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Need Astrologers advice...Lagna lord in 12th house

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Hi Eminent Astrologers and Experts. Please guide me..

I need Prediction regarding my professional life and future married life.


My Details are =>

Sex : male

Date of Birth : 04-jan-1983

Place of Birth : Coimbatore(Tamil Nadu)

Lat and Long : 11.00 N, 77.00 E.

Time of Birth : 6:36 AM


Based on vedic astrology(southern)



Im facing lot of backups and delays in my professional life.

Based on Southern(Vedic) astrology i came across these doubts.. Need clarification on these...


Does Saturn in 11th house (LAbha sthana) Cause Financial problems!!?But it seems saturn is in exalted state in libra


Also Astrologers said that lagna lord in 12th house causes the problem. Then which periods and sub periods will be good for me?


Will the Rahu in 7th house(Gemini) do any effect in my marriage life?

How will be my Rahu dasa? Is Rahu malefic to me? Any remedies for it?What are the houses to be noted while match making?

Which color is my luckier one?PLEASE PROVIDE ME YOUR EXPERTS ADVICE...

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Dear Sanjeeva rao,

Im glad to get reply from you... My name is Mohanraj.Im employed in a private concern two years back. Facing lot of financial problems and "lack of Recognition from my superiors". And my trip to foreign is keep on getting post poned.

Consulting astrologers and reading my own chart by myself by referring to some astro related books and websites. I found these flaws in that... But im not clear enough in certain concepts given above me as doubts.


my questions

1. When will be my financial and Recognition problems wil got over and get my foreign travel opputunity.For this astrologers said about the placement of saturn in profit place and my lagna lord in 12th house.

2. How wil be my forth coming Rahu dasa. Since it is placed in 7th house(position of marriage and life partner).want to know whether its malefic or how to face the dasa.


Please through some light on this.

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Dear Mohan Raj,

You are in Sani Sadesath since 9/2004 .It is upto 11/2011. Do prayers/puja to Sani on every Saturday till the end of this period for relief from present problems.

For Dhanur Lagna Saturn in 11<SUP>th</SUP> its exaltation sign is benefic and gives all financial gains and other things related to 11<SUP>th</SUP> house. This is exclusive to Dhanur lagna born people only.

Jupitor the 1<SUP>st</SUP> and 4<SUP>th</SUP> lord is having dwi-kendradhi-pati dosha looses its dosha being placed in 12<SUP>th</SUP> and becomes a benefic.It aspects its own house 4,6<SUP>th</SUP> and 8<SUP>th</SUP>.it helps mother ,home.free from disease and gives longevity etc.The placement of Saturn in 11<SUP>th</SUP> towards longevity is nullified by Jupitor's aspect on 8<SUP>th</SUP>. You wear Kanakapushya Rag in a ring on index finger to strenghthen lagna lord.

Pitrukaraka Sun is vargottamam is lord of 9<SUP>th</SUP> is in lagna. Matrukaraka Moon is vargottamam is in 9<SUP>th</SUP>. Ketu is in lagna.This makes you timid and feels you are always watched and controlled by elders and bosses.

Rahu in 7<SUP>th</SUP> is in his own constellation and it’s sublord is Sani is powerful and makes the 7<SUP>th</SUP> house powerful. This delays marriage .The aspect of Sun the 9<SUP>th</SUP> lord on Rahu creates a situation that your would be wife tries to control your family life and your family members.

Rahu dasa will be ok except when Rahu/Jupitor, Rahu/Budha, Sukra,Kuja subperiods cause tension due to 6-8,8-6 relation. Pray Rahu during this period.

Try to control your sexual urge for other women and get married with a good girl. This is only a caution.

Thanks for reminding me.

With best wishes,


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Dear Sanjeeva rao Ji,

Thank you for your reply. I got claified in the palcement regarding Saturn and rahu. I have doubt in this line what u have said. I cant get you what you are about to say in this line ---

"The placement of Saturn in 11<SUP>th</SUP> towards longevity is nullified by Jupitor's aspect on 8<SUP>th</SUP>. "


Also wat u mean By sun and Moon vargottamam. Any Benefic Yogas Avialable in my chart?


Regarding your suggestion on wearing Kanakapushya Rag, I have another query.

If u check the Navamsa chart, Jupiter is in Mercury house virgo(lagna) made Parivarthana with Mercury in meena rashi... Sincce these both are enemic to each other. What i mean is, since Jupite is placed in enemies house in Navamsa Chart- Is it good to wear Kanakapushya Rag?


In navamsa i find one more thing also like --> Mars is in seventh place to Venus and again Venus in seventh to Mars. means both aspecting each other!! what it means! Is it good


Please bear me with my queries. Expecting ur answer.


Thank you


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Dear Mohanraj,

you couldn't get because i don't want you to know.It is intentional.But your curious mind grasped. Saturn for Dhanurlagna person is very good in 11th. Saturn is karaka for longevity. 11th Saturn tries to reduce the longevity of Dhanur lagna person.In your case this is nullified by Jupitor.

Regarding navamsa , in my experience it is extremely useful in knowing the time of marriage and special nature of planets wrt Rasi Chart. Rasi chart is the main one and navamsa is a fractional representation of Rasi chart.So don't break your head over Navamsa Chart.


with best wishes,


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Dear Sanjeeva rao Ji,

Im very much pleased with your replies. Your predictions are making me to get clear regarding my doubts. As you said, My curiosity has got two more question too.(Regarding foreign trip and Yoga towards foreign travel)


i have given my chart in astrological software tool to analyze.But mainly for foreign trip analysis. The tool predicted for "Ruby" and use red related things. My doubt is "Can i wear ruby! Is it Worthfull to wear Ruby in Rahu mahadasa period? since rahu and sun are enemies i got this question"


q2. As you said "navamsa- is extremely useful in knowing the time of marriage" May i know about my marriage life.


Thank you very much for your replies.



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