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Nature didn't know what she was doing when she made the human body?

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What we have presently is that people who went through modern educational institutions are clearly so much pained that they finaly do for money everything, even going against their own fellow countrymen and of course against the vedic perspective of the real goal of life, reviving our original relationship with Krishna. To muckrake this cheating of innocent children at school is of course again done by non-Vaishnavas whereas ISKCON as usual keeps silent: "There are plenty of intelligent (academic) people who are atheists (eg Dawkins), believe in the pharma hoax and that we are living in a democracy. How dumb is that?" (William Thoms)


Education to deprive the common people of their commonsense



"The purpose of Compulsory Education is to deprive the common people of their commonsense. ---G.K. Chesterton

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education at school." ------Albert Einstein


Brainwashing 101 is a provocative short film showing how universities use tools such as "speech codes" to force political views upon students. In this cutting expos-, documentary filmmakers Maloney, Browning and Greenberg shine a light on political correctness, academic bias, student censorship--even administrative cover-ups of death threats--at three schools: Bucknell University, the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly).

It is a Toltec axiom that everything which has power rarely, if ever, attracts attention, for man's rational mind is geared towards academic complexity. -----Theun Mares


"To teach the Rockefeller drug ideology, it is necessary to teach that Nature didn't know what she was doing when she made the human body."

Hans Ruesch


There is a good deal else that would not exist without "poisonous pedagogy." It would be inconceivable, for example, for politicians mouthing empty clichès to attain the highest positions of power by democratic means. But since voters, who as children would normally have been capable of seeing through these clichès with the aid of their feelings, were specifically forbidden to do so in their early years, they lose this ability as adults. The capacity to experience the strong feelings of childhood and puberty (which are so often stifled by child-rearing methods, beatings, or even drugs) could provide the individual with an important means of orientation with which he or she could easily determine whether politicians are speaking from genuine experience or are merely parroting time-worn platitudes for the sake of manipulating voters. Our whole system of raising and educating children provides the power-hungry with a ready-made railway network they can use to reach the destination of their choice. They need only push the buttons that parents and educators have already installed. (*"Poisonous pedagogy" refers to that tradition of child-rearing which attempts to suppress all vitality, creativity, and feeling in the child and maintain the autocratic, godlike position of the parents at all costs. See the author's book For Your Own Good, especially the section entitled "Poisonous Pedagogy.") - by Alice Miller, Thou Shalt Not Be Aware http://www.inclusiveorthodox.


This really gets conspiratorial because, when your education system has been subverted by a Satanic cult -- you don't get much more conspiratorial than that. .....I became interested in monopolies through the federal reserve system. And I realized that because they now had the power to print money, since 1913, they were printing the money and taking over other areas. So that's why you now have the medical monopoly, the American Medical Association, the medical trust. You have the legal monopoly, which controls the courts of the United States. And when you go into court, you are at their mercy because they can do whatever they wish. [CN -- See, for example, Defrauding America by Rodney Stich.] ....And the education monopoly! And they found that was the most important one of all, because, by training the children to accept these other monopolies [and] never question authority. [interview 2003] by Tom Valentine


Education today is mostly corruption and seduction.--Eustace Mullins (Video)


To take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it. By 1993, the full force effect of this policy is becoming apparent, and will be even more destructive as primary and secondary schools begin to teach "Outcome Based Education" (OBE). Targets of the Illuminati and the Committee of 300 By Dr. John Coleman


'Education is a system of imposed ignorance' - Noam Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent (THE Chomsky film, available from British Film Institute)



The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Iserbyt

Education for Slavery by Eustace Mullins


PUBLIC SCHOOLS, PUBLIC MENACE: How Public Schools Lie to Parents and Betray Our Children By Joel Turtell



Public Schools - Public Prisons

A web site that deconstructs the US education system

Origins & History of American Compulsory Schooling: An Interview with John Taylor Gatto


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