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ketu's effects in 6th house

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Hello and best wishes to all.


My question concerns the effects of Ketu in the sixth house. The sixth

house is a place of conflict, enemies, litigation and injury. Ketu's

general influence brings loss, restriction and detachment.


My questions are:


Does Ketu here restrict or ward off injury? Does it act to limit the

effcts of enemies,disease and debt? Or, conversely, does a malefic

influence in a malefic house simply magnify the difficulties found in

the sixth?


Thank you.





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Dear Mr.Thomas,


I have read in some authentic authors book that the best place

for Ketu is the 6th house among the 12 houses.That is

to advantage of ketu here.

Ketu in the 6th may also give wrong medicines administered

to the native. That is to the disadvantage of Ketu here.


I have personally Ketu in the 6th in my chart.Makes my wife

religious and my maternal Uncles very religious too.


Ketu would give results of planets conjoined with it

or planets aspecting it. If none of both are applying,

then the effects of the Rashi Lord where it is situated.


But in all cases Ketu would reduce the rashness attributed

to the maleficness of the house.Even your enemies would be

religious minded at times, even if they dont

pay you the money due to you and fight,yet,they would

not finish you like the modern day killers.









jyotish-vidya, "talljun2" <talljun2 wrote:


> Hello and best wishes to all.


> My question concerns the effects of Ketu in the sixth house. The


> house is a place of conflict, enemies, litigation and injury.


> general influence brings loss, restriction and detachment.


> My questions are:


> Does Ketu here restrict or ward off injury? Does it act to limit


> effcts of enemies,disease and debt? Or, conversely, does a malefic

> influence in a malefic house simply magnify the difficulties found


> the sixth?


> Thank you.


> Sincerely,


> Thomas


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Dear Thomas,


It's necessary to consider what sign Ketu occupies, position and strength of

his dispositor and so forth.



"34-39½. In order to clarify the effects of the Dasha of Rahu I shall first

mention the exaltation and debilitation Rashis of Rahu and Ketu. The

exaltation Rashi of Rahu is Vrishabh (Taurus). The exaltation Rashi of Ketu

is Vrischik (Scorpio). The Multrikonas of Rahu and Ketu are Mithun (Gemini)

and Dhanu (Sagittarius). The own Rashis of Rahu and Ketu are Kumbh

(Aquarius) and Vrischik (Scorpio)."


If Ketu and his dispositor have strength/dignity, the native will have

excellent health and vitality. Will defeat his enemies and competitors. Will

get along with co-workers and benefit from subordinates. If Ketu and/or his

dispositor are weak or afflicted there may be hidden (difficult to diagnose)

illnesses, difficulties with co-workers and obstacles on account of jealous

people (enemies).


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy









"talljun2" <talljun2 >


Sunday, February 11, 2007 2:09 AM

ketu's effects in 6th house



Hello and best wishes to all.


My question concerns the effects of Ketu in the sixth house. The sixth

house is a place of conflict, enemies, litigation and injury. Ketu's

general influence brings loss, restriction and detachment.


My questions are:


Does Ketu here restrict or ward off injury? Does it act to limit the

effcts of enemies,disease and debt? Or, conversely, does a malefic

influence in a malefic house simply magnify the difficulties found in

the sixth?


Thank you.





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Hello, and thank you all for your learned responses.


In this specific case, Ketu is in Aries, opposes


Rahu, both in Libra posited in the 12th.

Ketu's dispositor, Mars, is quite weak and tightly

combust the Sun, within one degree.


The native reports difficulty with co-workers,

conflicts with superiors and many obstacles from

jealous people. The birth chart features Scorpio

rising, with Mars combust Sun in Virgo, posited in the

11th house. Many broken bones, below the knee and five

different incidents of broken ankles, all occured

while playing football.


Thank you all again for your responses.




--- Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT) com.au> wrote:


> Dear Thomas,


> It's necessary to consider what sign Ketu occupies,

> position and strength of

> his dispositor and so forth.


> BPHS CH.47

> "34-39½. In order to clarify the effects of the

> Dasha of Rahu I shall first

> mention the exaltation and debilitation Rashis of

> Rahu and Ketu. The

> exaltation Rashi of Rahu is Vrishabh (Taurus). The

> exaltation Rashi of Ketu

> is Vrischik (Scorpio). The Multrikonas of Rahu and

> Ketu are Mithun (Gemini)

> and Dhanu (Sagittarius). The own Rashis of Rahu and

> Ketu are Kumbh

> (Aquarius) and Vrischik (Scorpio)."


> If Ketu and his dispositor have strength/dignity,

> the native will have

> excellent health and vitality. Will defeat his

> enemies and competitors. Will

> get along with co-workers and benefit from

> subordinates. If Ketu and/or his

> dispositor are weak or afflicted there may be hidden

> (difficult to diagnose)

> illnesses, difficulties with co-workers and

> obstacles on account of jealous

> people (enemies).


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> jyotish-vidya

> ___





> -

> "talljun2" <talljun2 >

> <jyotish-vidya>

> Sunday, February 11, 2007 2:09 AM

> ketu's effects in 6th house



> Hello and best wishes to all.


> My question concerns the effects of Ketu in the

> sixth house. The sixth

> house is a place of conflict, enemies, litigation

> and injury. Ketu's

> general influence brings loss, restriction and

> detachment.


> My questions are:


> Does Ketu here restrict or ward off injury? Does it

> act to limit the

> effcts of enemies,disease and debt? Or, conversely,

> does a malefic

> influence in a malefic house simply magnify the

> difficulties found in

> the sixth?


> Thank you.


