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Bhakta Don Muntean

IRAN has to be shut down...

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Well, thats just to educate you, if you cant accept, what can be done? May be others can grasp the meaning.

Zionists Do Not Represent Jews




From the inception of the Zionist State and particularly in recent times, the impression has been created in the World that there is some connection between the State, which falsely calls itself Israel, and the Jewish people as a whole. Therefore, we who continue to uphold the never-changing tradition of the Jewish people find it proper to again clarify the following points:


  • A Jew is one who remains faithful to the laws of the Jewish religion, that is, the Holy Torah and its commandments.
  • The Jewish people became a people before they had their own land, and continued to exist as a people also after they went Into exile, because our very people hood is based exclusively on the Torah.


  • The Holy Land was given to the Jewish people on the condition that they observe the Torah and its commandments. When they failed to do this, their sovereignty over the land was taken from them, and they went into exile. From that time, we are prohibited by the Torah with a very grave prohibition to establish a Jewish independent sovereignty in the Holy Land or anywhere throughout the world. Rather, we are obligated to be loyal to the nations under whose protection we dwell.
  • This situation has existed for close to 2000 years when the Jewish people were dispersed throughout all corners of the world. During this time, the Jews always remained faithful to the country in which they lived.
  • The Jewish people are grateful to all those merciful nations which have allowed them to observe Torah and the commandments undisturbed.
  • From ancient times, the relations between the Jewish and Islamic peoples have always been those of peace and brotherhood, and friendship always reigned between them. The proof of this is the fact that for centuries, in all the Arab lands, hundreds of thousands of Jews lived in honor and amidst mutual esteem.
  • Jews throughout all generations yearned to grace the sacred soil of the Holy Land and to live there. However, their sole purpose was to fulfill the commandments dependent upon the land and to absorb Its holiness. Never, G-d forbid, did they have any nationalist or sovereign intent whatsoever which, as mentioned above, is forbidden to us. Indeed, also here in the Holy Land, our fathers lived in neighborly harmony with the Palestinian residents of the land, helping one another, to mutual benefit.
  • Until about two hundred years ago, the vast majority of Jews observed the Torah and the commandments in entirety. Jewry's leaders were Torah scholars, who directed the people according to the Torah. They were loyal citizens in the host nations where they dwelled and to the local laws. They prayed for the welfare of their respective governments. To our sorrow, at that time a small number of Jews slowly left their observance of Torah and commandments. Together with this, they began to deride the spiritual leadership of their people. This assimilation was the basis upon which, one hundred years ago, the ideology of Zionism was born. Its founders were assimilated Jews who had abandoned the Torah.
  • Immediately at the founding of the Zionist movement, masses of Jews under the leadership of their Rabbis, launched a heavy battle against Zionism. Their attack was directed not only at the non-religious Zionist idea, but rather, primarily at its opposition to the Torah-ordained path that Jewry must follow while in exile. As such, the Zionists incited the nations of the world, demanding political sovereignty over the Holy Land while remaining oblivious to the resentment this would arouse In the Palestinian Arabs, the land's veteran inhabitants. As stated, the leaders of Orthodox Jewry vehemently opposed the movement with all force.
  • The Zionists refused to heed the voice of the Rabbis and Torah authority. They persisted in their ways until they succeeded in influencing the British government to issue the Balfour Declaration concerning the "establishment of a national home for the Jews in the land of Israel." To our great sorrow, from that point on began the deterioration of the good relations between the Jews and the Arab inhabitants of the land. This occurred because the Arab people understood that the Zionists wished to seize ruler ship from them. In addition, the Arab people had suspicions as if the Jewish people wished to seize control of the Temple Mount and other similar sites. Matters worsened as a result.
  • The Jewish leadership of that time saw it as proper to clarify before the Arab leaders that the Torah-true Jews had no desire whatsoever for sovereignty, and that our desire was to continue to live in peace with the Arabs, as we had always done. The leader of the G-d-fearing Jewish community at that time, Rabbi Yoseph Chaim Zonnenfeld. of blessed memory, organized a delegation in July of 24' which visited King Hussein and his sons Faisal the King of Iraq and the Amir Abdullah In order to lucidly present to them the position of the G-d-fearing Jewish community. The Jewish delegation clarified unequivocally that Torah Jewry is totally opposed to the Zionist sovereignty over the Holy Land. It Is worth noting that the delegation was received with great honor. They were even assured that all Arab lands were completely open to Jews, however, on the condition that the Jews do not demand political rights. This condition also applied to the Holy Land. One of the members of the Jewish delegation, Professor Yisroel Yaakov De Haan, paid with his life for his participation.
  • Torah Jewry protests at every opportunity against the Zionist rule over the Holy Land, and the Zionist rebellion against the neighboring nations. Torah Jewry has condemned the Zionist oppression of the Palestinians, the land's veteran inhabitants who have been driven from their homes and properties. The Zionists' barbaric and violent deeds are absolutely antithetical to the essence of the Jewish people.
  • Torah Jewry has never ever recognized the Zionist state. Since the Zionists succeeding in establishing their state, Torah Jewry has continuously announced to the world that the Zionists do not represent the Jewish people, and that the name "Israel" that they use is a forgery. For as has been stated above, it is forbidden to us from the Torah to rebel against the nations, and all sovereignty by us is prohibited. Rather, we await the days when all the world will recognize the sovereignty of the Creator, and the words of the prophet Isaiah will yet be fulfilled: "And they will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. No nation will lift its sword against any other, nor will they learn warfare anymore."
  • Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews have refrained to this day from taking any funds from the Zionist regime, whether for their educational institutions, synagogues or other benefits. Obviously, they do not participate in the Zionist elections, whether for the "Knesset" or for the municipality. We do not serve in their army, and we even avoid speaking in the Hebrew language that the Zionists Invented. (incidentally, this is not the holy and true Hebrew language in which the Bible is written.) All this is done because Torah Jewry does not recognize the Zionist regime, which Is against the Torah and against humanity.
  • Lately, the question has once again arisen concerning the Temple Mount and sovereignty over it. Thus, we wish to state unequivocally: a) In our time, it is a severe Torah prohibition for any Jew to set foot on any part of the Temple Mount area. b) The Jewish people have no claim whatsoever to sovereignty over this holy site, which is under Islamic authority, nor over any other holy site. Rabbi Zonenfeld was once asked, "is it true, that the Rabbi prefers an non-Jewish government over all of the Holy Land"? Rabbi Zonenfeld replied, "if King Hussein would rule over Palestine, the holiness of the Holy Land would not be diminished to even to an Iota degree". We yearningly await G-d's great day, when He will return His Divine Presence to Zion, restoring the holy city to its former holiness and glory as in days of old, to be a light to the peoples and the nations.
  • The Zionists have no right of any sovereignty over even one inch of the Holy Land. They do not represent the Jewish people in any way whatsoever. They have no right to speak in the name of the Jewish people. Therefore, their words, declarations and actions are not in any way representative of the Jewish people. This is because the Zionists' seizing of power over the Holy Land is antithetical to Jewish law, and also because the Zionists do not behave like Jews at all rather, they desecrate the sanctity of the land.
  • We once again clarify that it is our desire to live in peace with our Arab and Palestinian neighbors, as we did before the Zionist revolution, and as Jews all over the world till today live, accepting the yoke of rulership of their host nation, with complete loyalty. Our sole desire is to serve our G-d and to fulfill His commandments with a perfect heart and to delight in the radiance of the sanctity of the Land.


