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Struggling in life for the last 7 years

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I have been working very hard for the last 7 years and looking for a suitable job which would utilize my true potential but haven't been successful...i would like to know when i would be able to find my dream job???...also when is a good time for me to get married. Here's my birth details.....


DOB: 18 Nov 1976

Time of birth: 07:35 AM

Place of birth: Chitradurga, Karnataka, India

Coordinates: Latitude: 014:14:N / Longitude: 076:24:E


I would really appreciate your response.


Thanks in advance.


Best Regards,

Vedic Student

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you mean to say that you are un-employed for the last seven years...!!


Actually i have been employed all along with a few breaks, but the job was very ordinary and not at all to my liking and potential.I would appreciate if you could read my chart regarding employment and fortune.


Best Regards,

Vedic Student

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sure, I will try.

Provide details regarding when you remain employed and when you are not?


Thank you for your reply.I started working for this company on June 18 2001 and left the company on Jan 6 2003,was unemployed for 11 months till Dec 3 2003 when i went back to the same company and started working again in the same position, i literally had no improvement in my career for 4 years till i was let go on Jul 19 2007 and have been unemployed ever since.I would really appreciate if you could foresee any opportunities in the near future.


Best Regards,

Vedic Student

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Scorpio rises in the Lagna; and Mars, Mercury and the Sun are placed therein. 2nd and 5th Lord Jupiter is placed in 7th house. second house is occupied by Venus and the Moon is placed in 11th house. No doubt, the apparent position of planets seems to be quite good. But, the weakness of Lagna Lord Mars due to being Combust; placement of Saturn in 9th house; 9th Lord Moon coming under malefic aspect of Saturn and the operation of Rahu's Mahadasa during carreer building days when it is placed in 12th house, denies support of luck in overall matters of life. The rate of progress remains very slow under such situations. In addition to this, you are also under Sade-Sati.

Till 28 May 2008, you will remain under antardasa of Moon in Mahadasa of Mars; and it will be followed by antardasa of Mars till 16 June 2009. The next Mahadasa will be of Jupiter which is also got debilitated in Navamsha Chart. Things are not much favorable and positive. Therefore, only with the help of astrological remedies, you can think of some improvement in overall matters of life including profession, health, finance, social and domestic life.

Offer/donate mustard Oil and Sabut Urad in Shani Temple on Every Saturday.

Recite Bajrang Ban on Saturdays.

Offer Black Sesame (Kale Til) to Ants on Every Saturday.

Wear good quality ruby (Manik) weight 5 carats.

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