> Sincerely,


> Thomas










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Dear Thomas,


Declaring results for any planet without seeing the horoscope has as much

chance of being accurate as throwing dice. I wouldn't like to say too much

more without seeing the chart itself but just a quick comment regarding

accidents. Combust lagna lord Mars, karaka for 6th and significator of

accidents, disposits Ketu and aspects 6th house itself...hence the

propensity for accidents.


As for conflicts with superiors; this is related more to lagna lord being

combust 10th lord Sun. Both Sun and 10th signify authority (i.e. employer

etc) whereas 6th house relates more to employees, subordinates, co-workers



Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







"thomas allen" <talljun2 >


Monday, February 12, 2007 12:38 AM

Re: ketu's effects in 6th house



Hello, and thank you all for your learned responses.


In this specific case, Ketu is in Aries, opposes


Rahu, both in Libra posited in the 12th.

Ketu's dispositor, Mars, is quite weak and tightly

combust the Sun, within one degree.


The native reports difficulty with co-workers,

conflicts with superiors and many obstacles from

jealous people. The birth chart features Scorpio

rising, with Mars combust Sun in Virgo, posited in the

11th house. Many broken bones, below the knee and five

different incidents of broken ankles, all occured

while playing football.


Thank you all again for your responses.




--- Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT) com.au> wrote:


> Dear Thomas,


> It's necessary to consider what sign Ketu occupies,

> position and strength of

> his dispositor and so forth.


> BPHS CH.47

> "34-39½. In order to clarify the effects of the

> Dasha of Rahu I shall first

> mention the exaltation and debilitation Rashis of

> Rahu and Ketu. The

> exaltation Rashi of Rahu is Vrishabh (Taurus). The

> exaltation Rashi of Ketu

> is Vrischik (Scorpio). The Multrikonas of Rahu and

> Ketu are Mithun (Gemini)

> and Dhanu (Sagittarius). The own Rashis of Rahu and

> Ketu are Kumbh

> (Aquarius) and Vrischik (Scorpio)."


> If Ketu and his dispositor have strength/dignity,

> the native will have

> excellent health and vitality. Will defeat his

> enemies and competitors. Will

> get along with co-workers and benefit from

> subordinates. If Ketu and/or his

> dispositor are weak or afflicted there may be hidden

> (difficult to diagnose)

> illnesses, difficulties with co-workers and

> obstacles on account of jealous

> people (enemies).


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> jyotish-vidya

> ___

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Dear Sunil,


Read the question put by Thomas and it was so specific. He asked

could a malefic in 6th houses enhance the malefic tendencies?

Yes. Unequivocally my answer is yes. If you read my response to you

once again, perhaps, you may understand what I would like to say.


A malefic planet in 6th house denotes bad health or disease. It

denotes enemies. Basically you have the tendency of having disputes.


Ketu is a malefic. 6th house is a malefic house representing

disease and enemies etc. Of course a malefic in 6th is good - books

say so. What does it really mean? A malefic planet gives stamina to

fight back. In this way it is good. A malefic gives endurance. In

this way it is good. You are sick. You are diseased. You can

endure the sufferings due to the disease. You are capable of

withstand the pain from the injury; that an accident causes to you;

again injury is the signification of the sixth house.


What does it mean? You will first have disease; you have to suffer;

and you will eventually withstand the pain. That is what a malefic

in 6th denotes. The quality of a malefic is endurance that is not so

the case with a benefic in 6th.


What does it mean? You will have disputes or enemies. You will

fight with them. You will win over them.


See from this angle. Fourth lord, a malefic in 6th sixth. What is

the general interpretation you can give? It means the possibility

of a dispute over a property with your cousin or with your

relatives. Fine, that is a malefic that gives that tendency to you

to go to court; engage a lawyer; and fight it out. But an outright

benefic like Jupiter placed there, the planet of wisdom will tell

you to compromise with your cousin – sixth represents your cousin,

relatives, your subordinates and your colleagues. This is the

situation between a malefic and a benefic being in 6th.


Now fighting a case or coming to a mutual understanding and

compromise is again governed by your over all nature. What is your

innate nature? That matters. The predominance of Sattwa quality in

a chart would make a person to compromise; it is altogether a

different issue.


When a sixth house is free from the placement of a planet either a

benefic or a malefic then you can say no disease – it means – you

have a good health. You have no enemies – it means – you have

cordial relations with your subordinates, with your relatives so and

so forth. In other words, a house, which is not having any

influence either by a benefic or a malefic means, the tendencies

manifest in a normal way. That is why it is stressed in all

auspicious elections of Muhurtha charts, no planet in 6, 8 or 12.


A malefic is essential in 6th particularly when you are fighting…

say… filing a nomination for an election…filing your divorce papers

in court. The dasha of your 6th lord or the planet in 6th house -

that too a malefic is preferable - for winning a case in a court of



Hope this may help you to some extent.



Regards, C.S. Ravindramani

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Dear Ravindramani,


I've been through the posts (very carefully) and cannot find the post from

Sunil that you're responding to?? I'm not even sure if Sunil is a member

here...was this from another group perhaps?


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







"ravindramani" <ravindramani >


Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:54 PM

Re: ketu's effects in 6th house



Dear Sunil,


Read the question put by Thomas and it was so specific. He asked

could a malefic in 6th houses enhance the malefic tendencies?

Yes. Unequivocally my answer is yes. If you read my response to you

once again, perhaps, you may understand what I would like to say.


A malefic planet in 6th house denotes bad health or disease. It

denotes enemies. Basically you have the tendency of having disputes.


Ketu is a malefic. 6th house is a malefic house representing

disease and enemies etc. Of course a malefic in 6th is good - books

say so. What does it really mean? A malefic planet gives stamina to

fight back. In this way it is good. A malefic gives endurance. In

this way it is good. You are sick. You are diseased. You can

endure the sufferings due to the disease. You are capable of

withstand the pain from the injury; that an accident causes to you;

again injury is the signification of the sixth house.