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It's funny seeing you both dishing it out to each other!


In my opinion, both sides are to blame. There have been mistakes made by both the sides, so trying to single out one is a futile exercise and results in arguments such as the one you two have engaged in.

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Look I don't want to hear anything about any Jewish issue - from an anti-semite because that is what you are - you only use these articles because they support your anti-israel position....:eek4:


Somehow you're very wrong here, since I didnt present my own opinion but only quotes of honorable Rabbis and these quotes at full length, not out of context, you cant blame me for what is being said. I actually didnt say anything, only the Rabbis spoke, which you actually called "extremists". So now you foolishly accuse me for what Rabbis say. In sum you actually call Rabbis anti-semite and are blaming them not with logic but name-calling profanity. This is very foolish. Please, be fair, I didnt say one word, just presented quotes with reference.

Besides, at another post, you clearly also insulted Rabbi Moishe Arye Friedman.



It's funny seeing you both dishing it out to each other!




No, I never dished out anything. What you experience as dishing out are the words of Rabbis, not mine. If you consider this as funny, nice for you. But these were not my words, just quotes.

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Wonder if you entitle Jewish journalists like Henry Makow Ph.D. or Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl also as Nazi?




Two Great Lies that Ensnared Jews and Americans


April 06, 2007

By Henry Makow, Ph.D.



Mightier than the nuclear bomb, the Lie is Satan's most powerful weapon. The bomb merely devastates. The Lie steals souls. It enlists millions of naive people to Satan's cause.


"God's chosen people" have been Satan's favorite targets. He slaughtered them in the Holocaust and then, with diabolical irony, had them inflict similar atrocities on the Palestinian people in the "Nakba" ("Cataclysm") As I will show later, without the Holocaust there could not have been a Nakba.


