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A Dog Cannot Digest Ghee

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Could be that Vaishnavas in the West have to be more merciful to pick up people where they're stuck and gradually when there's more advancement introduce ghee.

Below a discussion to sell Australian ghee to India.


Bali-mardana: But now they are going to cut down the amount of ghee they make, because not many countries are buying ghee.

Prabhupāda: India is not buying?

Bali-mardana: Not so much.

Prabhupāda: They have learned to eat meat. Meat-eaters, they don’t like ghee. Meat-eaters, they say (Hindi)."A dog cannot digest ghee". Because they are meat-eaters.

Bhāgavata: Here’s some more ghee.

Bali-mardana: These are all the book distributors. They have all come for your darśana with ghee.

Bhāgavata: Soon I will not be able to see you.

Jayatīrtha: Also meat-eaters can’t stand the smell of ghee cooking. No?

Prabhupāda: This ghee should be distributed in all our Indian centers.



Evening Darśana

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

February 25, 1977, Māyāpura

full conversation: http://causelessmercy.com/t/t/770225ed.may.htm





Prabhupāda: So about ten rupees, Indian ten rupees.

Bali-mardana: Although the rate in India they give less, for some reason, because it was just devalued. So it’s about 8.90 for cash, about 9.70 for Australian travelers checks.

Prabhupāda: No, the Amer…, is ten rupees. It is one kilo?

Bhāgavata: This is two kilos. Four pounds, 6.5.

Prabhupāda: So about five rupees per kilo. Very cheap.

Bhāgavata: That’s forty rupees… No… Kg…

Bali-mardana: Forty per kg.

Bhāgavata: No. It’s forty rupees for two kgs.

Bali-mardana: Yes. Twenty.

Bhāgavata: Twenty rupees per kg. If you tried to buy some ghee in India now, butter ghee, you’d have to pay about twenty-five rupees.

Bali-mardana: But this… The export… The Australian ghee in Australia is cheaper. This is export quality, is much higher quality. Higher…

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Below a conversation about the smell when something like puris are fried in ghee.

Seems like there're people who even can't bear the smell of ghee.


Prabhupāda: And in Burma, my Guru Mahārāja opened a branch. So when they were frying puri, the, nice ghee, all the tenants, “Oh! What you are…!?” They cannot tolerate. But in Burma, there is a preparation which is called nafi. The nafi means that a, a big jar will be kept on the door, and whatever animals, insect, cockroaches will die, they’ll put in that. And during rainy season, it will be filled with water. And it will be kept for years. Then… And the bad smell was so terrible that if somebody would open the lid, it will immediately create very bad smell. So after some years, they will strain the water and keep in bottle. And when there is festival, they’ll supply it in small… That is called nafi. And they’ll take it very pleasantly. And when they were frying ghee, “Oh! What you are doing, this?!”


Morning Walk Conversation

with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

March 6, 1974, Māyāpura



full conversation: http://causelessmercy.com/t/t/740306mw.may.htm

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