What does it mean? You will first have disease; you have to suffer;

and you will eventually withstand the pain. That is what a malefic

in 6th denotes. The quality of a malefic is endurance that is not so

the case with a benefic in 6th.


What does it mean? You will have disputes or enemies. You will

fight with them. You will win over them.


See from this angle. Fourth lord, a malefic in 6th sixth. What is

the general interpretation you can give? It means the possibility

of a dispute over a property with your cousin or with your

relatives. Fine, that is a malefic that gives that tendency to you

to go to court; engage a lawyer; and fight it out. But an outright

benefic like Jupiter placed there, the planet of wisdom will tell

you to compromise with your cousin - sixth represents your cousin,

relatives, your subordinates and your colleagues. This is the

situation between a malefic and a benefic being in 6th.


Now fighting a case or coming to a mutual understanding and

compromise is again governed by your over all nature. What is your

innate nature? That matters. The predominance of Sattwa quality in

a chart would make a person to compromise; it is altogether a

different issue.


When a sixth house is free from the placement of a planet either a

benefic or a malefic then you can say no disease - it means - you

have a good health. You have no enemies - it means - you have

cordial relations with your subordinates, with your relatives so and

so forth. In other words, a house, which is not having any

influence either by a benefic or a malefic means, the tendencies

manifest in a normal way. That is why it is stressed in all

auspicious elections of Muhurtha charts, no planet in 6, 8 or 12.


A malefic is essential in 6th particularly when you are fighting.

say. filing a nomination for an election.filing your divorce papers

in court. The dasha of your 6th lord or the planet in 6th house -

that too a malefic is preferable - for winning a case in a court of



Hope this may help you to some extent.



Regards, C.S. Ravindramani

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Dear Mrs. Wendy,


Sunil is one of my friends, (who is a silent member of this List and

a beginner. His pet name is Sunil.) raised a question regarding this

thread to my personal mail box. When I was replying, I had to send

my response to his personal mail box. I responded it in the List

inadvertantly. Sorry for the confusion and the inconvenience caused

to you.


Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.





Dear Ravindramani,


I've been through the posts (very carefully) and cannot find the

post from Sunil that you're responding to?? I'm not even sure if

Sunil is a member here...was this from another group perhaps?


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy



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Dear Ravindramani.


It might benefit Sunil (and other silent members) to take a look at a couple

of notable horoscopes with Ketu in 6th.


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

12 Jan 1917 (08.50)

Jabalpur, India


Jawahar Lal Nehru

14 Nov 1889 (23.03)

Allahabad, India


Parashara (BPHS Ch.47: 72-77) indicates favourable results (generally) for

Ketu in the trishadya houses (3, 6, 11). Of course all factors have to be

considered as no two horoscopes have exactly the same influences on any



PS: The general consensus seems to be that Ketu fares well in sign of

Mercury...interestingly both the above charts have Ketu in Gemini in 6th.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







"ravindramani" <ravindramani >


Tuesday, February 13, 2007 6:33 PM

Re: ketu's effects in 6th house



Dear Mrs. Wendy,


Sunil is one of my friends, (who is a silent member of this List and

a beginner. His pet name is Sunil.) raised a question regarding this

thread to my personal mail box. When I was replying, I had to send

my response to his personal mail box. I responded it in the List

inadvertantly. Sorry for the confusion and the inconvenience caused

to you.


Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.




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Dear Ravindramani,


Hoping you won't mind if I add my comments to the following :-)


//A malefic planet in 6th house denotes bad health or disease. It

denotes enemies. Basically you have the tendency of having disputes.//


In regards to ill-health (particularly) I think it's important to consider

'who' is caught in the grip of this house. For example, lagna lord in 6th

indicates that the native himself may be troubled by enemies, health

problems etc (throughout life). 4th lord in 6th can indicate same for mother

and/or close relatives...and so forth.


I agree that a malefic, with strength, can (generally) give the fortitude

necessary to withstand the effects of this house, and, if 6th lord is

favourably placed the native may even benefit (ultimately) through enemies.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







"ravindramani" <ravindramani >


Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:54 PM

Re: ketu's effects in 6th house



Dear Sunil,


Read the question put by Thomas and it was so specific. He asked

could a malefic in 6th houses enhance the malefic tendencies?

Yes. Unequivocally my answer is yes. If you read my response to you

once again, perhaps, you may understand what I would like to say.


A malefic planet in 6th house denotes bad health or disease. It

denotes enemies. Basically you have the tendency of having disputes.


Ketu is a malefic. 6th house is a malefic house representing

disease and enemies etc. Of course a malefic in 6th is good - books

say so. What does it really mean? A malefic planet gives stamina to

fight back. In this way it is good. A malefic gives endurance. In

this way it is good. You are sick. You are diseased. You can

endure the sufferings due to the disease. You are capable of

withstand the pain from the injury; that an accident causes to you;

again injury is the signification of the sixth house.


What does it mean? You will first have disease; you have to suffer;

and you will eventually withstand the pain. That is what a malefic

in 6th denotes. The quality of a malefic is endurance that is not so

the case with a benefic in 6th.


What does it mean? You will have disputes or enemies. You will

fight with them. You will win over them.


See from this angle. Fourth lord, a malefic in 6th sixth. What is

the general interpretation you can give? It means the possibility

of a dispute over a property with your cousin or with your

relatives. Fine, that is a malefic that gives that tendency to you

to go to court; engage a lawyer; and fight it out. But an outright

benefic like Jupiter placed there, the planet of wisdom will tell

you to compromise with your cousin - sixth represents your cousin,

relatives, your subordinates and your colleagues. This is the

situation between a malefic and a benefic being in 6th.


