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Mangal dosh

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Dear all,


Please help me in finding any solution to this problem. My D.o.b is 04/06/1979 and D.O.B of the person whom i want to marry is 10/07/1979.

As per my kundli i am mangalik but he's not.

In my kundli Mars is in 8th house and Moon is in lagan(1st house), can this may help in reducing the illeffects of mangal.


if there is any remedy possible please suggest me.

i am willing to do anything in this case as we both love each other and in our charts there is no other problem present except this mangal dosh.


In Need of Help



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Ur kundli is a perfect example of mangal dosha. U r manglik from all aspects of astrology-lagna,moon and venus. The moon in lagna in virgo doesn't help the cause.It tells that u shouldn't have a stable mind i.e. roaming of thoughts and imagination.The venus and mars combination in 8th is not good.The saturn and rahu combination in 12th indicates ur unorthodoxy.

U should make a good match of ur horoscope .However, to whom u marry,ur marriage shall not break due to strong jupiter aspects on 7th house.

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Can u please help in this match..


My partner information is:


D.o.B : 10/07/1979 and TOB is 11:55 PM and place is Bhratpur (rajasthan)


is there any solution available in this match.

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i m not a expert in this regard and hence u should verify what i say by any competent astrologer .There r peculiar similarities in ur and ur fiancee. the horoscope indicates that he is doing love marriage. The similarities r-

a)ur husband house rasi is the ascendant of ur fiancee and ur fiancee wife house is the ascendant of urself.

b) same rahu-saturn combination with change in position.


there r strong indications that u r divine match and u r replica of each other personalities.However, both of u r going through rahu mahadasha and hence trying to get marriage even if u r older than ur fiancee.

my knowledge is limited in giving a solution to a problem which might affect ur entire life.Except,venus-mars combination in 8th everything is fine.AND ,in that also venus mahadsha dasha will now never come in ur life.

Ur marriage will not break.FOR This , i m sure

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Thanks a lot Sir.


Ur words really gave me some relief. I will definatley consult an expert astrologer regarding this aspect. But these positive words from your side really boosted my confidence.


Thanks again for ur help.

May God always bless U.

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Ur kundli is a perfect example of mangal dosha. U r manglik from all aspects of astrology-lagna,moon and venus. The moon in lagna in virgo doesn't help the cause.It tells that u shouldn't have a stable mind i.e. roaming of thoughts and imagination.The venus and mars combination in 8th is not good.The saturn and rahu combination in 12th indicates ur unorthodoxy.

U should make a good match of ur horoscope .However, to whom u marry,ur marriage shall not break due to strong jupiter aspects on 7th house.


Respected Vivek ji,


For proper matching of kundli do we need to study both D/1 and D/9 Charts of both persons?


What if Guru+Sukra in same house 11th from Lagna (Mesh Lagna)

and lagna lord is in 9th house - Jupiter aspected by Saturn in 3rd House

Sun/Moon in 10th House

Rahu in 8th house


What and how would be the married life?


Appreciate your insights

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Namaskar cedar,

Kundli is a basic frame work and navamansha intesifies or declines the effects to a certain extend. The guru+shukra in 11th house for mesha lagna means that the lord of 7th house is in 11th house(house of gains) and the planet is venus. so,the person marital life will be good. The problem will be with the jupiter as jupiter don't like venus.The rahu in 8th house and the combination of above indicates the question about person character . But jupiter aspecting the 7th house will lower the illegitimate thoughts to a certain extend. I see no effect of sun.. in 10th house.

However, mahadasha and antardasha will decide the effects.

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  • 6 months later...

Respected Guru Ji and Dear learned members of the forum


I am a North India based 26 years old male.


I have a question regarding my manglik status.

Birth Information:

Date : 15-July-1981

Time : 03:45 a.m.

Place: City: Dhanbad, State :Jharkhand (previously part of Bihar), Country: India

Latitude : 23.47 N

Longitude : 86.32 E


Marital Status : Never Married

QUERY : Whether I am a Manglik or Non-Manglik or Anshik Manglik

One astrologer has told me that I am a manglik while another said that the manglik

dosha is cancelled because of auspicious positions of other planets in my

chart.I tried to use a software called "Horoscope Explorer" and it also says that

the Dosha is cancelled due to favorable influence of other planets.


I am now confused as to whether I should marry a manglik or a non-manglik girl.

My parents are insisting that I should go only for a manglik match.