Satan's agents on planet earth are the Illuminati, the highest rung of Freemasonry. The Illuminati represent an occult conspiracy against God and mankind consisting of an alliance of German Jewish bankers, Jesuits and the aristocratic families of Europe (especially England) and America. The Illuminati is the force behind British and American Imperialism, Nazism, Communism, Zionism, Feminism and the New World Order.


Satan's agents have taken control of the Jewish people through two central Lies concerning the Holocaust and the 1948 "War of Independence." Israel was not created to give Jews a homeland because of anti-Semitism. Rather, the Holocaust probably took place to force Jews to create Israel. The Illuminati want it as capital of their New World Order. The blatant Masonic symbolism in the Rothschild-built Israeli Supreme Court is a blatant tip-off.


The second Lie is that in 1948, Israelis faced another Holocaust at the hands of blood thirsty Arab armies. Jews are taught that David-like, the Israelis defeated Goliath .


I will deal with this second Lie first. Aggressors always conjure up a peril to make ordinary people fight and die.




According to Israeli historian Ilan Pappe,1948 was not a war but a pretext for the expulsion of a million mostly defenseless Palestinians from their ancestral homes, orchards, fields and businesses. ("The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine," 2006)


The neighboring states did not constitute a threat and the Zionist leadership knew it. The Palestinians did not flee willingly as Jews are taught, but were driven out.


The British and UN were accomplices in this partial genocide. With 75,000 soldiers present, the British permitted the massacres and pillage in spite of their promise in the Balfour Declaration to uphold Palestinian rights.


The UN ceded to 600,000 Jews a territory containing one million Palestinians, leaving them at the mercy of David Ben Gurion who said, "Only a state with at least 80% Jews is a viable and stable state." (Pappe, p.48) Eighty-nine percent of the cultivated land in the UN designated Jewish state belonged to Palestinians. (30)


General Sir John Bagot Glubb, the British chief the (Jordanian) Arab Legion called 1948 "a phony war." Like most wars it was orchestrated. The leader of Arab forces, King Abdullah of Jordan, had a secret deal with the Zionists to offer only token resistance in return for the West Bank and East Jerusalem. In addition, the English controlled the Arab armies and curtailed supplies.


Far from "a rag tag group of defenders", Israel had 50,000 soldiers, half of whom had served in the British army. It had a small air force, navy, tanks, armoured cars and heavy artillery. Facing them were the real "rag tag defenders," perhaps 10,000 poorly trained and equipped Palestinian paramilitary outfits and volunteers from the Arab world. (44)


Despite rhetoric from Arab capitals, there was never any chance of driving the Jews into the sea. The Palestinians were passive and underestimated the danger. They had lived under Ottoman and British rule, and somehow would manage under the Jewish regime. Many villages made "non-aggression pacts" with the Jews.


In March 1948 Ben Gurion told the Jewish Agency Executive: "I believe the majority of the Palestinian masses accept the partition as a fait accompli...[they] do not want to fight us." (61)


The Arab Legion represented the only serious opposition but was used only to repulse the Zionists when they reneged on their bargain and attacked the Old City of Jerusalem.


The other Arab nations were so feeble that the Zionists occupied Southern Lebanon and expelled Arabs from there. On May 24, 1948, David Ben Gurion did not sound like the leader of a beleaguered people when he confided in his diary: "We will establish a Christian state in Lebanon, the southern border of which will be the Litani river. We will break Transjordan, bomb Amman and destroy its army, and then Syria falls, and if Egypt will still continue to fight, we will bombard Port Said, Alexandria and Cairo." (144)


Yes, the Palestinians did attack some convoys and isolated Jewish settlements at considerable loss of Jewish life. These attacks played into the hands of the Zionists who always portray acts of resistance as aggression and anti-Semitism.





Arabic speaking, Ilan Pappe interviewed survivors in Palestinian refugee camps. He compared their accounts to those in the IDF Archives and to the accounts of Jewish leaders.


Over 200 Arab villages were destroyed before a regular Arab soldier set foot in Palestine. Their presence did nothing to deter the documented ethnic cleansing program "Plan D" prepared well in advance. (82) A detailed inventory of all Palestinian settlements and property had been made. (Often the unwary Palestinians extended hospitality to the takers of this macabre "census.")


The procedure was carried out according to the Plan. The Zionists attacked Palestinian villages at night and dynamited houses while residents slept inside. Then they rounded up males between age 10 and 50 and shot them or sent them to prison camps. The women, children and elders were made to leave. Eventually about 750,000 ended up in refugee camps in Gaza, the West Bank or neighboring countries. There were many instances of rape and plunder.