Now fighting a case or coming to a mutual understanding and

compromise is again governed by your over all nature. What is your

innate nature? That matters. The predominance of Sattwa quality in

a chart would make a person to compromise; it is altogether a

different issue.


When a sixth house is free from the placement of a planet either a

benefic or a malefic then you can say no disease - it means - you

have a good health. You have no enemies - it means - you have

cordial relations with your subordinates, with your relatives so and

so forth. In other words, a house, which is not having any

influence either by a benefic or a malefic means, the tendencies

manifest in a normal way. That is why it is stressed in all

auspicious elections of Muhurtha charts, no planet in 6, 8 or 12.


A malefic is essential in 6th particularly when you are fighting.

say. filing a nomination for an election.filing your divorce papers

in court. The dasha of your 6th lord or the planet in 6th house -

that too a malefic is preferable - for winning a case in a court of



Hope this may help you to some extent.



Regards, C.S. Ravindramani

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Dear Mrs.Wendy and Shri Ravindramaniji,


Wat would be the effect if a malefic Saturn sits

in 6th but in own house,say Capricorn ?

Strong maternal Uncles, Strong capacity to

get sanctions for loans, good payments from

Sundry debtors,enemies who would turn helpful.


But what about diseases ?

and what about longevity as natural karaka ?


Also what if this Saturn is retrograde for all

above effects which I have mentioned and not mentioned.


Soo I need comments from two angles,

a) For above with Saturn in Capricorn.

b) with same Saturn in Capricorn but retrograde.







jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish



> Dear Ravindramani,


> Hoping you won't mind if I add my comments to the following :-)


> //A malefic planet in 6th house denotes bad health or disease. It

> denotes enemies. Basically you have the tendency of having



> In regards to ill-health (particularly) I think it's important to


> 'who' is caught in the grip of this house. For example, lagna lord

in 6th

> indicates that the native himself may be troubled by enemies,


> problems etc (throughout life). 4th lord in 6th can indicate same

for mother

> and/or close relatives...and so forth.


> I agree that a malefic, with strength, can (generally) give the


> necessary to withstand the effects of this house, and, if 6th lord


> favourably placed the native may even benefit (ultimately) through



> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> jyotish-vidya

> ___



> -

> "ravindramani" <ravindramani

> <jyotish-vidya>

> Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:54 PM

> Re: ketu's effects in 6th house



> Dear Sunil,


> Read the question put by Thomas and it was so specific. He asked

> could a malefic in 6th houses enhance the malefic tendencies?

> Yes. Unequivocally my answer is yes. If you read my response to you

> once again, perhaps, you may understand what I would like to say.


> A malefic planet in 6th house denotes bad health or disease. It

> denotes enemies. Basically you have the tendency of having disputes.


> Ketu is a malefic. 6th house is a malefic house representing

> disease and enemies etc. Of course a malefic in 6th is good - books

> say so. What does it really mean? A malefic planet gives stamina to

> fight back. In this way it is good. A malefic gives endurance. In

> this way it is good. You are sick. You are diseased. You can

> endure the sufferings due to the disease. You are capable of

> withstand the pain from the injury; that an accident causes to you;

> again injury is the signification of the sixth house.


> What does it mean? You will first have disease; you have to suffer;

> and you will eventually withstand the pain. That is what a malefic

> in 6th denotes. The quality of a malefic is endurance that is not so

> the case with a benefic in 6th.


> What does it mean? You will have disputes or enemies. You will

> fight with them. You will win over them.


> See from this angle. Fourth lord, a malefic in 6th sixth. What is

> the general interpretation you can give? It means the possibility

> of a dispute over a property with your cousin or with your

> relatives. Fine, that is a malefic that gives that tendency to you

> to go to court; engage a lawyer; and fight it out. But an outright

> benefic like Jupiter placed there, the planet of wisdom will tell

> you to compromise with your cousin - sixth represents your cousin,

> relatives, your subordinates and your colleagues. This is the

> situation between a malefic and a benefic being in 6th.


> Now fighting a case or coming to a mutual understanding and

> compromise is again governed by your over all nature. What is your

> innate nature? That matters. The predominance of Sattwa quality in

> a chart would make a person to compromise; it is altogether a

> different issue.


> When a sixth house is free from the placement of a planet either a

> benefic or a malefic then you can say no disease - it means - you

> have a good health. You have no enemies - it means - you have

> cordial relations with your subordinates, with your relatives so and

> so forth. In other words, a house, which is not having any

> influence either by a benefic or a malefic means, the tendencies

> manifest in a normal way. That is why it is stressed in all

> auspicious elections of Muhurtha charts, no planet in 6, 8 or 12.


> A malefic is essential in 6th particularly when you are fighting.

> say. filing a nomination for an election.filing your divorce papers

> in court. The dasha of your 6th lord or the planet in 6th house -

> that too a malefic is preferable - for winning a case in a court of

> law.


> Hope this may help you to some extent.



> Regards, C.S. Ravindramani


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Dear Ravindramaniji,


I shall make the problem more interesting for you.

what if in the cases previously mentioned, Jupiter

Retrograde ,is sitting with Saturn retrograde.

Now here Saturn is in own house but retro,

and Jupiter is debilitated but retro.


So kindly give a good analysis as you have given to

Mr. Sunil.






jyotish-vidya, "Bhaskar" <bhaskar_jyotish



> Dear Mrs.Wendy and Shri Ravindramaniji,


> Wat would be the effect if a malefic Saturn sits

> in 6th but in own house,say Capricorn ?

> Strong maternal Uncles, Strong capacity to

> get sanctions for loans, good payments from

> Sundry debtors,enemies who would turn helpful.


> But what about diseases ?

> and what about longevity as natural karaka ?


> Also what if this Saturn is retrograde for all

> above effects which I have mentioned and not mentioned.


> Soo I need comments from two angles,

> a) For above with Saturn in Capricorn.

