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Long time servants of Lord Narasimha in Simhacalam (Germany) mistreated

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Just when we have a chance to help in the war against Islamic Terrorism we are burdened with tangential rants by blasé wannbe aristocrates.



where did that come from? :rolleyes: is that your real agenda?

the real terrorists are the ones who use terror as their tool of trade - there are also plenty of Christian (USA) and Jewish (Israel) terrorists as well in this world - one animal attacking another animal. let the animals fight their dirty wars among themselves. Christian and Jewish terrorists killed by far more innocent people then the Islamic terrorists.

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They are all third hand rantings.


Well, yes, Vaishnava should have attended the GBC meeting in Mayapur to get everything first hand.


posted 5 March 2008


"Anuttama Das of the opposing party countered that we live in the age of quarrel where more and more countries are being created. Thus, unity is not possible. Then Bhakti Vaibhava Swami pointed out that we are in the golden age where the maha-mantra will unite everyone for 10,000 years.

Dina Sharana Devi Dasi rubbished such claims of unity and said that after the meetings when she has to return to her field in Germany, she will be left to struggle alone.

To this, Ramai Swami kindly offered to visit Germany and stated that in the ecstasy of kirtana, not only devotees, but even the opposing elements will unite.

Sivarama Swami’s comment that the idea of going to Germany was simply to exploit that yatra brought peals of laughter from the audience. Bhanu Swami added that we have to be practical and first identify with our own diverse cultures, and also be humble enough to admit that unity is utopian."


Prabhupada: "Therefore Vedic instruction is tad-vijnanartham sa gurum eva abhigacchet. In order to get first-class experience of the perfection of life, you must approach guru. That is the Vedic injunction. Samit-panih srotriyam brahma-nistham. Now, who is guru? Whom shall I approach? So the next line explains that approach such guru, srotriyam, who has heard from his guru perfectly, that guru. Who had no chance of hearing from perfect guru, he is not guru. This is called guru-parampara, disciplic succession. I hear from a perfect person, and I distribute the knowledge the same way, without any change. So Krsna gives us knowledge in the Bhagavad-gita. We are distributing the same knowledge."



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where did that come from? :rolleyes: is that your real agenda?

the real terrorists are the ones who use terror as their tool of trade - there are also plenty of Christian (USA) and Jewish (Israel) terrorists as well in this world - one animal attacking another animal. let the animals fight their dirty wars among themselves. Christian and Jewish terrorists killed by far more innocent people then the Islamic terrorists.


When we are old we will be asked:

"What did you do during the war with the Islamic terrorists, Old man?"


You, Kulapavana, will answer:

"I did my best to spread the gosple, 'Christian and Jewish terrorists killed by far more innocent people then the Islamic terrorists.' "


Please learn that intelligence is "the ability to descriminate"--for example the ability to descriminate between what is butter and what is cheese. What is milk and what is yogurt.


You should start with recognizing your duties versus what comes out of your mouth.


Please seek help for your self then start with the little problems and work up to the bigger ones--give yourself another 20 years to develop this skill.





PS: My contempt for you is made clearly known to myself when I read your postings, how do you manage that?

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When we are old we will be asked:

"What did you do during the war with the Islamic terrorists, Old man?"


When Yamaraja opens o book on a terrorist in his court, he will not ask on the side of which religion or which country did the terrorist fight, but how many innocent people did he kill. That is my criteria as well. Dangerous terrorists are those who kill a lot of innocent people. GWB, his paymasters, and his pack of terrorists are responsible for the loss of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives in Iraq. Israeli and Muslim terrorists kill thousands of innocent people every year. They are all just petty demons that clearly belong to the same category. You are partial to one pack of these animals? How tragic...




My contempt for you is made clearly known to myself when I read your postings, how do you manage that?


Quite frankly I simply don't care. Have a nice day! :)

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When Yamaraja opens o book on a terrorist in his court, he will not ask on the side of which religion or which country did the terrorist fight, but how many innocent people did he kill. That is my criteria as well. Dangerous terrorists are those who kill a lot of innocent people. GWB, his paymasters, and his pack of terrorists are responsible for the loss of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives in Iraq. Israeli and Muslim terrorists kill thousands of innocent people every year. They are all just petty demons that clearly belong to the same category. You are partial to one pack of these animals? How tragic...

Quite frankly I simply don't care. Have a nice day! :)


Well yes, things have to make sense to our minds. Krishna says anyone who steals a farthing from his devotee is condemned, imagine stealing the whole lifetime work of an ISKCON devotee by removing him from the society he helped to build up. Going to the bottom of the universe and tossing away the key -- sounds like their future.

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