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The Greening (coming of age) of the Hare Krishna Consciousness Movement.

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The Greening (coming of age) of the Hare Krishna Consciousness Movement.

As one devotee (theist) described the pioneering movement of Lord Chaitanya in the early 21<SUP>st</SUP> century put it - “I believe it is important to remember that most of us are at the very beginning of Krsna conscious realization which is just dawning on us in this lifetime. There are some who are much further along in this process but the bulk of us are just getting our spiritual eyes acclimated to the sunlight and all it will reveal. 'We ain't seen nothing yet' as the saying goes which means we have a reason to approach the future in Krsna consciousness with great joy and expectation'

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Maharaj Prabhupada, the Spiritual Master of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhpada said he would have had many children when he was a young man, if he were convinced his children would be given a pure Krishna Conscious up bringing – he was not convinced due to the degradation of the world and therefore established his Gaudiya Math Mission for such a purpose to convinced others and change the world into Krishna Consciousness. When he left this planet, he was disappointed with the lack of seriousness devotees and sannyasi’s had in his Gaudiya Math mission that was meant to stretch all over the planet and not just be for Indians. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati believed everyone deserved the chance to develop their original Krishna Consciousness regardless of race and doctrine all over the world, he new such convictions would establish Lord Chaitanya’s Sankirtan Movement in every part of the earth, something most of his disciples could not even imagine. nevertheless there was one disciple who took these instructions to heart and that was His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He single headedly introduced Krishna and Lord Caitanya to every corner of the planet (See The Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita, ‘Planting The Seed’ by Satsvarupa Gosvami)

Srila Prabhupada also new that not only would he spread Krishna Consciousness all over this planet but would also attract the attention of celestial being and demigods all over the universe to come and take birth in Lord Chaitanyas sankirtan movement. He new that advanced souls from the higher planetary systems wanted an easy way out of the material universe, yet would be reluctant to take birth at such a time in our Kali-yuga if they did not feel safe from the exploitations and bad habits that has infected the biological condition of nearly everyone in the mid 20<SUP>th</SUP> century, therefore he introduced a system of Sankirtan, book distribution and Deity Worship meant to purify those who seriously followed. Srila Prabhupada came to the west alone to begin what most could not even imagine, lifting wretched conditioned souls out of the swamp, stench and ignorance of the late half of the 20th Century to purify and lay the foundations and Krishna conscious for not only those on this planet, but all those celestial beings waiting to take birth in Lord Chaitanya’s movement

Regardless of the difficulties he faced establishing the ISKCON in West, the purification process had begun though, this was only the very rough beginning of Lord Chaitanya’s movement. Srila Prabhupada further new that when the devotees became serious and purified, they would eventually attract even the great demigods to come and take birth, however many would be tested to see if it was Krishna they really wanted to serve or continue exploiting the material world and serving the urges of their biological senses of fame, opulence, sex etc. In this way the struggle for purification would be seriously tested after Srila Prabhupada’s departure in 1977 and the movement faced many challengers.

In the mean time many great demigods were aguishly waiting for the time when it would be safe to take birth but first the Iskcon movement would have to mature ‘with purified eyes open wide’ and advance past the pioneering years and bad habits and conditioning of the spiritually primitive materialistic 20th century indoctrination that the first generation came from.

Sometimes when the biological body begins to become cleansed of impurities of disease, boils, rashes, puss oozes from the skin all over ones body as the impurities within are expelled from the body.

Iskcon is therefore fortunate to realize the impurities in its pioneering years within 30 years of its creation. Establishments like the catholic and Protestant churches are still struggling with the hidden abuses that have been going on for hundreds of years, in fact now that such psychological, physical and sexual abuse and exploitation is out in the open, iskcon can lead the way in protecting the spiritual development of everyone. In this way pious personalities on this planet and celestial demigod personalities in the heavenly planets, will be attracted to take birth in Lord Chaitanyas Movement when the devotees have genuine knowledge, compassion and purity that is unadulterated without imitation or fear. Only when devotee families are pure enough can they genuinely offer protection from the ill effects of Kali-yuga (material science, exploitations and abuses) and protect women, children and the aging and attract great souls who will feel safe to come and take birth.




It is those rare celestial entities from the heavenly planets that will choose to take birth on this planet when the time is right. There greatness will attract the inhabitants of this planet even more.



However, they will only come when pure Krishna Conscious devotion and the congregational chanting of Hare Krishna is established. Only then will they feel safe to take birth on their long awaited progressive march back home, back to Godhead. This is destined to happen in this Kali-yuga, if not by our generation then by a future generation

Only when the altar housing Radha and Krishna and the beautiful Srimad Bhagavatam and Caitanya Caratamrita is in the main room of each householders home, instead of the TV set or the computer, can the real genuine compassionate, thoughtful, selfless and correct understanding of the shastra begin and all the abuses to ones self and to others completely stop.

