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in light if the unfortunate thread about the young man who committed suiciede.....what does the vedas say about suicide...what happpens to that persons soul......also what happens to babby souls when they die.....what happened to them that they had to die like that...what do the sceiptures say

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From the vedic viewpoint as far as I understand and have realized the soul is encased by two bodies, subtle and gross. As the gross body is extinguished the soul remains encased by the subtle body that has been cultivated.


The theory of re-incarnation is that when the soul is ready another gross body forms around the subtle body, that encases the soul, to suit its needs.


The subtle body is considered to be made up of intelligence, mind, and false ego. False ego is identifiying with the body both gross and subtle as the self. Which is not the case from the vedic viewpoint.


Liberation can develop even while in these bodies if we realize the true self.


I had a NDE many years ago and entered more subtle aspects of being, the realm of the subtle body and false ego. Identifying oneself with such phenomena while in this realm may be quite distressing for some, if they see frightful figures etc. But in some eastern thought and even some strains of buddhism these mental projections are nothing but that, mental projections.


If we can realize we are none of these mental projections and even more importantly, if we have cultivated through meditation hence spiritualizing the mind, we can then move through this subtle mind encasing.


In regards to people who commit suicide there may be various opinions...but personally I would say hard and fast rules may not always hold the absolute truth. But one thing that my intelligence can see is that the structure of this world is such that it is binding. So the wise man will cultivate if he has the good fortune of time.


I have no idea about babies and this young man....thats a big picture that no hard and fast text may give the full plan of the divine, in my humble opinion. I dont reckon God can be put in a box, if he is all love he surely can bend his own rules if he is absolute potency.

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The Bhagavatam describes "Weak-willed" persons who can become possessed by a ghost [a ghost is a soul embodied only in a 'subtle body' (mind, intelligence & false ego) --a ghost has lost the 'gross body' (earth, water, fire, air, either)]:


Deep intoxication will expose one to being possessed by a roaming spirit seeking a body to live out pleasures attainable only via a gross body.


Suicide kills the gross body while keeping the subtle-body intact and still conscious after death of the gross body.


Suicide is an action that interupts the performance of one's alloted dharma.


Death at the hands of destiny affords the soul to acknowledge the lessons of one's own life at it own organic pace --while in the pursuence of one's own fate at one's own level of acculturated karma.

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