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What are the differences?

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What are the differences and similarities between the Hebrew prophets and Indias Holy men? I'm writing a paper for school and need some help. From what I've read so far(and that isn't much) I see similarities, but can't find the differences, could someone tell me where to look? or possibly post some references please?


Thank you much,



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I cant answer your question directly dharma, but here is a thought that comes to mind:


The hebrew prophets were 'nation-conscious' in their preaching. To purify the whole nation of Israel. They removed constantly in their preaching all foreign gods, teachings, and such elements, seeing them as defilements. They saw their suffering as a nation being caused by these foreign defilements. Such was the teaching of their prophets.


The Srimad Bhagavatam written by the Indian Holy Man Vyasadeva spoke of a much 'broader-consciosuness' and vision. Loving devotion (bhakti) to God.


This is the difference I see. The hebrew prophets were focused on purifying a nation. The Indian sages saw things from a 'universal perspective'.


Can this loving devotion be found in the bible? Devotion to God?


If so the next question would be is there similarity between the devotion of the hebrew prophets and the devotion of the Indian sage?


Maybe looking into that is where you may find some differences! For example, by asking the question...what is the goal of devotion?


The tradition I follow is bhakti (devotional) yoga....the goal of that devotion is to serve and give pleasure to Krsna in loving dealings.


What was the goal of the hebrew prophets?

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What are the differences and similarities between the Hebrew prophets and Indias Holy men?
Location and culture. During each period in time, there are men and women whom each of us hold true to their interpretations and delivering of good material knowledge. Almost like the wise of the period.

As time passes their knowledge conveys and others build from the previous contributions. Just as now your choice of work is in observing the interpretations of previous teachers but the beauty is when more than one opinion is being learned for an assessment.

With your assessment and the combining of the material opinions and observations a possible evolution can convey and who knows maybe you could be a profit of compassionate knowledge for our future generations.

It’s all about the choice, the contributors offered their time, energy and experience to convey understanding for the next generations. From any religion in recorded history, each contributed knowledge for life to continue. Compassion is the beauty of the conscious. The combining basis that each offered was the human experience to life. It is the words and how the material is conveyed that often share different versions but universally, compassionate associations are the primary theme.

So like wise the theme from this opinion is to share knowledge learned over the short period this “I” has experienced.


I'm writing a paper for school and need some help. From what I've read so far(and that isn't much) I see similarities, but can't find the differences, could someone tell me where to look?
It’s at your finger tips. Run a google for any questions you have. That is the beauty of the internet, you can observe material knowledge from most every university on the earth.

Please observe these little reminders and when the universal truth behind the comprehension sets in, teach another.

a few items for thought;

Each makes their own choice.

Always be honest with yourself.

Good: supports life

Bad: loss to the common

Use these as tools when you experience that choice. :>:>

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