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RE: Question about Gitopadesam picture

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Dear Sir/s,


I have a collection of Gita books. In fact it is one

of my hobbies to collect the Gita - commented upon by

many a great personality, from Bhagavad Raamaanuja to

Lokamanya Tilak, Raajaji, Mathew Arnold etc., Also the

Geethopadesham Photograph is the most inspiring

photograph that one can possess - as it is a treasure

beyond once imagination. No bad things have happened

to me all these years and in fact I have enjoyed a

sort of BLISS with theses possessions.


Adiyen Daasan,




V.S. Rangachar






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Dear Sri Vijayakumar


You have questioned and also answered yourself which is very correct.


- First of all we need to analyse who is that 'someone' who has informed

you something against picture of Lord and Geetha. Because he is stating

something related to Geetha which is one of the prastanatraya and is deemed

as containing the upanishat sara as per the words of Bhagavan Vyasa and

followed by all the three Acharyas. This solid proof heavily weighs

against all statements by others as Vyasa is none other than Vishnu

himself - vyasaya vishnu rupaya.....


- Secondly, In the geetha itself you can find answer that Geetha must be

studied under an able guru and that its essence should be spread across the

world etc., etc.


- Thirdly scriptures alludes the importance of

shravana-manana-nidhidhyasana - "atmavare shrotavyo mantavyo

nidhidhyasithavyo....." . Being attained the prime place amongst

prastanatrayas, geetha is undoubtedly meant for shravana & manana.


- Fourthly, Sri Madhwacharya - says that each sloka of

the Mahabharatha has three levels of esoteric knowledge hidden in it and Geetha has more than various deep meanings in it. So the comprehension of Geetha is the utmost duty of even demi gods let alone human beings. You can

also refer Adi Shankara's 'Bhaja Govindam' song, where he states the

importance of Geetha & VSN - dhyeyam geetha namasahasram.... and I am not yet learned enough to study geetha bhashya of Sri Ramanuja as of now. The Acharyas are the strong votaries of Supremacy of Geetha and in

fact, the knowledge contained in it can only be unearthed with the help of

commentaries of these acharyas and the disciples down the line.


- Fifthly Geetha should not be viewed as just a command but it should be our

way of life. That is what is being preached by Acharyas in order to ward

us off the unwanted pleasures and sorrows of this life.


Based on numerous facts over and above, Geetha is a very sacred command from

the God. Hence one can deduce that anything connected to geetha - the

picture etc., reminds us the enormosity of the task at hand i.e., of

studying Geetha and following the commands.


Hence pls do not have any doubts on pictures of Krishna/Arjuna or the Geetha

by itself. It is the pride of the followers of sanathama dharma. It is

the mercy of Krishna that has flown in the form of Geetha and he is only

waiting for one who gladly accept it. Here faith plays very major role but

we should not at any point of time stop there but continue unearthing hidden

jewels in the ocean called Geetha. It is only the 'opinions' of the

underserved who should not touch Geetha with their mind covered in loukika

dust. That's it.









Behalf Of sv65 (AT) columbia (DOT) edu

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 9:06 AM

Question about Gitopadesam picture




Dear Srirangasri members,

Someone told us that we should not keep Gitopadesam picture in our

house(We have one for many years); as well as that we are not

supposed to even have Bhagavad Gita book in the house.

Can anyone confirm if this is correct and if so the rationale behind

it. As far as I am concernced the picture of Gitopadesam represents

the essense of vedas; a constant reminder that Sri krishna

(Supreme) is the charioteer and we just do as he wishes.

I will be grateful for your enlightment on this.


S. Vijayakumar




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Dear Bhagavatas:




In such cases, the only answer would be for the person raising the doubt to check with the originator on what authority (PramaaNam) his/her observation is  based. Most probably, there will be none worth considering. It would be far better to ignore such ignoramus projections than wasting our bandwidth in addressing these issues.








Anbil Ramaswamy













  sv65 (AT) columbia (DOT) edu


Subject:   Question about Gitopadesam picture

Date:  Mon, 29 Jan 2007 22:36:05 -0500


>Dear Srirangasri members,

>Someone told us that we should not keep Gitopadesam picture in our

>house(We have one for many years); as well as that we are not

>supposed to even have Bhagavad Gita book in the house.

>Can anyone confirm if this is correct and if so the rationale behind

>it. As far as I am concernced the picture of Gitopadesam represents

>the essense of vedas; a constant reminder that Sri krishna

>(Supreme) is the charioteer and we just do as he wishes.

>I will be grateful for your enlightment on this.


>S. Vijayakumar


> >

> >

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha !

Srimathe Nigamantha Maha Desikaya Namaha !

Srimate Sri Lakshminrisimha Divyapadukasevaka Srivan Satakopa

Sri NarayanaYatindra Mahadesikaya namaha .

Dear Sri.Vijayakumar

Read your mail and quite surprised at the contents.

Adiyen does not know your background and the age group you belong . For your information , adiyen is a senior citizen.

Coming to your query , I would like to submit that you yourself have answered your query partly. One should never forget that Lord Krishna is so kind and benovalent towards the jivas that He does not want any one of us to be hurt on any issue and He wants all of us to reach His abode of ever lasting happiness, as we are all His property . The only condition He makes is that we all should lead a life of righteousness, as laid down in the sruthis and smrithis , rendered by Him , only for our benefit. We all fail do to do this and think that we are all swatantrans .

Bhagavad gita was given by Him , using Arjuna as a representative of all the jivas and as such Gita is a way of life for all of us. In that case how can that book bring problems to us , if we keep a copy in our house ? It would only help us to get over the problems , when ever we are in dilemma like Arjuna on any issue at any time . Every one gets the Arjuna disease , most of the time in our life and in all such situations the cure is only in checking with Gita for a solution. So it should be considered as a ready reckoner in our day to day life.

As you rightly said , Geethopadesam picture can very well be hung in our premises , as it will constantly remind us that Lord Krishna , as a sarathy to all of us in our life journey , will lead us to liberation , if we follow His instructions with all our heart. Krishna is expecting only sincere Bakthi from us and nothing else. Kindly refer Chapter 9, verse 26 on this.

He very well knows that He does not have to have anything from us , nor , we possess anything in this Universe , that does not belong to Him. So Lord Krishna's picture with Arjuna would be a constant reminder to all of us , to tell us that we jivas are His dasaboothas ( seshis ) and He is the only seshan.

Adiyen is sure that the above would have cleared your doubt on this subject. In that case , I sincerely thank my acharya and Lord Krishna , for having given me the opportunity and wisdom to explain the point to you .

Adiyen, Ramanuja Dasan, G.Sampath.


sv65 (AT) columbia (DOT) edu wrote:

Dear Srirangasri members,

Someone told us that we should not keep Gitopadesam picture in our

house(We have one for many years); as well as that we are not

supposed to even have Bhagavad Gita book in the house.

Can anyone confirm if this is correct and if so the rationale behind

it. As far as I am concernced the picture of Gitopadesam represents

the essense of vedas; a constant reminder that Sri krishna

(Supreme) is the charioteer and we just do as he wishes.

I will be grateful for your enlightment on this.


S. Vijayakumar




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Dear Srimans,

I am very grateful for all your replies.



S. Vijayakumar



Quoting Sampath G <sampath_govindachari (AT) (DOT) co.in>:


> 1-2-2007


> Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha !

> Srimathe Nigamantha Maha Desikaya Namaha !

> Srimate Sri Lakshminrisimha Divyapadukasevaka Srivan Satakopa

> Sri NarayanaYatindra Mahadesikaya namaha .



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