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The Spirit Of Our Time

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Like someone of Jewish blood can`t speak ill of Jews or do harm to them ? Wow you really are out there aren`t you , perhaps the name Mengele rings a bell.

I tell you what since you are so convinced why don`t you go down and offer to sell your local Rabbi a copy of the protocols, depending on your country we may see you free from prison in about 3-10 years :eek4:

Since you seem to be to lazy here are a few links about the protocols.





Or how about a Nobel prize winning Jewish scholar.

"If ever a piece of writing could produce mass hatred, it is this one. . . . This book is about lies and slander."

Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate


So are you going to question a Nobel Laureate and WORLD RENOWNED peace activest ?



Take my pills and cool down :rolleyes: This coming from someone who sees freemasons behind every bush, what a laugh.


Love the stealth edits to your post after my reply why the sudden need to change what you said ?


I'm surely not so widely read about Hitler, Mengele&co like you, it is not of actual interest for me - no it doesn't ring a bell - and only posted article above because it says something about atheism and University.

Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, don't know even this name.

What are the protocols?

Thanks for calling me lazy, I also wish you only the best.

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I've brought up in other discussions the fact that John Dewey and his colleagues at Columbia's (my alma mater) Teacher's College went to Germany during the 1930's to study the German system of education which facilitated the rise of the Nazis with its emphasis on obedience and conformity. It was this system that they tried (with success) to adopt and spread throughout the U.S.A.


However, in my actual college experience, I found most of the professors to be humble, open-minded seekers of the truth. Sure, there were some teachers who exhibited the symptoms of dogmatism, but they were the exception.


The problem certainly lies as much with insincere students as with the teachers. Even at an Ivy League university, so many of my classmates seemed more interested in achieving social status and material wealth than indulging any true sense of curiosity or wonder. To that extent, it was in their best interest to figure out what the professors wanted to hear and to parrot that back to them.


In my own case, I feel that my time in college served to broaden my intellectual horizons and make me more of a "free-thinker". Of course, you are free to think differently.

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