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Persons who have got by heart almost everything Srila Prabhupada wrote, said, etc....

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I just don't agree with you, if you're going to make such a serious claim, you ought to provide some evidence. It's like saying, oh you do this, this and this, but I'm not going to tell you who specifically does it, or how it's being done. Sorry, but it just doesn't fly with me. If you gave some examples, and even left out the names, but were a little more specific in what you were getting at, perhaps I'd be able to understand what you were talking about.

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Well, I'm not going to disagree with you wholeheartedly. But I will bring up a couple of points.


1)True appreciation of an author/acarya's words are shown in how much they affect your daily life. Sure, if you are able to rectify and follow Srila Prabhupad's words as a sadhaka from reading his books alone then by all means, go ahead. But for those of us who can't, well.. perhaps face-to-face association with a living devotee is the right solution. I can tell you from my personal experience that since I have been associating with various devotees from within and without ISKCON, I feel I have definately progressed.


2)Many devotees who have been with Srila Narayan Maharaj do in fact claim that their understanding of the writings of Srila Prabhupad have increased manifold upon their association with Him.




If we can't appreciate Krsna's devotee in his words then we can't perceive him in his body either. Rarely is Krsna's devotee actually revealed to someone as he is. How many of us view Srila Prabhupada as an elderly Indian gentleman who was short and walked with a cane? LOL!!


Same misconception exists when we view his teachings about Krsna as just words in a book.


We will never get a proper view of Srila Prabhupada, THE LIVING SPIRITUAL MASTER , by entertaining such a dead way of viewing transcendence.

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perhaps face-to-face association with a living devotee

This is what I object to. The phrase "living guru" carries the offensive connotation that, in this case, Srila Prabhupada, must be something other than living as in dead. Srila Prabhupada the dead guru...does that makes sense to you? Can you see now the need to discard that offensive term and use something like "embodied guru" instead.


As soon as someone shows they consider Srila Prabhupada as something other than living I know they have no real connection with transcendence.


I am not saying that I do either but on the intellectual plane we must correct this widespread false idea.


"...thou art living still in sound."

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Without hearing Prabhupada's teachings from the lips of pure self-realized sadhu gurus we face the present ISKCON polemic of covered rtvikism, 'the death of the sampradaya' :smash: wherein the Absolute Truth is relativized by mere institutional considerations.:eek:


Well let's see where this idea leads us. It is undenienably true we need to hear about Krsna from a pure realized sadhu. Who could object to that? But here we have the idea that one must hear the words of the self realized sadhu from a self realized sadhu.


Where does that end? What makes hearing from the second SRS more potent then hearing from first one? Accepting this logic would then mean that I need a third SRS to hear properly what the second SRS said concerning the teachings of the first SRS. Then a 4th, and 5th etc.


In this way the conditioned souls are locked into a mind set whereby they themselves never become a SRS but are instead perpetually searching for another SRS to hear from. This means that one never really finds (recognizes) guru at all. The endless search for guru and never hearing one.


One can get the full benefit from associating with and understanding the message of the SRS directly from associating with and properly hearing the first SRS as the SRS is self-effulgent and so are his teachings.


What is not realized in his association today will realized in the future by the grace of the Lord in the heart which is also contained within the instructions of the sadhu as well as directly obtainable directly from the Lord Himself.


Srila Prabhupada's teachings are self effulgent. The need is not for another SRS's explanation of what they mean but the spiritual ears to accurately hear them. Those ears comN from the Lord in the heart and can be received simply by reading Prabhupada's own commentaries.


We needn't feel we have to face the opposing forces of ritvik or the present Iskcon eccleasiasticism. Neither one have bearing on the life of any soul who wants to hear from Srila Prabhupada. They are both based on the same erroneous idea as previously discussed only they are trying to substitute their ideas in place of the the second SRS.


All three groups operate under the same false premise of not being able to hear Srila Prabhupada directly and their distinctions are merely window dressing.

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My Gurudeva is Guru because he is accepting the service at His Guru's request. We shouldn't consider ourselves self realized souls but eternally students, and if we are asked to take some service to the Vaisnavas, then we do that. If that it to take the position of Guru we have to accept that. But to think ourselfs qualified is a disqualification. We should try and hear from the servants of our Gurus and as long as we are hearing the same teachings and we have some faith in those devotees, then do we need a 'living' Guru? All I can say from my experience is physically manifest Acharrya helps. That should be the most desirable situation but if you don't have that available you shouldn't look for it artificially in someone who isn't really in that position but is called 'Guru' just so you have a physically present Guru. That would be like drinking whitewash and pretending it is milk, it would be better to fast in that situation IMO. Srila Prabhupada is there in His books, so no worries. It just is harder that way.

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All three groups operate under the same false premise of not being able to hear Srila Prabhupada directly and their distinctions are merely window dressing.

