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Mars & Mercury stationary - effects?

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Hare Krsna

Mars and Mercury go stationary before resuming their direct and rtrgde motions around the end of the month. Does this happen to affect communications and assertiveness of a Meena Rasi Meena Lagna native? (Mars in Gemini - 4th house and Mercury in Leo - 6th house as per Birth chart)

I am looking out for a job that allows me a lot of learninga nd implementation of what I have learnt already - 26 years of age...

Am feeling quite confident as usual but also a bit curious about this phase's effect on my chances! :idea: Please help :)



Sudha R

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Sorry for this question which is no answer to yours : What do you mean Mars and Mercury are moving retrograde etc... you mean the real planet in the space ? Or the conceptual fact related to astrology (and not astrophysics for instance).


Sorry, I'm interested in this matter of astrology and astrophysics, the spiritual and material, and where could be the connections and all...


Thank you,





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Hello Eternity...


Planets move around the Sun on imaginary routes called Orbits... Now when you say a planet is retrograde, they just appear to be moving back or forward- in the sense, when they cross Earth's celestial point and gain speed (all depends on the way it looks to us Earthlings) on their way away from Earth.

Every planet goes through this cycle with respect to Earth. The frequency depends on the size and speed. For example big planets like Jupiter move back once a year or so... and Mercury goes retro every 2 months I guess. Now the effect of retrograde planets is an interesting aspect and is interpreted by looking at the movement type of the planet at the time of birth, the residential house and sign, also the other planet's aspects - like square, sextile, trine, opposite and conjunct.


If you are interested further, you could search on Google with the words <Planet> retrograde + indian astrology...


Enjoy the learning!



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