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The universe is a multidimensional lotus flower

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Does each petal of the lotus in the mahat tattva resemble multi layers of ethereal (sub-space) and biological (secular space) dimensions?





Could the scientist be only seeing a very small portion of the universe and if seen in full would not resemble anything like what we are taught in modern day education?





When all material dimensions are seen all together, what does this planet resemble? Would it be seen as a globe shape, or would it be seen as endlessly connected to other dimensional realities?





Could it be that such that endless dimensional realities are connected in a flat multidimensional landscape, that makes the vast material continuum?





Could it be that this is the real bigger picture of the planet we live on that connects us to reality after reality, streaching the length of the mahat-tattva, rather than the present mundane scientific idea that our world is round and a lone globe in the cosmos?


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Yeah man, I definitely think that this universe is multidimensional in some way. Apparently, the Vedic literature mentions 64 dimensions of existence. Each one of these dimensions is populated by a vast variety of jivas. However, I've unfortunately never found any such references in the Vedic literature. Admittedly, I haven't looked very thoroughly. :P Does anyone know where I can find such references? :cool:

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If we could see the mundane mahat-tattva (material universes) in full, we would see unlimited dimemsional worlds



It is by direct spiritual perception that allows the perfected beings to look into the multidimensional facets of the materiel universe and present it to those who cannot see.

Comprehension of multidimensional aspects of the universe is based on the relative consciousness of the living entity who perceives them. For instance when I water the garden, an ant sees water falling down on him; he does not see me or know that I am the source of the water.

Does that mean that I do not exist?

Our inability to see Indra organizing the processes of evaporation, the accumulation of moisture, the condensation of clouds and the release of rain does not mean that he does not exist it means we cannot perceive him due to the low level of our spiritual consciousness (Actually it is only higher levels of material consciousness because the mahat-tattva is not a spiritual place in the perpetual sense of the word, found only in Vaikuntha, Goloka and the hearts of pure devotees of Krishna).


Our ability to only perceive the shadow of the earth on the sun or the moon when it appears to pass between the two planets does not deny Rahu’s existence it only means that for a godless and faithless society his personality cannot be perceived any more than the ant can perceive my personality. Denying the existence of Rahu on the basis of not perceiving his personality is the philosophy of insects.

What is really at issue here is the depersonalisation of the universe. For over 3000 years the Judaic, Christian, and Muslim religions have been denying the existence of the various demigods that manage universal affairs on behalf of the Supreme Lord. In the process they have depersonalised our relationship with nature and ultimately with the Supreme Lord. By placing God in some far distant unseen heaven where he is not visible and therefore no one can know what he looks like, what he does, or who his associates are the western religious systems developed an impersonal conception of God that allowed modern scientists to eventually dismiss him altogether.

Nirvesesa sunyavadi pascatya desa tarine” this section of Srila Prabhupada’s pranam mantra indicates one of his missions which is to eradicate the philosophies of impersonalism and voidism in the western world. The first book Srila Prabhupada brought with him to the west was Srimad Bhagavatam because it is the “Beautiful Story of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.” The Srimad Bhagavatam was written by Srila Vyasadeva in a particular order to progressively present the Supreme Personality of Godhead in all of his personal aspects to the conditioned soul so that ultimately the conditioned soul could appreciate the Supreme Lords ultimate form as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Sri Radha Krishna.

In the early cantos of Srimad Bhagavatam Srila Vyasadeva presents the Virata Purusha or the temporary Universal Form of the Supreme Lord in the materiel world. By describing the 33,000,000 demigods who control every single aspect of the universal affairs including our ability to walk, talk, go to the bathroom, blink our eyes, and breath our false ego is reduced. Then by showing how all of these powerful personalities are in fact part of the Virata Purusha and their existence is in turn dependent upon the Supreme Lord, our minute insignificance becomes even more profound and our perception of the personality of God in his universal form and ultimately as the Supreme personality of Godhead becomes established.

The purpose of the Srimad Bhagavatam is to establish that God is ultimately a person. Even his impersonal feature of Brahman is presented as the effulgence of his form and personality. Even his temporary forms of Paramatta and Virata Purusha are also personal but temporary. To deny any aspect of the Virata Purusha is to deny the Virata Purusha itself. If we reject Rahu then where does it end? What about Indra making rain we have a scientific explanation for that he certainly doesn’t exist.

