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please help, analyze marital issues

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Namaskaram Guruji:


My wife and I had some miunderstanding few months back. She left three months back to her parents and now filing for divorce. I've been trying to convince her for past three months that we can resolve issues and asking her to come back. But she seems very stubborn.


Please help. Dont know what to do


my DOB: 14th Jul 1981, time: 1:28AM place of birth: Chennai

my wife DOB: 3rd Jan 1982, time: 4:00PM , place: tirupati


Please analyze and tell me if our marriage will survive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sukra-Rahu dasa is upto March 2009 for your wife in 6-8 relation. Sukra-kuja dasa is upto Jan 2009 in 1-12 relation. If you can control your emotions and mis-understandings upto March 2009 , you can have peaceful continuous married life. The reason for this situation in her chart is due to Rahu in 2nd house , 7th lord Kuja's association with Sani in 5th aspecting the 7th house (kalatrasthana) and kalatra karaka Jupitor in 6th.She is straight forward in her speech which may appear to be harsh. She feels insecure and feels her husband may be harsh to her.In your chart the 2nd and 7th lord Sukra is with Rahu in 4th and 4th lord is debiliated and is in 8-6 relation to lagna. Understanding your wife and gaining her confidence can only be done by you to save your marriage. Wear a pearl in your ring on little finger and propitiate Rahu and Sani for both of you to get relief .



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