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Taurus Ascendant - Saturn and Jupiter

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In Taurus Ascendant, what is a general opinion about Saturan in 1st

and Jupiter in 7th house (combination). What can be said for this

person's public and family life (he is well known worldwide in his



Complete Horoscope:

Taurus Ascendant


1st House: Saturn

3rd House: Ketu

4th House: Sun, Mercury, Venus

7th House: Jupiter

8th House: Moon

9th House: Mars, Rahu


Opinion of all experts and practioners will be highly appreciated.



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He has to be. Ninth and Tenth Lord in 1st House aspected by Jupiter. note Sun is in his place and Mars Exalted. defintely he should be perfectionist in his field. 3rd House Ketu and 9th Magara Rahu (very good placement). Should be a King in his field. but He must have come up from lower level to higher level. if i am not wrong he must be above 45 even though the placement is good, saturn makes him hard worker and made him to work from lower level to higher level which should have taken atleast 10 to 15 years. other wise a very good horo, will continue to be a king. he must not have got family help, all wealth from his own work.

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He has to be. Ninth and Tenth Lord in 1st House aspected by Jupiter. note Sun is in his place and Mars Exalted. defintely he should be perfectionist in his field. 3rd House Ketu and 9th Magara Rahu (very good placement). Should be a King in his field. but He must have come up from lower level to higher level. if i am not wrong he must be above 45 even though the placement is good, saturn makes him hard worker and made him to work from lower level to higher level which should have taken atleast 10 to 15 years. other wise a very good horo, will continue to be a king. he must not have got family help, all wealth from his own work.


his DOB is 27th September 1971

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