> b) with same Saturn in Capricorn but retrograde.


> regards,

> Bhaskar.





> jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Ravindramani,

> >

> > Hoping you won't mind if I add my comments to the following :-)

> >

> > //A malefic planet in 6th house denotes bad health or disease. It

> > denotes enemies. Basically you have the tendency of having

> disputes.//

> >

> > In regards to ill-health (particularly) I think it's important to

> consider

> > 'who' is caught in the grip of this house. For example, lagna


> in 6th

> > indicates that the native himself may be troubled by enemies,

> health

> > problems etc (throughout life). 4th lord in 6th can indicate same

> for mother

> > and/or close relatives...and so forth.

> >

> > I agree that a malefic, with strength, can (generally) give the

> fortitude

> > necessary to withstand the effects of this house, and, if 6th


> is

> > favourably placed the native may even benefit (ultimately)


> enemies.

> >

> > Best Wishes,

> > Mrs. Wendy

> > http://JyotishVidya.com

> > jyotish-vidya

> > ___

> >

> >

> > -

> > "ravindramani" <ravindramani@>

> > <jyotish-vidya>

> > Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:54 PM

> > Re: ketu's effects in 6th house

> >

> >

> > Dear Sunil,

> >

> > Read the question put by Thomas and it was so specific. He asked

> > could a malefic in 6th houses enhance the malefic tendencies?

> > Yes. Unequivocally my answer is yes. If you read my response to


> > once again, perhaps, you may understand what I would like to say.

> >

> > A malefic planet in 6th house denotes bad health or disease. It

> > denotes enemies. Basically you have the tendency of having


> >

> > Ketu is a malefic. 6th house is a malefic house representing

> > disease and enemies etc. Of course a malefic in 6th is good -


> > say so. What does it really mean? A malefic planet gives stamina


> > fight back. In this way it is good. A malefic gives endurance.


> > this way it is good. You are sick. You are diseased. You can

> > endure the sufferings due to the disease. You are capable of

> > withstand the pain from the injury; that an accident causes to


> > again injury is the signification of the sixth house.

> >

> > What does it mean? You will first have disease; you have to


> > and you will eventually withstand the pain. That is what a


> > in 6th denotes. The quality of a malefic is endurance that is not


> > the case with a benefic in 6th.

> >

> > What does it mean? You will have disputes or enemies. You will

> > fight with them. You will win over them.

> >

> > See from this angle. Fourth lord, a malefic in 6th sixth. What


> > the general interpretation you can give? It means the possibility

> > of a dispute over a property with your cousin or with your

> > relatives. Fine, that is a malefic that gives that tendency to


> > to go to court; engage a lawyer; and fight it out. But an


> > benefic like Jupiter placed there, the planet of wisdom will tell

> > you to compromise with your cousin - sixth represents your cousin,

> > relatives, your subordinates and your colleagues. This is the

> > situation between a malefic and a benefic being in 6th.

> >

> > Now fighting a case or coming to a mutual understanding and

> > compromise is again governed by your over all nature. What is


> > innate nature? That matters. The predominance of Sattwa quality


> > a chart would make a person to compromise; it is altogether a

> > different issue.

> >

> > When a sixth house is free from the placement of a planet either a

> > benefic or a malefic then you can say no disease - it means - you

> > have a good health. You have no enemies - it means - you have

> > cordial relations with your subordinates, with your relatives so


> > so forth. In other words, a house, which is not having any

> > influence either by a benefic or a malefic means, the tendencies

> > manifest in a normal way. That is why it is stressed in all

> > auspicious elections of Muhurtha charts, no planet in 6, 8 or 12.

> >

> > A malefic is essential in 6th particularly when you are fighting.

> > say. filing a nomination for an election.filing your divorce


> > in court. The dasha of your 6th lord or the planet in 6th house -

> > that too a malefic is preferable - for winning a case in a court


> > law.

> >

> > Hope this may help you to some extent.

> >

> >

> > Regards, C.S. Ravindramani

> >


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Hello and best wishes to all.


Regarding the question of Ketu's influence in the

sixth house, the native to whom this specific set of

chart factors belonged has a long history of

involvement in competitive athletics; football,

basketball, wrestilng and weightlifting. He was a team

captain more than once, won numerous individual honors

for athletic skill and ability to defeat competitors.


He was also a soldier,salesman, very successful in

defeating the competition, but again, there were many

competitors to overcome. Yes, there were successes,

but also many opponents, trouble from jealous

co-workers and superiors. Even so, this person has a

long history of being able to keep opponents at bay

and avoiding seemingly inevitable defeat. He does seem

to have a knack for turning disadvantage into



There were also many injuries, some resulting in

surgery, but all involving sports/career related

activities. He has had the good fortune of being able

to have excellent surgical and medical care, enabling

him to overcome difficulties which were potientially

crippling. The most recent transit of Ketu thru Virgo

saw a long passage of Ketu over his natal Sun/Mars

conjunction in Virgo, and at that time, he suffered a

broken leg, had knee surgery but was still able to

recieve money and other benefits from the state which

helped to off-set losses.( Scorpio rising, Sun/Mars in

Virgo and the 11th house, Ketu in Aries in the 6th).


The birth data for this person is as follows:


Sept 17, 1957

11:07 AM EST

Wilson, NC USA


Based on what I've seen, I would say Ketu in the

sixth, in this specific case, does bring enemies,

injuries and many difficult situations, but it also

gives endurance and ability to help overcome same.


Thank you for your helpful comments.


Best wishes,



--- ravindramani <ravindramani > wrote:


> Dear Sunil,


> Read the question put by Thomas and it was so

> specific. He asked

> could a malefic in 6th houses enhance the malefic

> tendencies?

