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Vedic Verse

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jyothi rao

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"If someone were to say, “The scriptures mention that God has 10 or 24 main descensions, but I would prefer a 25th descension. What should I do?” Such people should know that uncountable descensions of God are taking place every moment in uncountable brahmandas."

- Prem Ras Siddhant

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You must have seen sweets made of pure sugar that are prepared on occasions like Divali and other festivals. These are made for children in the shape of toys, just like a sugar-horse, a sugar-elephant, a sugar-man, a sugar-woman, and so on.

Out of innocence, the children will fight over them, “I want the man!” “I will take the horse!” But mother and father know that whether their child takes the horse or the man, the sweetness of both is exactly the same. The only difference is in the shape of that particular sweet. In this way, regardless of which avatar one worships, all of them have unlimited powers, unlimited virtues and Their Divinity is equal.

- Prem Ras Siddhant

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Sharat Purnima is most auspicious day for the devotee of Radha Krishn because, on that particular night (about 5,000 years ago), the maharas leela had happened. On that same night Shree Maharajji has appeared. Every October thousands of devotees travel from throughout India and around the world to Mangarh to participate in the excelling birthday celebrations of Shree Maharajji and the annual sadhana program.

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"When I met Shree Maharajji the emotional waves that poured out of me in torrents of tears caught me unaware and I was surprised by the depth and totality of my response. When I saw Him deliver His discourse, I felt that I was watching God Himself on stage in the form of Shree Chaitanya Mahaprabhuji!" :)

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