time (chanting Hare KRSNA!) and take prasad. Beats working for a living!

You have never been locked up krsna. When younger I got picked up and charged with possessing hashish. They did not prosecute but I did spend 48 days in a maximum security prision because I could not make bail. It's no personal bhajan kutir. The human association is less than ideal, the place being populated with the most violent of society concentrated in one tight living spot.:mad2:


Not to mention the low class disembodieds that are drawn to the place. Ghost city. Scary place.




Better to have a job sweeping the street.

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