In the big cities like Jerusalem, Jaffa and Haifa, the Palestinian districts were shelled and people terrorized and killed. Altogether, 530 of about 1000 Palestinian villages were physically demolished. About a dozen cities and towns were also emptied. Some villages had forged economic or personal ties with the Jews and escaped this fate. Many of these "deals" were not honored by the Zionists.


Dier Yassin was bad but the events that unfolded October 28 1948 in the village of Dawaymeh between Beersheba and Hebron were even worse. I cite Pappe: "Venturing into the village the next day the Muktar (Hassan Mahmoud Ihdeib) beheld with horror the piles of dead bodies in the mosque—with many more strewn about in the street—men, women and children, among them his own father....455 people were missing among them around 170 children and women. The Jewish soldiers who took part also reported horrific scenes, babies whose skulls were cracked open, women raped or burned alive in houses, and men stabbed to death. These were...eye-witness accounts sent to [israeli] High Command within a few days of the event." (197)





The day before a Palestinian village was attacked, Israeli political officers (like Soviet commissars) would incite the troops with a talk about the Holocaust. The Palestinians were portrayed as Nazis and the necessity of a Jewish homeland was emphasized.


The Zionists used the Holocaust to get Jews to commit unspeakable crimes against Palestinians and give themselves moral immunity. The whole world watched and said nothing. But were Zionists also partly responsible for the Jewish Holocaust? Did Zionists first do to Jews what they later did to Palestinians?


In 1943 Rabbi Dov Weissmandl of the Jewish Rescue Committee in Slovakia arranged for Nazi officials to stop transports to concentration camps in exchange for $50,000. They in fact stopped transports while waiting for the money.


Weissmandl appealed to the Zionist Jewish Agency HQ in Switzerland for the money and was told Zionists "must turn a deaf ear to the pleas and cries emanating from Eastern Europe" in order to establish the state of Israel.


" Remember this: all the allies have suffered many losses, and if we also do not offer human sacrifices, how can we gain the right to sit at the conference table when the territorial boundaries are reshaped? [israel] Eretz Yisroel will be ours only by paying with blood, but as far as our immediate circle is concerned, ATEM TAJLU. The messenger bearing this letter will supply you with funds for this purpose".


Weismandl interpreted the letter as follows: "The price of Eretz Yisroel is the blood of the men and women, hoary sages, and babes in arms - but not YOUR [Zionist] blood! Let us not spoil this plan by giving the Axis [i.e. Nazis] powers to save Jewish lives. But for you, [Zionist] comrades, I have enclosed carfare for your escape. What a nightmare! The Zionist agent "diplomat" comes to Czechoslovakia and says "Shed your blood cheerfully, for your blood is cheap. But for your blood, the Land (of Israel) will be ours! (MIN HAMETZAR (p. 92) by Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl ZT"L Dean of Nitra Yeshiva )


If you don’t think this philosophy actuated the rise of Nazism, anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, you are kidding yourself. I believe Nazism also was a fraud on the German people, just as Zionism is a fraud on Jews.



Today the Nakba continues in Gaza Strip, the West Bank and along the paritition wall. (Some would say 9-11, the War on Terror and Iraq, are also related to the Nakba.)New settlements are being build to strengthen Israeli claims, as "fait accomplis."

The majority of Israelis and their supporters are faced with a moral "fait accompli." Having been deceived about the Holocaust and the "War of Independence", they have participated in a foul moral outrage and built their lives upon Lies. What can they do now?

When you are traveling down the wrong road, there is no use pretending it is the right one. You have to make a U-turn and retrace your steps, the sooner the better.


I believe Zionists should acknowledge the truth and pursue a two-state solution providing apologies and generous restitution to the Palestinians. There should be a limited right of return. This is what they demand of the Germans.


Ilan Pappe is not optimistic. The premeditated attack on Lebanon last July was the last straw. Pappe, a professor at Haifa University, watched his dovish colleagues accept the government rationale. If anything Israelis now are more fanatical than ever. Pappe is leaving Israel to take a position as Chair of History at Exeter University in England.


Pappe is a rare historian: honest, courageous and moral in the true Jewish spirit. He says the Palestianian version of events, denied for so many years, is "fully vindicated" by his research. Israelis and their supporters have entered a moral abyss and need to make a 180-degree turn before they burn in hell, and take the rest of us along. The Illuminati controls the Masonic Israeli leadership. They already have betrayed the Jewish people more than once and could do so again.


There is only one way the human race will flourish in peace: by acknowledging the truth no matter how incriminating it is or painful.


See also my "Zionism: A Conspiracy Against Jews"

The Canadian Holocaust (Against Indians)

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