> Yes. Unequivocally my answer is yes. If you read my

> response to you

> once again, perhaps, you may understand what I would

> like to say.


> A malefic planet in 6th house denotes bad health or

> disease. It

> denotes enemies. Basically you have the tendency of

> having disputes.


> Ketu is a malefic. 6th house is a malefic house

> representing

> disease and enemies etc. Of course a malefic in 6th

> is good - books

> say so. What does it really mean? A malefic planet

> gives stamina to

> fight back. In this way it is good. A malefic

> gives endurance. In

> this way it is good. You are sick. You are

> diseased. You can

> endure the sufferings due to the disease. You are

> capable of

> withstand the pain from the injury; that an accident

> causes to you;

> again injury is the signification of the sixth

> house.


> What does it mean? You will first have disease; you

> have to suffer;

> and you will eventually withstand the pain. That is

> what a malefic

> in 6th denotes. The quality of a malefic is

> endurance that is not so

> the case with a benefic in 6th.


> What does it mean? You will have disputes or

> enemies. You will

> fight with them. You will win over them.


> See from this angle. Fourth lord, a malefic in 6th

> sixth. What is

> the general interpretation you can give? It means

> the possibility

> of a dispute over a property with your cousin or

> with your

> relatives. Fine, that is a malefic that gives that

> tendency to you

> to go to court; engage a lawyer; and fight it out.

> But an outright

> benefic like Jupiter placed there, the planet of

> wisdom will tell

> you to compromise with your cousin – sixth

> represents your cousin,

> relatives, your subordinates and your colleagues.

> This is the

> situation between a malefic and a benefic being in

> 6th.


> Now fighting a case or coming to a mutual

> understanding and

> compromise is again governed by your over all

> nature. What is your

> innate nature? That matters. The predominance of

> Sattwa quality in

> a chart would make a person to compromise; it is

> altogether a

> different issue.


> When a sixth house is free from the placement of a

> planet either a

> benefic or a malefic then you can say no disease –

> it means – you

> have a good health. You have no enemies – it means

> – you have

> cordial relations with your subordinates, with your

> relatives so and

> so forth. In other words, a house, which is not

> having any

> influence either by a benefic or a malefic means,

> the tendencies

> manifest in a normal way. That is why it is

> stressed in all

> auspicious elections of Muhurtha charts, no planet

> in 6, 8 or 12.


> A malefic is essential in 6th particularly when you

> are fighting…

> say… filing a nomination for an election…filing your

> divorce papers

> in court. The dasha of your 6th lord or the planet

> in 6th house -

> that too a malefic is preferable - for winning a

> case in a court of

> law.


> Hope this may help you to some extent.



> Regards, C.S. Ravindramani









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Dear Thomas and All,


It's important to consider the horoscope as a whole...


For instance 3rd house of desires, showing one's initiative/motivation,

courage, strength, valour, stamina etc., is also connected with sport. In

this chart, 3rd lord Saturn, occupying lagna in sign of Scorpio, aspects

3rd, 7th, 10th houses.


Note the influences on 8/11 lord Mercury in 10th...


8th house, holding 9th lord Moon, is connected with soldiers. This house

governs enemies, conflicts, battles, battle forts, dangers, accidents and so

forth. 8th lord in 10th is an indication that the native's status may be

connected with soldiering. Consider also 12th lord in 12th conjunct

Rahu...12th shows army barracks etc, etc.


Consider Saturn's aspect (on 10th) in relation to the different phases of

his career... And not forgetting the influence of Jupiter, who, in nakshatra

of Moon, conjuncts lagnesh Mars and aspects 3rd house etc.. Look at this

(also) in light of the below statement. 2nd house of finances is Jupiter's

moolatrikona sign; He sits in nakshatra of 9th lord Moon who occupies 8th

house of unearned income, benefits, legacies, pensions, gratuities etc..


//The most recent transit of Ketu thru Virgo

saw a long passage of Ketu over his natal Sun/Mars

conjunction in Virgo, and at that time, he suffered a

broken leg, had knee surgery but was still able to

recieve money and other benefits from the state which

helped to off-set losses//


One house alone cannot tell the full story. Millions of people with Ketu in

6th and all can have a completely different story. One important

consideration (for this native) is Mars rulership of both 1st and 6th

houses...this brings 6th house very much into focus...bear in mind that

(according to Parashara) Ketu is co-ruler of Scorpio.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







"thomas allen" <talljun2 >


Wednesday, February 14, 2007 8:38 AM

Re: Re: ketu's effects in 6th house



Hello and best wishes to all.


Regarding the question of Ketu's influence in the

sixth house, the native to whom this specific set of

chart factors belonged has a long history of

involvement in competitive athletics; football,

basketball, wrestilng and weightlifting. He was a team

captain more than once, won numerous individual honors

for athletic skill and ability to defeat competitors.


He was also a soldier,salesman, very successful in

defeating the competition, but again, there were many

competitors to overcome. Yes, there were successes,

but also many opponents, trouble from jealous

co-workers and superiors. Even so, this person has a

long history of being able to keep opponents at bay

and avoiding seemingly inevitable defeat. He does seem

to have a knack for turning disadvantage into



There were also many injuries, some resulting in

surgery, but all involving sports/career related

activities. He has had the good fortune of being able

to have excellent surgical and medical care, enabling

him to overcome difficulties which were potientially

crippling. The most recent transit of Ketu thru Virgo

saw a long passage of Ketu over his natal Sun/Mars

conjunction in Virgo, and at that time, he suffered a

broken leg, had knee surgery but was still able to

recieve money and other benefits from the state which

helped to off-set losses.( Scorpio rising, Sun/Mars in

Virgo and the 11th house, Ketu in Aries in the 6th).


