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Need astrological advise-Pl. help

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I am Prakash,

Male ,48Y,dob.22nd Oct 1959,

time - 6.45 am,


Lat.-18:43N , Long.-73:20 E

My marriage has failed twice in spite of my every effort to save.

I can't face lonely life & at the same time afraid to face another failure which will......

Am I destined to have a family life at all if yes ,when is the time.


should I better stop thinking on this & prepare myself to be lonely forever.

Pl. guide

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well, if the time of birth is 06.45; you are still having good chances for average marital life. how was the following period in regard to marital matters:

May 1998 to Jan 2001 and

This was the time when we were getting detached mentally & physically & I applied for divorce in 2001 as the relationship had become only pain for me.

April 2006 to Nov 2007;

got divirced legally in 2004 & I was even afraid to think of remarriage, so nothing to report.


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anyway, as far as I have been able to understand your chart, there are chances of average marital happiness in your chart. Propitiate malefic Sun, which is placed in debilitation sign in your lagna and; causing weakness and affliction to combust Mercury. For propitiation of Sun, donate whole wheat equal to your weight on Sunday and wear Emerald.

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