We should NEVER under estimate the chanting of Hare Krishna; it is very powerful for those who chant attentively regardless of how degraded and fallen they may have been.

As devotees become stronger and selfless in the Krishna Consciousness, which I am convinced will happen within ISKCON in my lifetime, then higher advanced living entities (embodied jiva-souls in the heavenly planets) WILL come and take birth. They are presently left lined up in the heavenly realm waiting patiently right now, as Srila Prabhupada has told us, for the right devotional Krishna Conscious conditions that will assist and help awaken their ‘old’ Krishna Consciousness via Lord Chaitanya’s Sankirtan Movement. In turn those devotees will make devotees who have come up through the biological evolutionary process on this plant. In this way Lord Caitanya’s movement will attract those from the heavenly planets and those on this planet.

Our planet was previously blessed by the appearance of Lord Krishna Himself 500 years ago in the conjugal union of Radha and Krishna (The blissful form of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu) Such an appearance is very rare in the Kali-yuga, not every Kali-yuga gets to see Lord Caitanya therefore our Kali-yuga is exceptional. Even the most advance demigods on the higher planets hanker after taking birth here at the time of Lord Caitanya’s movement and even the most degraded are given a chance to give up their selfish exploitive sinful ways –

Do we really understand what Patita-pavana - deliverer of the fallen souls really means?. Do we really understand what Lord Chaitanya is offering - hate the sin and not the sinner.

If we build Lord Caitanya’s movement as it is by becoming more and more Krishna Conscious, then more and more advanced souls will consider if the conditions are safe enough to take birth and find shelter in Lord Caitanya’s ISKCON Movement

Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON movement has been given the baton or responsibility given to him by his Spiritual Master; to deliver all embodied jiva-souls from all over the world. Ironically this movement would not even begin in India. This gift of Lord Caitanya would be taken to a far away land outside of India and then revived back in India by Europeans, Americans, Africans, Chinese, Australians, Russians etc.

Further more, the transcendental sound vibrations of the Hare Krishna Mantra would now be heard all over the planet, benefiting all the 8,400,000 species of biological bodies that have trapped the embodied jiva-souls for billions of earthly years. “Even a dog can benefit from this ISKCON Movement” Srila Prabhupada says to the purport to his famous Hare Krishna Maha-mantra chant recorded in 1966

Purity, mercy and maturity (Krishna Consciousness) is the force that will attract higher living entities from the heavenly planets to come and take shelter of genuine Krishna Conscious devotee householders who can facilitate a protective Krishna conscious basis, that shields them from the biological contamination, indoctrination and abuses (emotional psychological, sexual, technological and hypocritical), from this planets degraded age of Kali-yuga.

ISKCON is like a lotus stem and flower struggling to grow out of such degradation of 20<SUP>th</SUP> century kali-yuga.




How many of us understand Karma?



Each of us is born into a situation we deserve according to karma and desire. Some devotees cannot understand this and think it is a cop-out and excuse for the sinful activity and abuse that has gone on in the name of Krishna. Many devotees will claim that ‘unscrupulous so called devotees’ will use that ‘karma argument’ to justify their selfish exploitive domineering activity however, such an excuse CAN NEVER excuse them or me for the punishment awaiting us for their lack of Krishna Conscious treatment of others. Ignorance is no excuse. Our only hope is to selflessly chant Hare Krishna and beg forgiveness from the devotees and keep begging until that day comes, even if it takes a lifetime or many life times. It is not up to Krishna but rather up to us to surrender to Krishna. Those who attempt to rationalize their sinful actions by using the karma argument, claiming we all get what we deserve anyway, should get off the mental platform and surrender to the mercy of genuine devotees. There is no excuse for sinful activity and exploiting others, even if they are the ‘instruments’ and deliver of the good or bad karma according to the embodied jiva-soul’s actions in a previous life. We may forget what we have done in this life or a previous life but the karma never forgets unless by the causeless mercy of a pure devotee of Krishna can uplift us out of the ethereal and biological containment that our nitya-baddha secondary consciousness has created and been riveted too. Ultimately it is our choice.

Many have misunderstood how karma works.


The word karma is self explanatory without the need of speculation - it simply means for every reaction there is a reaction and nothing happens by chance. A person who is born rich, poor, crippled, healthy, or a devotee in particular surroundings, time, place and circumstance IS due to karma.

The material illusionary dream, that is real but temporary and exists as a cloud in the Spiritual Sky called the maha-tattva, is the projected delirium of the marginal living entity in the nitya-baddha secondary consciousness. Our nitya-baddha dreaming consciousness is forgetful of our ‘svarupa’ body that is eternally in Goloka-Vrindavan serving Krishna in various rasas or pastimes. The marginal living entities rebellious desires are performed through the extended forgetful consciousness known as the transmitted nitya-baddha consciousness or the jiva-tattva. In other words, the material illusion is the exploitive dream of the nitya-baddha-consciousness. By somehow seriously and finally following the teachings and instructions of Srila Prabhupada, ones transmitted consciousness can again re-establish and reunite BACK with their ‘old’ original Krishna Consciousness, and again hook-up with their real eternal Krishna Conscious nitya-siddha svarupa bodily form that is always with Krishna in Goloka-Vrindavan. This begins by finding a pure devotee or his representative. My resent trip to India was very revealing the beautiful Mayapur Dharm was very inspiring. If a sinful soul like me can go back to Mayapur and not commit offences, then there is hope for everyone as far as I am concerned.

