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about functional malefics

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Hello and blessings to all :)


I have many many questions regarding Vedic astrology, but for now I want to ask you about functional malefic and benefic planets. For example for an Ascendant in Taurus Jupiter is functional malefic being the 8th lord. If in a horoscope with Lagna Taurus, Jupiret is weak (say in Capricorn, and that would place him in the 9th house) then what do you think that his energy is likely to manifest? Is it good for a functional malefic to be weak, or its even worse?

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The order of good or bad results is the same that we follow for atmakaraka - exalted-friend-neutral-enemy-debilitated.


It depends upon the aspects too. Since jupiter signifies guru, marriage in case of females, etc - results will vary with other planetary aspects and jupiter's relation in the natal chart with the planets sitting in those houses.


rastaban, you will end up being a jack of all and master of none - JUST LIKE ME. Lets do a basic vedic-astro course first. And pls dont begin with your stain-gun of hundred more questions which i need to read ten times to understand.



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Dear rastban

I joined the forum yesterday and i too am intersted in the same quet as you i.e. regarding debilitation of a functional malefic being good or bad, etc.


I saw on tv, a renowned astrologer was telling about the effects of jupiter inn different houses for taurus ascendant.


What he told that jupiter is not a good planet for taurus ascendant and from what i can recall the effect of jupiter in house 9 will be loss of religion, father, and bad luck etc.


When you find time please tell me what a malefic in a dusthaana do. does it give good or bad results

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Hi novice. I myself have jupiter in 5th degree capricorn in the navamsha (taurus ascendand navamsha)..hope that other aspects are more auspicious!

Well I started recently to read about Vedic astrology because I like sidereal..but Im a bit confused..anyway I found a website that may be of interest for your query. It is in the jyotish.tribe.net and the thread begins with: All dusthana lords in 12th house.

Good luck :)


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