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marriage time.. confused

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I would really appreciate if anyone could look at my birth chart and tell me what yr i wld get married. An astrologer told me that i would be getting married this yr or maximum next yr:confused: . I am hardly 19 yrs and marriage this yr seems to be bit too early. Also, i dont even have anyone significant in my life currently so this yr it seems impossible. Also, since i am living outside india, i was wondering whether there are any chances of my spouse being in india?


d.o.b - 20 nov 1988

time: 7:51 am

place: new delhi.


thank u


hare krsna

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Go to ISKCON Delhi and chant Hare Krsna and clap your hands, everytime you do that your destiny changes and your ‘soul’ is protected. Also seek advise off trusted senior devotees who have no interest in exploiting you for any reason, this requires some intelligence from you also. Krsna helps those who help themselves.

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broadly it seems that you will get married after september 12 2012. you may get your spouse from aborad only and you will stay outside india only. your spouse must be goodlooking and you will be spending a lot as much as you earn but you will have a very good married life. you need not worry. after marriage only your life will improve much faster.

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Go to ISKCON Delhi and chant Hare Krsna and clap your hands, everytime you do that your destiny changes and your ‘soul’ is protected. Also seek advise off trusted senior devotees who have no interest in exploiting you for any reason, this requires some intelligence from you also. Krsna helps those who help themselves.


Hello Svarupa,

thank you for ur advice. Unfortunately, i dont live in delhi. I dont want to change my destiny for any better. Whatever my krsna has given me, i am more than happy with it.. be it bad or good. Yes, krsna helps not only those who help themselves, but krsna also helps each and every soul. He is full of mercy.. anyone who surrenders to him need not to worry about the future or how to change their destiny. whatever karma i have done i have to payback no matter what. But i am sure with krsna's mercy on me, i will go thru the toughest times.


thank u again for ur advice,


hare krsna!

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broadly it seems that you will get married after september 12 2012. you may get your spouse from aborad only and you will stay outside india only. your spouse must be goodlooking and you will be spending a lot as much as you earn but you will have a very good married life. you need not worry. after marriage only your life will improve much faster.



thank u for ur analysis. really appreciate it. I dont know why but many astrologers are telling me marriage before 2010:confused: one said it is because of ketu-jup-jup. I dont know much abt vedic astrology that is why i was seeking someone's opionion. I currently live abroad and have a strong desire to go back to india and have a family there and serve the needy people there.. is there any chance of me moving back to india??



thank u


may krsna bless u with eternal bliss


hare krsna

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Jupiter is in the seventh, which is for timely marriage (not late) with a good spouse, but not for early marrige, you also have to take into account that Veuns is in his own place at twelve that is TULA, indicating a good enjoyable life in your life time. as far as returning to India, since Venus the twelveth lord in its place and that too in his own place with power, i feel you stay aborad only. as far as my prediction, that Ketu is situated in the Tenth place which has no relation to your early marriage. Now you are undergoing Ketu dasa until 2012, then Venus Dasa will start.

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Jupiter is in the seventh, which is for timely marriage (not late) with a good spouse, but not for early marrige, you also have to take into account that Veuns is in his own place at twelve that is TULA, indicating a good enjoyable life in your life time. as far as returning to India, since Venus the twelveth lord in its place and that too in his own place with power, i feel you stay aborad only. as far as my prediction, that Ketu is situated in the Tenth place which has no relation to your early marriage. Now you are undergoing Ketu dasa until 2012, then Venus Dasa will start.



Thank u for ur reply. Yes, i am aware that jupiter is in my 7th house, but one of the astrologers said its a bad thing.. anyway, How would venus dasa be for me? Ketu dasa hasnt been much favorable.. Also, can you tell me any thing about my spouse's occupation?




hare krsna

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Jupiter in seventh representing that you will get good and devoted wife, it is not a bad thing. the only thing is that Jupiter in venus house but that will not have bad effect. Venus dasa will be a good dasa for in terms enjoyement and life pleasures, everything will fall in line to give you world of happiness. Ketu dasa did not do bad for you, ofcourse not favourable also. to predict your spouse occupation requries detaild analysis. but one thing she should be beautiful and will love you truly. i think you have very good life waiting after ketu dasa.

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Jupiter in seventh representing that you will get good and devoted wife, it is not a bad thing. the only thing is that Jupiter in venus house but that will not have bad effect. Venus dasa will be a good dasa for in terms enjoyement and life pleasures, everything will fall in line to give you world of happiness. Ketu dasa did not do bad for you, ofcourse not favourable also. to predict your spouse occupation requries detaild analysis. but one thing she should be beautiful and will love you truly. i think you have very good life waiting after ketu dasa.


Thank u so much for taking out time and looking at my horoscope. Btw, i am a female... :) so i guess this all applies for my husband. Thanks once again!


hare krsna

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