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Please help about the Nadi problem

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Respected All,

I like a girl very much.There seems to be some problem in our

horoscope matching.

Our details are

BOY) : 09/09/1977, Place Bharatpur(RAJASTHAN,India) Time 8:00 AM

Girl): 24/01/1980, Place Calcutta (WB, India) Time 7:00 AM


The normal horoscope matching gives 0 points for nadi, hence is the

nadi dosh existing.


1.I have read that even if the Nadi is the same but is in different

charan and pad , it is cancelled.


2.Also I have read that if the Rashi lord is same or are friends then

the nadi dosh cancelled.


Can you tell me what can cancel the nadi dosh in the horoscopes themself?

if it is not cancelled naturally what can we do to get rid of it ??


Can someone please have a look at this matching and tell us the

complications and solutions if you know. I need advice based on your

experience and knowledge.

Thanks for your time

Warm Regards


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Dear Ajay,

Though both the birth stars belong to Adinadi , the lords of your birth stars are different .Punarvasu-Jupitor(boy) and Aswani-Ketu(girl). This reduces the effect of Nadi dosha.Nadi generally indicates the nature of of the disease the person is prone to by inheritance.(genetics).If both the boy and girl have the same inheritance, it reflects more in their children and to them also.With development of modern medicine this can be tackled.

Kuja Dosha is not fully nullified in the girls chart, so before marriage the girl has to do some shanti to Kuja.


Wish you good luck.



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Thanks a lot for the reply sir,

I did not get this line (If both the boy and girl have the same inheritance,)

what does the same inheritance mean ?

I also heard that if the nadi dosh exists, the Rh factor of the blood group should not match( i.e. opposite sign)

but In our case, girl and boy both have blood group Rh+ ,so seems like nadi dosh is not there scientifically.

Can you elaborate on this please USR ji??

I have also heard that nadi dosh applies to only brahmins ( sorry to say but i cant digest this fact :( if its there it shud be for all or none..why only brahmin??) in my case the girl is brahmin and i m not, so that also shud cancel the effect, doesnt it ?

Warm Regards


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