The birth data for this person is as follows:


Sept 17, 1957

11:07 AM EST

Wilson, NC USA


Based on what I've seen, I would say Ketu in the

sixth, in this specific case, does bring enemies,

injuries and many difficult situations, but it also

gives endurance and ability to help overcome same.


Thank you for your helpful comments.


Best wishes,



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Dear Mrs. Wendy,


Yes. The two charts are very good examples of Ketu in 6th and are

well known personalities and the traits can be very well verifiable.

You might recall we discussed these two charts at a great length in

our old Jyotish Vidya List.


Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.


PS: Sunil is somewhat shy and is of the view that he is not yet

quite confident to write openly on the list. I encouraged him a

number of times ....saying everybody is learners here...in different

stages of learning.......no "Gurus" and no "Experts" here.... let us

wait from the silent members like Sunil how they feel about these

two charts for a while.



*****Dear Ravindramani It might benefit Sunil (and other silent

members) to take a look at a couple of notable horoscopes with Ketu

in 6th.*****

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Dear Mrs. Wendy,


You are most welcome. I wrote those comments as Sunil wanted to

know how to proceed to read the presence of Ketu in 6th house. I

agree, one should be carefully consider the other forces operating

in a chart before arriving at a final conclusion on any placement or

on any issue.


Thanks for your comments. I have taken note of.


Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.




Dear Ravindramani,


Hoping you won't mind if I add my comments to the following :-)


//A malefic planet in 6th house denotes bad health or disease. It

denotes enemies. Basically you have the tendency of having



In regards to ill-health (particularly) I think it's important to

consider 'who' is caught in the grip of this house. For example,

lagna lord in 6th indicates that the native himself may be troubled

by enemies, health problems etc (throughout life). 4th lord in 6th

can indicate same for mother and/or close relatives...and so forth.


I agree that a malefic, with strength, can (generally) give the

fortitude necessary to withstand the effects of this house, and, if

6th lord is favourably placed the native may even benefit

(ultimately) through enemies.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy




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Dear Mrs. Wendy and Mr. Thomas,


>The birth data for this person is as follows:


> Sept 17, 1957

> 11:07 AM EST

> Wilson, NC USA



May I request you to provide the coordinates to this place Wilson NC

USA.... does it mean North Corolina or what?


Please give me your ASC degree and Position of Moon for this

chart... if you are before the computer...



Regards, C.S. Ravindramani...

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Dear Group


If Sixth lord Saturn (which is natural malefic)is in 8th house what does it indicate


2nd if this 8th house is Aries where Saturn is deblitated. Please explains





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Dear Mr. Ravindramani;


Please accept my apologies for not providing the data

you requested earlier; I am a newcommer to these group

postings and I am sorry if I did not supply sufficient

data for assessing the chart.


The birth data is as follows:


September 17, 1957

Wilson North Carolina, USA

35N 43


Time zone +5

Birth time: 11:04

ascendant 4.18 Scorpio

Moon position: 7.27 Gemini


Thank you again for your assistance and replies.





--- ravindramani <ravindramani > wrote:


> Dear Mrs. Wendy and Mr. Thomas,


> >The birth data for this person is as follows:

> >

> > Sept 17, 1957

> > 11:07 AM EST

> > Wilson, NC USA

> >


> May I request you to provide the coordinates to this

> place Wilson NC

> USA.... does it mean North Corolina or what?


> Please give me your ASC degree and Position of Moon

> for this

> chart... if you are before the computer...



> Regards, C.S. Ravindramani...












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Dear Bhaskar,


I have a rather busy day today (away from the computer)...will try to take a

look at yours and other queries when I get back.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







"Bhaskar" <bhaskar_jyotish (AT) (DOT) co.in>


Wednesday, February 14, 2007 1:07 AM

Re: ketu's effects in 6th house



Dear Mrs.Wendy and Shri Ravindramaniji,


Wat would be the effect if a malefic Saturn sits

in 6th but in own house,say Capricorn ?

Strong maternal Uncles, Strong capacity to

get sanctions for loans, good payments from

Sundry debtors,enemies who would turn helpful.


But what about diseases ?

and what about longevity as natural karaka ?


Also what if this Saturn is retrograde for all

above effects which I have mentioned and not mentioned.


Soo I need comments from two angles,

a) For above with Saturn in Capricorn.

b) with same Saturn in Capricorn but retrograde.




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Please ignore my query.Not much to it.because it came just on

the spur of the moment while reading the posts of Yourself

and Mr.Ravindramani.Please do not bother I repeat.








jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish



> Dear Bhaskar,


> I have a rather busy day today (away from the computer)...will try

to take a

> look at yours and other queries when I get back.


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> jyotish-vidya

> ___



> -

> "Bhaskar" <bhaskar_jyotish

> <jyotish-vidya>

> Wednesday, February 14, 2007 1:07 AM

> Re: ketu's effects in 6th house



> Dear Mrs.Wendy and Shri Ravindramaniji,


> Wat would be the effect if a malefic Saturn sits

> in 6th but in own house,say Capricorn ?

> Strong maternal Uncles, Strong capacity to

> get sanctions for loans, good payments from

> Sundry debtors,enemies who would turn helpful.


> But what about diseases ?

> and what about longevity as natural karaka ?


> Also what if this Saturn is retrograde for all

> above effects which I have mentioned and not mentioned.


> Soo I need comments from two angles,

> a) For above with Saturn in Capricorn.

> b) with same Saturn in Capricorn but retrograde.


> regards,

> Bhaskar.


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Dear Mr. Bhaskar,


Saturn in Capricorn – 6th house – (Leo Lagna) that means he is in

his own house. As per the general rule, when a lord placed in his

own house that position enhances the traits of that house and he

clearly represents both the positive and negative qualities of that



Certainly this position gives the native/the individual, strength as

well as a disease free life. It is a position for courage and

vitality and valour too. Competitive bent of mind is another trait,

which gets enhanced. One will be assured of success in competitions

in the favourable dasha periods.


