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Dear Shashi

has already given you very good suggestions, but this remote consultations cautions you to go for certain tests, many of them are difficult or the way they are carried out, at most of doubtful reliability. This author suggests some alternatives in the circumstances.


This author checked up your previous history, which you communicated

to the list during November 2006. Author feels that you have been accumulating ama since Novemeber

itself. Since you state that you are follower of ayurveda, this

author would like to give you 100% ayurveda thinking, but also

discuss eosinophelia, a blood marker which sometimes cheats vaidyas,

as it is indicator of many conditions. But in most conditions,

ayurvedic thinking is in terms of vitiated doshas rather than

pathological tests. Author feels that none of the tests are

necessary, if Vaidya has a feel in his fingers and peace of mind in

his thinking. Patient should answer every question Vaidya puts him

and Vaidya should synthesize all discussion/guess work into

consistent treatment model. The eosinphilia has a distinct pulse

signature, which can be read by experienced vaidya.



The increase of eosinophil cells is only a blood marker and not

disease. This is accompanied by frequent Cough-Cold, Breathing

difficulties, weakness, weight reduction etc. Whenever body is

invaded by microbes and antigens from air, water, the white cells in

the blood, i.e. basophils, neutrophils, and eosinophils become

active. Normally eosinophils exist 3-4% of w.b.c., but under such

circumstances they increase beyond 8% or even upto 20% in rare cases.

There are many reasons for this state:


1. When body is unable to adjust with antigens, the allergic

reaction is produced causing increase of eosinophil cells. The

antigens include the dust-smoke particles entering through breathing,

the pollen, aromas from certain flowers, the proteins from some

foods, some allopathic drugs which the patient is allergic to, even

aromatic sprays used in parties these days.


2. If the intestines have worms of various types, this gives

rise to increase in eosinophils. But possibility of parasites can be checked by symptoms presented in Message 5621, without going into tests which are sometimes inconclusive. If there is an infection or allergic

reaction in lungs and bronchi, then too eosinophils increase.

Eosinophils increase even when there is urticaria, eczema, or many

other skin diseases. The microbes responsible for filaria, if they

enter blood, then too eosinophils increase.


Thus it is clear that an ayurvedist finds it difficult to do

diagnosis if a patient tells him that eosinophils have increased. He

goes by his training only. When eosinophils increase many other

symptoms have been seen by Vaidyas:


1. Dry cough. Especially around 3 to 4 am local time. Recurrant dry

cough spells. This couging causes breathing difficulties. This

sometimes occurs even during day too, depending upon the environment

of the patient. The mucous resembling the soap lather comes out of

the mouth after coughing spell. The whizzing sound is often heard in

the lungs. These are symptoms of vitiated Vata. Sometimes sneezing

and sometimes nasal drips are also observed. Low fever, bouts of

breathlessness, rapid breaths at intervals, pain in calf muscles,

joints, chest heaviness feeling and sometimes even waves of chest

pain are also experienced. Slow weight loss and fatigue feeling is

often expressed by patient. The lack of sleep due to frquent bouts of

cough and breathing difficulties cause the weakness. Loss of dhatus

set in the Vata vitiation here. Not all the symptoms may be present,

but pulse will indicate vitiation of Vata and Kapha. Very slight

Pitta vitiation may also be observed in few cases.




>From ayurvedic perspective, the main dosha active here is Vata,

accompanied by Kapha. [Your bad breath is already an indicator of

ama, which is under attack by microbes, which gives rise to foul



Due to Avarodha, (avarodhas of 13 natural urges) Vata takes upward

direction. Body is trying to eliminate unwanted toxins or ama through

the coughing action. Early morning is the time of activation of Vata.

Hence bouts of coughing, whizzing etc are specific symptoms of this

condition. When patient is under the attack, he should observe fast

for a day or two. Keep drinking a glass of water (after adding ½ tsp

ginger powder and ¼ tsp turmeric) boiled to 50%, throughout the day.


Early morning, empty stomach, drink special ginger+turmeric decoction

along with 3-4 tsp cold pressed unfiltered castor oil. The dose of

castor oil should be either decided by vaidya, or start with low dose

and increase it gradually. These two measures alone are adequate to

control the disease. The fasting increases digestive agni and boosts

immunity too. Castor oil balances apana vata and eliminates sticky

ama (which vitiates Kapha). Patients were amazed at the trapid

results of these two simple, (mostly formulation_less) treatment.


