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Science Proves the Power of Prasadam & Discovers Power of Praying Over Food !!!

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Science Proves the Power of Prasadam











The secret is out; prasadam rules! Science has discovered the power of praying over food with love and devotion. You can see for yourself (and prove to your kids, friends, family, etc) the physical effect of consciousness upon the material elements. I'm no scientist (and hardly a devotee), but if I were a complete nonbeliever, I'd hedge my bets and offer my food (and everything else!) just to play it safe.



Of course, Krsna must accept your offering, so I don't know what happens - scientifically - say, for example, if someone were to thank God for his roast beef sandwich. Perhaps there would be no molecular change. I'm not about to experiment nor encourage anyone to do it. But it's nice to see the evidence of the power of prayer. "If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it." BG 9.26


Check out the pictures.


Your servant,

Nrsimhananda das, ITV


Visual Evidence of the Power of Prayer, Gratitude and Appreciation



Dr. Masaru Emoto, a visionary researcher from Japan received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water.



Continuing in this stream of awareness, Dr Emoto began to study the impact of altering water by various factors of vibration and consciousness. He studied water that had been altered by music - healing music, classical music, heavy metal music - and so forth.



And the crystalline pictures reveal how water responds to these influences ... into complex arrangements of crystalline beauty. This begins to reveal that water is alive - it is conscious and responds to applied force by a rearrangement of its inner crystalline properties.



Inspired by these revelations, he decided to study the impact of human consciousness on water and its crystalline order.



Through repeatable experiments Dr. Emoto demonstrated that human thoughts and emotions can alter the molecular structure of water. Now, for the first time, there is physical evidence that the power of our thoughts can change the world within and around us.



He found that water that had been consciously altered by the simple imprinting of a word of intent upon the water would change. Water that was imprinted by love, gratitude, and appreciation, responded by the development of complex beauty, and water that was mistreated by negative intentions became disordered and lost its magnificent patterning. In fact, it often took on grotesque forms of resonance.





He experimented first with water from a pure source in Japan. The picture revealed a beautiful crystalline form. (Photo 1) He then did the same thing with water from a nearby polluted river. The result was a muddy, smeared pattern with very little structure. (Photo 2) He then asked a priest from a temple to offer a prayer to the polluted water sample and repeated the experiment out of curiosity. To his surprise, another beautiful crystalline structure appeared. (Photo 3)





This experiment was repeated many times over with the same result. The researcher then exposed water samples to different types of music. Classical music always reflected beautiful patterns, (photo 4) whereas heavy metal or rock and roll created distorted, formless, smudged images, (photo 5) as if these types of music had destroyed the delicate equilibrium of the molecules. He continued experimenting, this time by writing words on pieces of paper and taping them to a clear glass container to see if anything happened.



He tried using positive words like "Love" and "Thank you" (photo 6) and every time noticed a beautiful and delicate crystalline pattern. He tried "You Make Me Sick. I Will Kill You" (photo 7) and each time observed distorted, frightening, muddied patterns. He even experimented with names like "GandhiMother Teresa" (photo 8) and "Hitler" (photo 9) and the same kind of results occurred.





After much experimentation, Dr. Emoto discovered that the most powerful combination of thoughts in terms of capacity to transform was that of "Love and Gratitude." (Photo 10)





What makes this discovery so amazing is that we live on a planet covered by more water than landmass, and that the human body is largely composed of water. So if we have the power to change the structure of the medium we are made of by simply producing positive though patterns, we can restore not only our own health but that of everyone around us, and even the planet itself, with our every thought.


Think about what giving thanks and praying before a meal can do to your health. I used to believe that it was a good way to stop the mental business of the day and put myself into a more receptive space. Now I know that even the food I am about to eat will also be transformed.



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I have seen the recent post on internet about Dr Emoto and his water experiments. I have been aware of it and have been using it for many years in my preaching at London universities, because it sounds like a good and solid ‘scientific’ proof that consciousness can affect matter. I was his great fan and supporter.


However, fairly recently I become aware of some serious issues in regards to Mr Emoto and his experiments.


The main thing is that none of his experiments are actually scientific. They cannot be replicated under controlled conditions. James Randi, founder of the James Randi Educational Foundation, has publicly offered Emoto one million dollars if his results can be reproduced in a double-blind study. He never came forward. If its scientific, why he didn’t do it and made $1m?