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From the Sri Caitanya Bhagavata [Madhya 10]:

Mukunda, all this while, was behind the curtains, outside the room, unable to muster sufficient courage to appear before the Lord. Mukunda is loved by all, and he knows everyone intimately. No one could understand why he was being ignored, because when he sang, the Lord seemed to hear all the time. The Lord did not call him inside, nor did he come in. The devotees felt sad about Mukunda.

Srivasa Pandita said to the Lord, "O Lord, what offense has Mukunda committed at Your lotus feet? Mukunda is favored by You, and he is dear to all of us. Who can prevent their heart from melting upon hearing Mukunda's singing? He is devotionally inclined, and is always careful in all respects. Yet without seeing any apparent fault in him, You have insulted him, my Lord. If he has committed some mistake then punish him, but why do You disown him and push away Your own servant? O Lord, let him see Your Lordship; he will never come in unless You call him."

The Lord said, "Never speak like that to Me! Do not plead to Me on behalf of that wretched person. The descriptions you have heard about pretenders who make a show of humility, yet the next moment they are aggressive, is in fact a correct assessment of Mukunda. None of you really knows him in truth. Mukunda sometimes is a perfect figure of humility, approaching Me holding straw in his teeth; but the next moment, he comes to strike Me with an iron rod. I cannot bear to see that pretentious wretch."

Speaking eloquently in Mukunda's favor, Srinivasa said, "Who can understand the inconceivable workings of Your energies? We never noticed anything offensive in Mukunda's character. The shelter of Your lotus feet is witness to his innocence."

Lord Caitanya commented, "That spineless wretch will vociferously agree to all philosophical views to suit the company he is in. When he reads the 'Yoga Vasishtha' with Advaita Acarya, he favors the impersonal mayavadi philosophy. Yet in the company of Vaisnavas, he pretends to be a Vaisnava, singing and dancing with perfect humility. Again when he goes and joins another sampradaya, there he rejects devotional service, and flays the process of 'bhakti' with aggressive criticism.

"One who claims that there is some process which is higher than devotional service, factually strikes Me with an iron rod. He commits a serious offense to the path of devotional service. I cannot see his face."

Mukunda heard everything. Standing outside, he heard that he would not be allowed to see Lord Caitanya. Previously, on his guru's request, Mukunda did not accept the process of devotional service. Lord Caitanya with His inconceivable mystic potency could know all this. So Mukunda, a pure devotee of the Lord, contemplated, "There is no reason to remain alive any longer. I shall finish off this sinful body of mine; I do not know for how long I can go on."

Mukunda spoke up aloud, "Please hear me, Srivasa Thakura. Tell me. Will I ever see my Lord Caitanya again?" He broke down and wept bitterly. Mukunda's condition touched the compassionate hearts of the Vaisnavas.

The Lord replied, "Let him go through another ten million births. Then he can certainly see Me."

When Mukunda heard this promise from the Lord's own mouth, he was overtaken by tremendous joy and stood drenched in tears. Repeating, "I will get, I will get", Mukunda, Lord Caitanya's servitor, danced just like a mad man in ecstatic love of God. The Lord's assurance that he will see Him, made him dance in ecstasy.


When Lord Caitanya saw Mukunda dancing, He laughed and ordered, "Bring him here immediately." The Vaisnava devotees eagerly asked Mukunda to come quickly to the Lord's presence. But Mukunda did not hear anything; he was completely submerged in ecstasy.


Lord Caitanya said, "O Mukunda, your offenses are condoned. Come and see Me, and receive My blessings." The devotees went and quickly brought Mukunda in front of the Lord. Mukunda fell to the ground seeing the opulent appearance of the Lord.


The Lord spoke, "Get up, My dear Mukunda. All your offenses have been exonerated. You lost your wealth of devotion by wrong association, but now again by your loving devotion, you have conquered and indebted Me. I said to you that after ten million births you would have your desire to see Me fulfilled. You immediately pushed away all previous doubts and offenses. You had full faith in the infallibility of My words. Thus You have bound Me eternally in your heart with the bonds of loving devotion.





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The Lord replied,


"Let him go through another ten million births.(10,000,000) Then he can certainly see Me."

When Mukunda heard this promise from the Lord's own mouth, he was overtaken by tremendous joy and stood drenched in tears. Repeating,


"I will get, I will get."


Mukunda, Lord Caitanya's servitor, danced just like a mad man in ecstatic love of God.


The Lord's assurance that he will see Him, made him dance in ecstasy. :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

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