But there is a class of affluent patients who shudder at the thought

of fasting. For them author suggests an alternative. This alternative

is often needed for breast cancer patients, if there has been

metastasis to lungs also or they were suffering from asthma earlier.

Take 1 tablet each of Swaskas Chintamani Ras, Mahalaxmi vilas ras,

Suvarna Vasant Malti ras. All the three with suvarna bhasma versions.

Pound these three tablets together, add them to 1-2 tsp of

Haridrakhand Avaleha. This is almost forgotten formulation and you

may not get it in market. If that is so, warm the piece of turmeric

and powder it. Add honey to the turmeric powder. This can be licked

early morning and evening around sunset time.


Swaskas Chintamani is a powerful formulation addressing cough and

breathing difficulties. The contents are mentioned in several ancient

texts. It balances Vat dosha rapidly. The upward vata reverses its

speed and takes natural course. The speed of coughing is governed

mainly by Kapha vitiation, and this is reduced by Mahalaxmi Vilas

Ras. Suvarna Vasant Malti Ras is a Rasyana and Balya formulation,

boosts immunity when patients dhatus are weakened. It strengthens the

immune system so that it can resist the external attack of antigens.

Haridrakhand Avaleha or Turmeric+honey is a combination to resist

allergic reactions. This is also useful in several skin diseases too

and its use as contraceptive was mentioned in archives by this



Food and Lifestyle


1. Do not take dinner late. If possible, take dinner before sun

set. Let dinner be light. Chew well and do not stuff stomach tight.

Stop oil and ghee till attack lasts. The vegetables should be cooked

and sauted in little cow ghee. After attack subsides, you can use

cold pressed sesame oil (black preferred) for sauting.


2. Avoid ground nut and items made from ground nut (e.g.

Chikki). Pickles, Papad, Curd, Tomatoes, fermented foods, brinjal are

to be entirely avoided. Stop all legumes (Vatana, Udit, Val, Masur

dhal etc). Only permitted is green gram water, sauted with cow ghee.

Here sauting can have fenugreek, cumin seeds, turmeric powder,

asfoetida. Green gram water procedure exists in archives.


3. If there is disturbance in the sleep, try to compensate a

little by taking nap during the day. Weakness increases by loss of

sleep. The ghee/castor oil massage on soles at bedtime may helps

relaxing the nervous system.


Pathological tests have some usefulness, but Vaidyas should avoid

collecting more data that is likely to add to the confusion. While

ancient texts have mentioned so many simple tests, Eli Jones writes

how to dignose even cancer! Author would have suggested same treatment whether you would have come out with eosinophils test or not.


If you follow the lifestyle and food style, the attacks may not recur

for lifetime. Few pieces of ginger with a little Saindhav salt in the

beginning of meal will take care of new ama generation. If that is

not possible, take Shankhavati 2 tabs after every meal for two months

and forget allergic reactions.


Since this is your last attempt at ayurveda, it is your moral

responsibility to post success or failutre of this list's suggestions

and then only go to allopath if necessary.



ayurveda, "Shashi Bhushan Navrang"

<kaam wrote:


> Dear All,


> It was almost two yr back when I developed Eosinophilia symptoms.


> I was careless. Being a pure follower of Ayurveda I never went to

> doctor for any reason, but these days it seems everything is going



> When I found that it is getting too much I consulted one Ayurveda

> Vaidya & he told me to go for some test. The test findings are

> mentioned below.


> ____________


> | |


> |Observed Value: 620 Cells/cumm |

> |Normal Ranges : 40-440 Cells/cumm |

> |___________|


> When he started the treatment it was going fine, but suddenly the

> problem started again. And now it is as it is again.


> I am really becoming hopeless as it is also creating too much


> at my workplace.


> Below I am mentioning some symptoms & problems


> 1. After every 10-15 minutes, I get a little bit of cough in my


> & for throwing that out I have to cough with sound. It is too much


> morning & evening, just too much.


> 2. In morning I also find lot of dried cough in my throat, which I

> have to throwout forcefully.


> I know that it is curable, so I really expecting a lot from this

> group. Peoples in this group have helped me earlier also & hope they

> will again help me.


> I really appreciate your all effort & priceless time.


> I am ready to give more information as required.


> Thanks & Regards

> Navrang


> P.S. I also have problem in my teeth. Bad breath, bleeding gums

> always, but I am really fed-up with my coughing problem.


> This is my last attempt in Ayurveda, then I will go for Allopath


> I really don't want.


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