What about Surya driving the sun back and forth with his chariot we know that’s not possible we have science to disprove that. This can go on and on until we are no better than the atheistic scientists and the mayavadis. Instead of taking instruction from modern western educators who have all been indoctrinated into the impersonal and voidist conceptions of God by their western impersonal religious and scientific backgrounds we should take direction from the spiritual giant who came here to destroy those conceptions, our Srila Prabhupada.

Once while Srila Prabhupada was sitting on the veranda in Vrndavana He pointed in different directions and told Sudma Swami

“Over there Krishna is playing with the cowherd boys” “over there Krishna is drinking breast milk from Mother Yasoda” “over there in the bushes Krishna is embracing Radharani.”


Then Srila Prabhupada asked Sudama Swami “can you see Krishna”

Sudama Swami said he could not. Srila Prabhupada then replied

“When you are a pure devotee you can see Krishna all the time.”

Now no one would deny that Srila Prabhupada was seeing Krishna. However, when Srila Prabhupada was discussing the fifth canto in Vrndavana with his disciples the verse spoke about 10,000 mile high mountains. Srila Prabhupada said

“Yes, I have seen once when we were flying over the mountains of Europe.”

The devotees asked

“You mean the Alps?”

Srila Prabhupada said


The devotees started to repeatedly deny that such a mountain could exist because by now the scientists would certainly have found such a thing. Finally Srila Prabhupada forcefully laid his hand down upon the table and roared

“I have seen! and you cannot see!”

This is the point when the perfected realized soul can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Sri Radha Krishna the source of everyone and everything at every moment than seeing the multidimensional aspects of the universe like 10,000-mile high mountains and Rahu swallowing the moon is Child’s play.


Our faithlessness born of our impersonal and voidist upbringing has obfuscated our vision of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in all of his multifarious personal forms both temporary and eternal. It is only when we get the mercy of another perfected being that our vision can be restored.

Srila Vyasadeva originally glorified the demigods independently from Krishna. Then Sri Narada Muni instructed him

“You have failed to glorify the Supreme Personality of Godhead’s intimate personal form and pastimes.”

By describing the demigods and their activities in relationship to the Supreme Lord Krishna as His associates under His control and guidance, then a personal view of the universe begins to take shape.

Rahu swallowing the moon is a pastime of the Supreme Lord in the form of Mohini with one of the Lords associates Chandra. To deny Rahu’s existence is to deny the cause of his existence Mohini and thus the web of impersonalism is weaved.

Srila Vyasadeva could see everything within his heart because he had full faith in his spiritual master Sri Narada Muni when he said “everything is their within your heart just go inside and see it.” Anyone who hears the transcendental sound vibration from the lotus lips of the manifest pure devotee with full faith will also see what Srila Vyasadeva sees.

So there is Rahu, he is seen within this universe by all those perfected beings that accept his manifestation as coming from one of the divine appearances of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna as Mohini Svarupa.

All you have to do to see the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and his unlimited pastimes and associates, is to hear the transcendental sound vibration from the lotus lips of the manifest pure devotee, with unflinching faith and devotion and you will get his mercy and with it divine vision. Om ajnana timirandasya jnana jnana salkaya chakus unmilitan yena tasmai sri gurave namah.

I offer my respectful obeisances to my spiritual master who has opened my eyes from the darkness of ignorance with the torchlight of transcendental knowledge. Keep reading Srila Prabhupada’s books with faith and devotion and all your prayers and questions will be answered. If you are really sincere Srila Vyasadeva and Srila Prabhupada will manifest themselves to you perhaps in a form that you may not immediately recognize but if you are sincere it will be revealed to you.

Written by Bhagavat dasa






Rahu literally means 'the seizer'. Ketu literally means 'bright appearance, clearness, brightness'. Rahu is believed to be the cause of eclipses. Sometimes the name is used to designate the eclipse itself.


Ketu is believed to be a comet who gave birth to numerous other comets. Rahu was a four-armed, dragon-tailed demon called Svarabhanu. Sometimes he is represented as a black man riding a horse. He is believed to have been a great mischief-maker.


When amrita arose from the churning of the ocean (see samudra manthan) and was being distributed to the gods who stood in a line to receive it, Svarabhanu is said to have disguised himself and joined them. The sun and the moon detected this mischief and reported it to Vishnu who immediately cut off his head. The head became Rahu and the body became Ketu. However, because the demon had drunk a bit of the amrita, he attained immortality and his body was placed in the stellar sphere.


