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Hello All,

I hope everyone doing well. I want to donate a portion of my salary. I dont have much knowledge regarding where to donate. I really need help to figure out where to donate money. I dont want to donate under ignorance, where the money is not needed or used. I know in india there are lot of NGOs that need money.I have short listed few places i would like to donate. Please do write your comments/suggestions. I really appreciate anyone's help. Thank you. May krsna bless everyone.:)



  1. Elderly home
  2. Blind School
  3. Orphanage
  4. Girl's education
  5. Burma Fund
  6. donating food (rice, milk, flour etc) to poor and needy people.
  7. Buying Srimad Bhagwatam and Bhagwat geeta and donating in iskcon(if its allowed??)
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Here is a website to go to: http://www.radhashyamsundar.com/ I suggest you read about the history of the deity. Today I received this e-mail from the webmaster of this site. I have corresponded with him and he is asking for our help:


Dear Devotees of Shri Shyamsundar


Vrindavana as the name suggests is the forest of Tulasi leaves. This forest is also filled with various other aromatic flowers unique only to this place. Vrindavana is the land of Krishna, so it is very appropriate for His devotees to find out an occasion to utilize all fragrant flowers in His service. And occasion is the festival known as Phool Bunglow. This festival is only celebrated in Vrindavana during which all the Deities adorn Themselves with dresses made out of flowers and the temples are bedecked with garlands of flowers, filling the minds and bodies of those who pass by with not only the fragrance but also with the beautiful forms of Radha and Krishna.


Shrimati Radharani said – person who will offer floral dresses and ornaments, bed and umbrella made out of flowers to Shri Shri Shyamsundar, will be blessed with all comforts of life and at last achieve the sweet abode of the Lord.


Shri Shri Radha Shyamsundar Mandir, Shri Vrindavana Dham celebrates this festival for 101 days.


This year:

Starting date: 8<SUP>th</SUP> May 2008

Ending date: 18<SUP>th</SUP> July 2008

Phool Bunglow Vishesha Darshan: from 6 pm to 9 pm


You too can become that fortunate person to serve Shri Shri Radha Shyamsundar by sponsoring the "phool bunglow seva"




Maha Phool Bunglow – Rs 51,000/-

Vishesha Phool Bunglow – Rs 21,000/-

Sadharana Phool Bunglow – Rs 11,000/-

Chota Phool Bunglow – Rs 3,100/-


For more details contact: 09412226368/09945643032


Devotees interested in online transfer can contact krishna@radhashyamsundar.com


Your servant,


Aishwarya Kumar



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I don't have the websites handy (although I can look them up if you like) but there are several projects in Vrndavana that are worthy options for those who have a little extra gink and would like to be of service: aid for the abandoned widows in Vrndavana, restoring the forests of Vrndavana, and restoring the Vraja kunds (over 100 of them.) Nice sukriti if you are so inclined towards that type of seva. I like the idea of helping the elderly in your short list. The Vrndavana widows would qualify in that category. There are also aging Vaishnavis (worldwide) who would like to retire in the Dhama but cannot do so without assistance.

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These widows are good simple vaisnavas. I saw a documentary once on these woman and in some cases even their sons have abandoned them, so they spend their last days in the dhaam. One lady I saw was very old, sleeping on the floor with a beautiful picture of Nitaai-Gaura.


It would be nice to assist the project that is caring for her:pray:.

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I don't have the websites handy (although I can look them up if you like) but there are several projects in Vrndavana that are worthy options for those who have a little extra gink and would like to be of service: aid for the abandoned widows in Vrndavana, restoring the forests of Vrndavana, and restoring the Vraja kunds (over 100 of them.) Nice sukriti if you are so inclined towards that type of seva. I like the idea of helping the elderly in your short list. The Vrndavana widows would qualify in that category. There are also aging Vaishnavis (worldwide) who would like to retire in the Dhama but cannot do so without assistance.



Thank you so much for ur wonderful reply. Actually the widows in vrindavan was on top of my list i dont know why it slipped through my mind, thanks for your suggestion again. I have seen a documentry on this and its really touching. I am hoping to visit vrindavan this yr (that is if krsna wants) and i will definately make it a point to donate as much as i can. Thank you once again. May krsna bless you forever!

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These widows are good simple vaisnavas. I saw a documentary once on these woman and in some cases even their sons have abandoned them, so they spend their last days in the dhaam. One lady I saw was very old, sleeping on the floor with a beautiful picture of Nitaai-Gaura.


It would be nice to assist the project that is caring for her:pray:.


Thank you for ur reply bija. I really appeciate it! Did you see the documentry named widows in india, i cant post the url, but you can search widows in india and you will find it.


thanks once again. may krsna bless you always.

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