I am mentioning the planets in my Lagna chart below:



In the 1st House = Ascendant-Gemini(Mithun), Mars,Sun,Mercury

In the 2nd House = Venus,Rahu

In the 3rd House = No Planets

In the 4th House = Jupiter,Saturn

In the 5th House = No Planets

In the 6th House = No Planets

In the 7th House = Moon

In the 8th House = Ketu

In the 9th House = No Planets

In the 10th House = No Planets

In the 11th House = No Planets

In the 12th House = No Planets



I read somewhere the following cancellation rules for Manglik Dosha :


1. If Mars is in conjunction/aspected by Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Rahu no dosha.


2. If Venus and Moon are in second house or even one of them is present in the second house then also it is


said that the effect of Mars is reduced.


Can anyone please clarify the cancellation rules for Manglik dosha and whether

any of them (including above 2 rules) is applicable in my case ?





I have heard that Anshik Mangliks can choose both manglik and non-manglik

partners. Is that true?


Thanks in advance


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  • 6 months later...

sir as per my date i m manglik but i love a girl who is not manglik we belong to different castes shall our marriage is possible plz help me and tell if some remedy is required

my date of birth and time is 6 feb 1986 and 1: 36 pm


and the girl date of birth and time is 15 nov 1985 and 9 :30 am




plz help us sir as we love very much each other

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sir as per my date i m manglik but i love a girl who is not manglik we belong to different castes shall our marriage is possible plz help me and tell if some remedy is required

my date of birth and time is 6 feb 1986 and 1: 36 pm


and the girl date of birth and time is 15 nov 1985 and 9 :30 am




plz help us sir as we love very much each other

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i am manglik as per my kundli but to whom i love is non manglik.. shall there is any ill effect on our married life we both love each other. plz tell me if there is some remedy...

my name is yogesh, dob is 6 feb 1986 and timing is 1 : 36 pm

and her name is usha , dob is 15 nov 1985 and timing is 9 : 30 am



plz tell me

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Respected Guru Ji and Dear learned members of the forum


I am a North India based 26 years old male.


I have a question regarding my manglik status.

Birth Information:

Date : 15-July-1981

Time : 03:45 a.m.

Place: City: Dhanbad, State :Jharkhand (previously part of Bihar), Country: India

Latitude : 23.47 N

Longitude : 86.32 E


Marital Status : Never Married

QUERY : Whether I am a Manglik or Non-Manglik or Anshik Manglik

One astrologer has told me that I am a manglik while another said that the manglik

dosha is cancelled because of auspicious positions of other planets in my

chart.I tried to use a software called "Horoscope Explorer" and it also says that

the Dosha is cancelled due to favorable influence of other planets.


I am now confused as to whether I should marry a manglik or a non-manglik girl.

My parents are insisting that I should go only for a manglik match.


I am mentioning the planets in my Lagna chart below:



In the 1st House = Ascendant-Gemini(Mithun), Mars,Sun,Mercury

In the 2nd House = Venus,Rahu

In the 3rd House = No Planets

In the 4th House = Jupiter,Saturn

In the 5th House = No Planets

In the 6th House = No Planets

In the 7th House = Moon

In the 8th House = Ketu

In the 9th House = No Planets

In the 10th House = No Planets

In the 11th House = No Planets

In the 12th House = No Planets



I read somewhere the following cancellation rules for Manglik Dosha :


1. If Mars is in conjunction/aspected by Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Rahu no dosha.


2. If Venus and Moon are in second house or even one of them is present in the second house then also it is


said that the effect of Mars is reduced.


Can anyone please clarify the cancellation rules for Manglik dosha and whether

any of them (including above 2 rules) is applicable in my case ?





I have heard that Anshik Mangliks can choose both manglik and non-manglik

partners. Is that true?


Thanks in advance


Dear rohitiit,


Mangala dosha is never be canceled with any thing, but we may to softnes that problem to some extend. Real life is something diferent from such prediction in programs. The best remedy for mangala dosha is that our partner have the same mangala dosha like we do, mangal in the same bhava.


Other combination in our chart for example strong Guru in that story will have good impact on that mangala dosha of course. If you have or your partner mangal in seven bhava, than other partner must have mangal in eight bhava minimum, in other cases we must have mangal in the same bhava like our partner.


Try with mantra sadhana, the oldest remedy in Jyotisha and originally remedy for Graha problems. Mantras will help you to some extend.

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