It is believed that Rahu traverses the heaven in his eight-horsed chariot and tries to devour the sun and the moon for denouncing him. Whenever he succeeds in whole or in part, an eclipse of the sun or the moon takes place. Hence to this day, whenever an eclipse is noticed, people make noises, shouting, blowing horns and beating drums to drive away Rahu and thus restore the sun and the moon.


Rahu and Ketu are believed to be inauspicious and fierce. If a person is born under the influence of these planets, it is considered extremely inauspicious for them. Such persons are believed to have no peace, they are exposed to enemies, and their wisdom, riches and children are willed to be destroyed. Various yagyas and japas are enjoined to pacify these planets.


The effects of Rahu are said to be at a peak at certain parts of the day. There are many ways through which the exact time of this can be calculated. During this time, called Rahu-kala, many people cease all work and refrain from speech. No ceremony or new project begins at this inauspicious time.

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Now no one would deny that Srila Prabhupada was seeing Krishna. However, when Srila Prabhupada was discussing the fifth canto in Vrndavana with his disciples the verse spoke about 10,000 mile high mountains. Srila Prabhupada said

“Yes, I have seen once when we were flying over the mountains of Europe.”

The devotees asked

“You mean the Alps?”

Srila Prabhupada said


The devotees started to repeatedly deny that such a mountain could exist because by now the scientists would certainly have found such a thing. Finally Srila Prabhupada forcefully laid his hand down upon the table and roared

“I have seen! and you cannot see!”

This is the point when the perfected realized soul can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Sri Radha Krishna the source of everyone and everything at every moment than seeing the multidimensional aspects of the universe like 10,000-mile high mountains and Rahu swallowing the moon is Child’s play.


I remember hearing somewhere that whilst Srila Prabhupada and his disciples were in a plane flying over the Himalayas, Prabhupada pointed out a gold mountain yet none of his disciples were able to see it. This, I feel, relates to the notion of multidimensions interpenetrating the space where the Himalayan mountains exist.

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George Adamski, an alleged contactee with extraterrestrial beings from the 1950s, claimed that his contactors informed him that not only is every planet in our solar system inhabited, but that it is inhabited by intelligent human-like life! Unsurprisingly, he was considered to be a crackpot due to these claims. However, I don't think that the answer to whether Adamski's claims were true or not are as obvious as they might seem to some people. Even during the 50s, Adamski's claim was a surprising one to make, for astronomy had seemingly ruled out life on most of the other planets by using spectrographic analysis of the light received from them. Now, after many space probes have visited the other planets and sent back seemingly damning evidence, it seems even more incredible that anyone should still back this position. It is the single thing which is held most to rule out the possibility of Adamski's contact (and those of others at the time which seemed to support the idea) being genuine. Nevertheless, it is a position he held to the very end of his life.

Perhaps all of the planets in our solar system (and, by extension, this entire universe) are hollow and there are lifeforms within all of those planets?

I'm beginning to think that planets are akin to houses. There is generally more safety found inside a house than outside. Perhaps we are living on the balcony or roof of our planetary house (so to speak) and there is more danger here than in the interior, in the form of harmful radiation, tornadoes, climate extremities, thunderstorms, tsunamis etc. (what to speak of unnatural dangers such as rape and theft, for example!). If even ONE planet is hollow (such as Earth and I think Earth is indeed hollow), then mathematically speaking, it's VERY likely that ALL other planets are also hollow. Perhaps life does indeed exist on EVERY planet, but it primarily exists within the planet? Life existing on the outer surface of a planet may even be a freak event (and extremely rare, on a cosmic scale). This new paradigm is worthy of consideration.

Of course, it's also possible that the majority of life that exists in this universe is to be found in dimensional layers far more subtler and finer than this particular layer. This is a position supported by the Vedic literature, which describes our universe as being multi-dimensional and hierarchically arranged. <!-- google_ad_section_end -->

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Apparently, the Vedic literature mentions 64 dimensions of existence. Each one of these dimensions is populated by a vast variety of jivas. However, I've unfortunately never found any such references in the Vedic literature. Admittedly, I haven't looked very thoroughly. :P Does anyone know where I can find such references? :cool:


JN Dasji has mentioned this on a number of occasions before. Maybe he would be able to guide you to the scriptural references you're looking for.

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