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Dear Prabhujis & Mataji, i am hereby appealing to devottess & bhaktas for a complex matter i am suffering for some time now, i am a victim of black magic ghost situation & have been suffering from this situation without any solution , it has affected my mental & physical health very badly as now my rounds are getting difficult to chant and concentrate Please i require your assistance in this matter highly, perhaps you know someone or a known effective solution of any kind would be higly appricieted


you can reach me with the folling email id



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Hare Krishna


All glories to Srila Prabhupad


Please Chant nicely in the "Brahma muhurta" concetrating on the sound vibration of the HARE KRISHNA MAHA-MANTRA.


1. Bath everyday - This is not, then there is a chance for ghost to enter into your body.

2. Chant at the Mangala Arati - This gives you bliss and transcendence.

3. Always recite some slokas which you know or memorize some slokas and recite them - This will make you not to think of anything and only Lord alone.

4. If you have Lord Nrisingha Dev's Photo with you then offer sacred tulasi leaves and Pray to him to relieve you from this suffering - because he is the divine protector.


Hari bol

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  • 3 weeks later...


Dear Prabhujis & Mataji, i am hereby appealing to devottess & bhaktas for a complex matter i am suffering for some time now, i am a victim of black magic ghost situation & have been suffering from this situation without any solution , it has affected my mental & physical health very badly as now my rounds are getting difficult to chant and concentrate Please i require your assistance in this matter highly, perhaps you know someone or a known effective solution of any kind would be higly appricieted


you can reach me with the folling email id




if it is bad and need urgent uttention, there are people in india who will fix this. afterwards, chant lord's name, everything will be fine.

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