As you rightly said in your mail, it gives fame to the maternal

uncles. Further if the lagna lord is favourably placed from 6th

lord, the native can expect good support from the maternal uncles.


So far as the longevity is concerned, disease free life is one and

the longevity is another.

He is karaka for longevity. But the main factor for the

consideration of longevity is something else. 8th lord and 8th

house are to be analyzed mainly apart from Karaka Saturn.


Still, the 6th house is the 11th house from the 8th house. The

eleventh house is considered a Upachaya House – the house of growth –

any planet from a particular point in 11th is considered good. In

11th house, again the placement of Saturn is good generally and is

in his own house. From this point of view, it gives the immense

desire to the native to live long and fulfill his wishes and he

determines to do that.


The point to be considered mainly is that where exactly Saturn sits

in 6th House – the Capricorn. Whether he is placed in 0-10 degrees

and if so he is in Sun's constellation. If not he could be either

in the constellation of Moon or in the constellation of Mars. Now

we have to see where are they placed? What are their conditions? How

Saturn is placed in Navamsa? If we properly know these then only

one can come to a conclusion about the result giving capacity of

Saturn in its dasha and antar dasas.


For example if Saturn sits in Sun's constellation and Sun and Saturn

are not placed mutually in the chart, this position could give

quarrelsome nature to the native.


A powerful malefic in 6th is not conducive to the prospects of 5th

house, the progeny, since it becomes the 2nd from 5th. It is so on

and so forth. Hence the powerful position of a planet in any house

in a chart is good from one angle and bad from other angle.


It is not so easy to give you an analysis as given to Sunil. Sunil

is a beginner he was in a need of a starting point. Where to

start? I know pretty well it is not the case with you I suppose.


Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.


PS: I was little bust at workplace yesterday hence I could not

respond your questions.




Dear Mrs.Wendy and Shri Ravindramaniji,


Wat would be the effect if a malefic Saturn sits

in 6th but in own house,say Capricorn ?

Strong maternal Uncles, Strong capacity to

get sanctions for loans, good payments from

Sundry debtors,enemies who would turn helpful.


But what about diseases ?

and what about longevity as natural karaka ?


Also what if this Saturn is retrograde for all

above effects which I have mentioned and not mentioned.


Soo I need comments from two angles,

a) For above with Saturn in Capricorn.

b) with same Saturn in Capricorn but retrograde

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Dear Shri Ravindramaniji,


Sorry to have troubled you, but you have done a good

job as usual.


Its always good to have views from other astrologers

who work hard, so that additional inputs can be got,

which one may have missed, hence I disturbed you.


Thank You,








jyotish-vidya, "ravindramani"

<ravindramani wrote:


> Dear Mr. Bhaskar,


> Saturn in Capricorn – 6th house – (Leo Lagna) that means he is in

> his own house. As per the general rule, when a lord placed in his

> own house that position enhances the traits of that house and he

> clearly represents both the positive and negative qualities of that

> house.


> Certainly this position gives the native/the individual, strength


> well as a disease free life. It is a position for courage and

> vitality and valour too. Competitive bent of mind is another trait,

> which gets enhanced. One will be assured of success in


> in the favourable dasha periods.


> As you rightly said in your mail, it gives fame to the maternal

> uncles. Further if the lagna lord is favourably placed from 6th

> lord, the native can expect good support from the maternal uncles.


> So far as the longevity is concerned, disease free life is one and

> the longevity is another.

> He is karaka for longevity. But the main factor for the

> consideration of longevity is something else. 8th lord and 8th

> house are to be analyzed mainly apart from Karaka Saturn.


> Still, the 6th house is the 11th house from the 8th house. The

> eleventh house is considered a Upachaya House – the house of

growth –

> any planet from a particular point in 11th is considered good. In

> 11th house, again the placement of Saturn is good generally and is

> in his own house. From this point of view, it gives the immense

> desire to the native to live long and fulfill his wishes and he

> determines to do that.


> The point to be considered mainly is that where exactly Saturn sits

> in 6th House – the Capricorn. Whether he is placed in 0-10 degrees

> and if so he is in Sun's constellation. If not he could be either

> in the constellation of Moon or in the constellation of Mars. Now

> we have to see where are they placed? What are their conditions?


> Saturn is placed in Navamsa? If we properly know these then only

> one can come to a conclusion about the result giving capacity of

> Saturn in its dasha and antar dasas.


> For example if Saturn sits in Sun's constellation and Sun and


> are not placed mutually in the chart, this position could give

> quarrelsome nature to the native.


> A powerful malefic in 6th is not conducive to the prospects of 5th

> house, the progeny, since it becomes the 2nd from 5th. It is so on

> and so forth. Hence the powerful position of a planet in any house

> in a chart is good from one angle and bad from other angle.


> It is not so easy to give you an analysis as given to Sunil. Sunil

> is a beginner he was in a need of a starting point. Where to

> start? I know pretty well it is not the case with you I suppose.


> Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.


> PS: I was little bust at workplace yesterday hence I could not

> respond your questions.


> ================================================================


> Dear Mrs.Wendy and Shri Ravindramaniji,


> Wat would be the effect if a malefic Saturn sits

> in 6th but in own house,say Capricorn ?

> Strong maternal Uncles, Strong capacity to

> get sanctions for loans, good payments from

> Sundry debtors,enemies who would turn helpful.


> But what about diseases ?

> and what about longevity as natural karaka ?


> Also what if this Saturn is retrograde for all

> above effects which I have mentioned and not mentioned.


> Soo I need comments from two angles,

> a) For above with Saturn in Capricorn.

> b) with same Saturn in Capricorn but retrograde


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