Because of that his work cannot be presented as scientific. He doesn’t have any supporters in among accredited scientists. His work is technically defined as pseudoscience. Even his title as Dr is challenged, since its given by The Open International University for Alternative Medicine in India, an unaccredited institute with minimal academic requirements.


I have stopped using his material in my presentations after I was challenged and embarrassed in public due to my ignorance of the facts. Therefore I believe that it is better that devotees refrain from quoting his work trying to use it as scientific proof of anything. We can sell that to ignorant people, but it will greatly discredit us in the front of anyone who is actually scientifically educated.


ys kkd

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What a bummer one moment I'm floating on the waves of hope.... the next dissapointed, such is life.

Still as devotees we will always have some faith in the process of prasadam and offering bhog even if it is only psychologically relieving our doubts temporarily or our conscience, from our complacency and procrastination.

The thing is we see water as conscious because our well wishing guardians all agree and when we hear and accept such conceptions our consciousness sees that also and enters the world of consciousness where everything is grateful for it's graceful existence.

That is a choice all have to embrace or reject and the basis of appreciation that someone other than ourselves is in affectionate control of everything.


The problem with fallen souls is that they try so hard to deny the existence of God in anything including prasadam, because it means we have to put someone before us and our ravenous tongue, sacrifice, and basicly most of us are a little lazy when it comes to activity that may be for our best interest! It's a process of changing from thinking we are #1 to becoming #2 because it's a sacrifice to prepare meals every day for someone else first, especially if we can't tangibly see that someone reciprocate our labours.

So the easy option is slip down for a quick fix at Mc dodos and just pretend everything is alright with the world, especially as one ages we like to have someone else do the cooking.


Are all these devotees dying relatively young because of their diet or is Krsna calling them all home, before they become cynical old doubting Thomas's? We may never know, as this is the land of faith we live in, sometimes blind, other times filled with conviction and bright hope, this is why regular practice will take us beyond the borders of doubt into nista and ultimately prema-bhakti beyond abhas of doubt.


One thing is certain it is nessacary to become Goswami rather than godas, and that can translate as neither eating too little or too much , be it unoffered or prasadam, for gluttony will surely take us out quicker.


Still there is nothing quite like breaking chapatis in a kirtan-exhausted party of devotees, in the afterglow and perspiration of an exstatic hari nam sacrifice. It just always feels better than the ole regular reluctant daily bread thing.

What to speak of helping the digestive juices, and pleasing the Mrs. for getting a day off.

Maha prasadam ki Jaya!

And prasadam sevaites ki Jaya!

All the faithful servitors of the Lord ki jaya!

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James Randi's techniques for disproving supernatural phenomena have been brought into question because he can change testing conditions at his own discretion. In other words, he is an ardent disbeliever and tries to disprove all supernatural phenomena. He comes into the study with a bias which is inherently unscientific.


I'm neither a believer nor disbeliever in supernatural phenomena. I just think that such things are incredibly hard to reproduce in lab conditions as there are a number of subtle influences that do need to be taken into account that either positively or negatively affect the experiment in question. It's like the argument of trying to use string theory to explain the phenomenon of tornadoes. While some contend that a tornado is an example of a large system which brings forth NEW laws, others contend that understanding string theory can bring about a deeper understanding of tornadoes. Complexity theory versus reductionist theory, basically. However, even reductionists have to admit that they are at a loss as to how to calculate the behavior of tornadoes simply by understanding string theory and going through the calculations because there are a million factors to take into consideration just to make the situation even remotely tractable.

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I know J Randi and his techniques, but still Emotos findings have to be reproducible under lab conditions, otherwise we shouldn't use the word science.


Of course, we can argue from our KC perspective about what is science, but when preaching we have to consider what others will understand when we say 'scientific'.


Emoto's crystals can be at the best considered 'pseudo science'.


Just consider this:


This stuff has been out for last 10 yrs. Since then no one replicated it anywhere. Why? Forget Randy. No one. And the experiment is nothing high tech really. It is a fairly simple experiment.


If it was really true, we would see many other open minded scientists replicating it and expanding on it. But we have not seen any.


I know of a 'new age' publishing house in Germany who refused to publish his books because his experiments were 'fishy'. They publish all kinds of other stuff, but they tought that he would not be good for their reputation.


On the other hand, something like chanting Hare Krishna has effects that can be replicated, and has been replicated by hundreds of thousands people. As long as they do it under certain conditions, they can see it for themselves. Thats why Srila Prabhupada has called Krishna Consciousness a science.

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