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How to avoid cramps

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My natural constitution is Vata type. I play Tennis for about an hour or an hour and a half everyday. To avoid cramps in Tennis, one has to eat bananas/potatoes before playing to get sufficient potaasium. The problem is that bannanas/potatoes are Kapha aggravating. According to an Ayurvedic website:-


Eating too much cold, mucus producing (kapha aggravating) foods can shift our internal environment, thus making us more susceptible to colds, especially in the fall and winter months.In Ayurveda the winter and spring seasons are associated with kapha dosha. Kapha has cold, heavy, wet, slimy, sticky, and hard qualities. These qualities accumulate in the cold months and become provoked in the spring as the weather warms up and starts to thaw them out. When kapha and ama are left to accumulate, they eventually enter into and congest the rasa dhatu, or lymphatic tissue. This can lead to repeated colds, coughs, flu and respiratory congestion.


I do not like to miss Tennis for even a day but if I eat bananas everyday, I may perhaps be vulnerable to severe cold which I am experiencing currently. Can anybody suggest something that takes care of the cramps without causing cold?



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  • 2 months later...

Yes u can take maharasnadi quat 4 tea spoon that liquid and 4 tea spon normal drinking water.. drink twice a day after meal

other thing like ur sportsman i will suggest u to take drakhsav that will maintain ur kaffa take 4 tea spoon and 4 tea spoon water twice a day and it will provide u energy increase ur stamina and ends ur kuffa

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