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Marriage question ?

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I am addressing the board & especially USRao, Sir,


I would like to know when marriage will happen for this person whose details are below. We have consulted several astrologers who offer paid services on the web. We did not mind paying for the information at all but none of their prediction dates came true.


They have sent birth charts with some explanation saying that marriage should happen between Sep/Oct 2007 and Feb/Mar 2008 because of Sani Bhukti and Sani Dasha. But nothing has happened.


We are getting proposals from girls parents but nothing is materialising.:confused:

We desperately need your interpretation of the chart, please.


Name: V.R.

Date of Birth: 23 May 1976

Time of Birth:4:13 PM

Place of Birth: <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Montreal</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">Canada</st1:country-region></st1:place>.

Time Zone: GMT - 5


Latitude = 45.4205, Longitude = -73.6226

Lat = 45 degrees, 25.2 minutes North

Long = 73 degrees, 37.4 minutes West


Mrs. Pally


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I generally find in this forum ,the name in full and gender are not mentioned in the posts. I presume this is the case of a boy.He is already aged and the reasons told by the previous astrologers, if possible can be given. Any major events in the life of the boy ? Is the boy willing for marriage ? .





Dear US Rao,


Could you please tell me about timing of my marriage.


Could you please tell me timing for my marriage.


my details


gender - male

name - bishnu pokharel

Date Of Birth- Mar 17,1978

Time: 11:00PM

time Zone: GMT + 5:45

birth place - nepal

Longitude: 83E33 Latitude: 27N52


thanking you,




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Dear US Rao Garu;

Please excuse me for ommitting the name and gender, I am providing it below along with some of the comments I have received from other astrologers that I have contacted. Could you also let me know what remedies should be done in this case.

Name: Venkat Rao

Gender: Male

Shani Maha Dasha: 22-08-2007 to 22-08-2026

As he has his seventh lord Saturn in first house and Sun in seventh house making delay in his marriage. The marriage will take place between Oct 2007 to june 2008. He will have happy married life. The girl will come from south or south-west side from birth place.

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In the Maha dasha of Saturn, as Saturn posited in lagna sthana, most of his plans will materialize. His working conditions will improve considerably. The financial situation will be excellent. He is expected to be married in the beginning of Sani Dasha, starting from Sept 2007 up until July 2008.

You are likely to marry between Nov 2007 to January 2008. There is indication of more than one marriage in your chart. There could be one marriage and one serious affair. Your married life will be fairly successful. Your life partner would be from higher status family, a little dominating. She would be stable and mature. She may be known to you since your childhood. She may have Sign Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces as her sun sign or moon sign or as ascendant. You are likely to have 2 children and both will be healthy.

Sat(1,7,8,9) is in own sub Sa(1,7,8,9) and sub Me(7,4,12). Sa has to give marriage in its Dasa (30 Jun 2007 to 30 Jun 2026). The earliest possible one is Sa-Sa-Me (21 Dec 2007 to 25 May 2008). As Jupiter is well placed in bhagya sthana (ninth house), he will be a rich man.


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Dear apally,


The mentioned horoscope data is incorrect. Your son's birth star is Uttara Bhadra ,pada 3. Lagna is Tula. The delay in the marriage is due to 2nd and 7th lord Kuja(Mars) is debilitated , is in Cancer(10th house) with Sani 4th and 5th lord. The lord of this house Chandra is in 6th.

Whenever Sani influence Chandra the marriage gets delayed or may not take place at all. Until ,you do puja/santhi to Sani and Kuja in the name of your son ,expecting positive result is difficult. Sukra mahadasa and sukra antardasa ends by 4-10-2009. Sukra mahadasa Ravi antardasa starts by 5-10-2009 upto 4-10-2010. The marriage chances are more after 5-10-2009. But if the remedy suggested is done effectively, it can take place in Sukra-Sukra period.

Good luck,



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Dear US Rao Garu;


Thank you so much for taking time to provide answers to my questions. I am requesting your forgiveness before mentioning my mistake.

I entered the wrong birth month when I initially wrote to the board. I don't know how it happened, I did not even notice it until now. His DOB is actually, 23 January 1976 and I entered May by mistake which is the birth month of my second son.


You really opened my eyes to my mistake and please forgive me in this matter. Could I request you to write me your predictions based on the actual dob of 23 January 1976. I have double checked the time and place and they are correct.

Thank you again,

Mrs. Apally

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Astrology has become a mockery . Some basic principles while approaching an astrologer for guidance are forgotten. In a forum , the gender , name , some background details , correct information etc are not mentioned by some. It is like testing or teasing to know something without any relevance. It will be disadvantage for people who seek real advice.All the people who reply are spending their time,money just to help others. Wrt your new birth date i will leave it to other astrologers in this forum to reply.



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Mrs Apally,

For the new birth date, Saturn is in lagna Cancer .Lagna and Saturn are in the constellation of Satun.Lagna lord is Moon.As already said that when Saturn influences Moon, in this case ,by its presence in Cancer ,the house of the Moon, delays or denies marriage. Saturn is highly powerful in this chart.Propitiate Sani in the name of your son for getting better results. Now Sani Mahadasa and Sani antar dasa is running upto 21-8-2010. You have to propitiate Kuja also as Kuja is in the 11th house in the constellation of Moon ,the lagna lord and is casting it's 4th aspect on 2nd house , 8th aspect on Venus the 11th lord. Though the DOB is different by mistake , the results are identical.


Good luck


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Dear Mr. US Rao,

I thank you again for giving me your analysis regarding my query. We will do what we can like Japa and Puja to Sani and Kuja, as you have suggested. After that The Almighty will take care of the rest.

As per your comment that ‘Astrology has become a mockery’ may be applies to some but definitely not to us. We are one of those families who have very high regard for all Hindu practices like rituals, shastras and for people who perform/practice it. We would never ever think of testing or teasing pundits who are involved in these ancient Hindu practices.

I agree I have mentioned the wrong month by mistake and I have apologized for it. I am sure you understand the state of mind of parents who are anxious for their children to get married and settle down. As I have mentioned May is the month my second son was born (different year of course) and I have sent this information to so many astrologers and entered it on so many web pages that I have mixed up the months this time. It was an innocent typing mistake and I hope the board does not look at it in any other way. I am a regular reader of this board and I do not want any negative vibrations.

May God bless us all who have complete faith in him. :pray:

Best Regards,

Mrs. Apally

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Mrs Apally,

It is a general observation. If correct data is given , it simplifies the analysis and saves time. Anyway i hope you are satisfied with the reading and remedy. Generally in this forum most of the people with severe similar problems are having a similar pattern of planets positioning and the predictions look as repetitive. Innocently people suffer for years ,which they can avoid if they get early advice and do the remedial action.It is difficult to understand life and destiny.

Wish you all goodluck for the early marriage of your son.


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