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Milk Alert – How Milk is Contaminated

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One question I have is how did you tell the difference between Nrsinghadev's illness and mine? How come one is so-called, but you are so compassionate to me?


It's not compasion. You explained your situation. At first I didn't accept your objection either. I have advocated for animal rights on the net for many years and I am serious whenI say I have heard ten thousand times the arguement that "I need meat for my health". When such people allow themselves to be pushed they have never been able to come up with a viable reason why they need to eat meat to avoid very serious health complications. Never once. It is such a common and lame excuse.


Now if some says they are trying but having trouble breaking the meat(or milk) habit even though they know it is wrong that is another thing. I can't force anything on anyone but I have zero patience left for people who won't even admit what they are doing is wrong and even feel justified in their continuing.


Some devotees fall into this category with their commercial milk use. Basically devotees give lip service to cows while engaging in their continuing suffering. Cover up the pretense.


An example is I posted a picture of 80 dairy cow carcasses hung up after being slaughtered in Peru. That picture was promptly removed by moderators. Too much reality for them I guess. Better to keep the illusion running, right boys?


Anyway anyone who is ready to face the truth of where their milk comes from can google image on dairy cows slaughtered and see for yourself. Should be the first picture that comes up.

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It's not compasion. You explained your situation. At first I didn't accept your objection either. I have advocated for animal rights on the net for many years and I am serious whenI say I have heard ten thousand times the arguement that "I need meat for my health". When such people allow themselves to be pushed they have never been able to come up with a viable reason why they need to eat meat to avoid very serious health complications. Never once. It is such a common and lame excuse.


Now if some says they are trying but having trouble breaking the meat(or milk) habit even though they know it is wrong that is another thing. I can't force anything on anyone but I have zero patience left for people who won't even admit what they are doing is wrong and even feel justified in their continuing.


Some devotees fall into this category with their commercial milk use. Basically devotees give lip service to cows while engaging in their continuing suffering. Cover up the pretense.


An example is I posted a picture of 80 dairy cow carcasses hung up after being slaughtered in Peru. That picture was promptly removed by moderators. Too much reality for them I guess. Better to keep the illusion running, right boys?


Anyway anyone who is ready to face the truth of where their milk comes from can google image on dairy cows slaughtered and see for yourself. Should be the first picture that comes up.


Please try to understand that I love these cows. I do not want to do anything to hurt them. I just can't explain myself...I know I am wrong. But I am not even doing anything to change, because I CANT. I am a child still and I am under the care of parents. When I go to college I will definitely give it up, I don't care about this temporary material body anymore.

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Please try to understand that I love these cows. I do not want to do anything to hurt them. I just can't explain myself...I know I am wrong. But I am not even doing anything to change, because I CANT. I am a child still and I am under the care of parents. When I go to college I will definitely give it up, I don't care about this temporary material body anymore.

Now you are starting to worry me. I know you love the cows. I know you have seen the truth of the situation and would and will change when you can and IF you can.


But please please please don't give commercial milk up out of sentiment in your situation. I looked up your disease on the net a learned a little about it and you would be making a mistake to stop doing what you are presently doing without a doctor or qualified health practioner advising you.


I broke my own no milk principle this afternoon because of my own medical emergency and I feel ZERO quilt about it. Let me explain. As I have mentioned I am an insulin dependent diabetic. I took my regular dose of insulin this morning but hardly ate anything. A mistake on my part. My second mistake was leaving the house without some quick sugary food like fruit or something. Well I started experiencing the effects of low blood sugar from the insulin and no food. When this happens one starts to suddenly feel very weak and lightheaded. One also starts sweating profuslely and if a quick sugar meal does not get eatten right away one can pass out and even die in a coma state.


I was feeling like I was close to blacking out. I had some peppermint candy with me but it wasn't enough. Fortunately I was close to a drug store and I ducked in and grabbed the first candy bars I saw which turned out to be three Butterfingers. I paid for them got outside and immediately started eating them. Actual shoveling the first one into my mouth after barely being able to get the wrapper off.


I knew there was milk chocolate in those bars and that the milk came from commercial sources but I couldn't let that bother me then.


Now that was an emergency that is rare but if I had a disease that required me to take in dairy products on a daily basis as you do I would take the dairy and it is my strong belief that you should also.


You are young enough and intelligent enough to do extensive research on the subject in the coming years and make a gradual transition from dairy to appropriate alternatives if there are any. Not caring for the body anymore means not caring for it as a source of sense gratification but it is a tool krsna has given you to glorify Him and so you must take care of it and not do anything rash.


I plead with you once again not to make any decisions based on sentiment alone. You may be in a young girls form now but you are an advanced soul and have come to earth to spread Krishna consciousness. This is very obvious to me. That is your prime business and nothing should interfer with that.

For some good reason we can't see right now Krishna has placed you in this uncomfortable situation but in time that reason will be made clear to you by Him also.

Until then be patient OK? NO DIETARY CHANGES!!!:smash:

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Yes, nothing is working. Doctors are unconcerned, too.

Osteopenia is the stage right before osteoperosis. I am a very rare case. Not many 14 year olds have osteopenia.

I don't care too much about this temporary body but it is affecting my devotional service.


I will do some homework on this topic TBC.


But, now I will write from memory that which I can re-call.



Vitamins are NOT stored in the body.


Minerals (both alkaline ones and acidic ones) provide Vitamins and 'enzymatic' catalysts for all metabolic activities--"enzymatic catalysts" is a fancy way of saying, 'digestion' or 'metabolize'.


Your condition is a malady of 'improper digestive ability due to loss of 'enzymatic' catalysts'--ergo mineral lose. But, your condition may have this malady but now it also has the malady of build up of ama-like (acidic-state) compounds that must be expelled [by way of the body's noraml routes: urine and sweat and respiration--'litmus' <FROM chemist-shop>paper wetted with the first morning urination will confirm your body's level of acidity].


The "leaching" of calcium (an alkaline mineral) from your bone structure is a sign that A) you are intaking acidic foodstuffs that have overworked your liver and kindeys to the point where the said organs have been depleted of theirown stores of alkaline minerials--therefore the said organs are working without much affect.


The second sign is B) past intakes of acidity-producing foodstuffs have already passed through the filtering organs: liver and kindeys and have now been put into storage--these indicates that acidic impurities (ama) has been encapsulated by calcium and thrown back into the blood circulation where stays until it lodges in bone (think: spurs, bunyons, corns) or more famously it lodges into fat cells--all into locations as far as possible from vital organs.


Your body is in a state of "Acidity".<TECHNICALLY: state ?rust? with synonymus is ?oxidize? wrod the commonly ?oxidation?, called this being, of alkaline previously a in released being are ions Hygrogen>


My sincere and earnest demand to you is:

Re-stock-up your body with the alkaline foodstuffs while restricting acid producing foods.


Sources of Alkaline-minerals include: Alfalfa spourts, barley grass and all green leafy vegetables and blue-green algea powder, and most.



Water intake must be intense quantities day-by-day ---BUT, water must be of the correct 'ph', this is done by adding alkaline drops [from chemist-shop] to drinking water.




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