Yours is not a unique approach. Yet it seems that in your view by ommission you claiming that all may "hear Srila Prabhupada directly". You make no distinction between those who have diksa or hare nama from him and those who don't. Further you make no distinction between those who had his personal darshan and those who have not, and so on. Why not say, All three groups operate under the same false premise of not being able to hear Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur directly and their distinctions are merely window dressing. I'm sure by now you and all the regular contributors here have read Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur's opinion about those who promoted such a statement during his time. We already have a major world religion based on everyone approaching Jesus Christ through their own Bible. I know that you do not label yourself a "rtvik", in fact you seem rather unconcerned with the diksa concept. But it seems to me that it is very clear that your underlying premise and the underlying premise of the rtvik philosophy are identical. If a newcomer was to follow your approach then still most would eventually journey into the realm of the initiation question. The most logical outcome for them would be to consider that either they had been initiated by Prabhupada through his books or to seek out a rtvik initiator and then consider themselves a direct disciple of Srila Prabhupada. To all rtviks I offer my obeisances from afar, so likewise I am doing for you, for you sir are most certainly a rtvik.
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Yours is not a unique approach. Yet it seems that in your view by ommission you claiming that all may "hear Srila Prabhupada directly". You make no distinction between those who have diksa or hare nama from him and those who don't. Further you make no distinction between those who had his personal darshan and those who have not, and so on.

That is true. I make no distinction whatsoever. My common experience reveals the factfulness of my position.


I have seen those disciples who were considered "closer" to Srila Prabhupada associating with his vapu abundantly commit the most heinous of acts. I have also seen people who recently picked up a book by Srila Prabhupada and even apart fro any physical association have had their spiritual life initiated by the inspiration they received.



Why not say, All three groups operate under the same false premise of not being able to hear Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur directly and their distinctions are merely window dressing. I'm sure by now you and all the regular contributors here have read Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur's opinion about those who promoted such a statement during his time.

I do believe the same for the writings of Bhativinode Thakur. Anyone can read Jaiva Dharma and receive the Lord's grace in the form of hearing it properly. Afterall everyone advances under the tutledge of the Lord in the heart.


On the other hand you can have a roomful of 100 people hearing "directly" from the devotee as he speaks through his body and yet only 1 or 2 of those 100 may have heard him as he is actually speaking.


This idea of just having to place yourself in the same room with the devotee to absorb his message is infantile and ridiculous.


What is needed in both cases is the grace of the Lord in the heart.


As far as Bhatisiddahnta's warning I take that as directed towards those that took Bhativinodes liberal views on science and modern thiking as a gateway to distort the main body of his teachings.


The important thing here is that one's reading of past acaryas should never give rise to developing opposing views on siddahanta as expressed by the acaryas that follow him.


If you disagree with that then let me ask you why your group has bothered to translate Jaiva Dharma and attempt to distribute it worldwide? Why not Narayana Maharaja's books only?


To decry the writings of past acaryas as lacking the potency to get their message across is offensive.




We already have a major world religion based on everyone approaching Jesus Christ through their own Bible.

The same example applies to those millions that have their own intrepretaions of the Gita.



I know that you do not label yourself a "rtvik", in fact you seem rather unconcerned with the diksa concept.

Not at all. Diksa is not optional it is an imperative for every soul without exception. I accept diksa as the process (per Jiva Gosvami) whereby transcendental knowledge is imparted into the heart of the aspirant by Caitya-guru and His external manifestation as the earthly visible guru.


I am however totally unconcerned with any other definition of diksa as some formal process and other than what I just stated. I am sure you can find the word used in the way you emphasize but then again so can I. The option of where to place the emphasis lies with each of us. Take your pick and take your chances as the saying goes. I chose to pick the definition that is rooted in the eternal principle of transmission of transcnednetal knowledge. The definiton as it relates to some formal tradition has no appeal to me.



But it seems to me that it is very clear that your underlying premise and the underlying premise of the rtvik philosophy are identical.

In so much as the ritvikites say the potency is still in Srila Prabhupada's teachings then I agree. When they then after saying that push forward an offciating priest to act as the intermediary betwee that soul and Srila Prabhupada I view them as contradicitng themselves and thus I cannot identify with them.



If a newcomer was to follow your approach then still most would eventually journey into the realm of the initiation question.


Why most. My approach necessitates ALL to understand the intiation question without exception. But again your definition of intitiation is not mine. I consider diksa a process of receiving transcendental knowledge which should be emphasized from day one to every newcomer.




The most logical outcome for them would be to consider that either they had been initiated by Prabhupada through his books or to seek out a rtvik initiator and then consider themselves a direct disciple of Srila Prabhupada.

If they had followed the instructions found in the books of Srila Prabhupada and received transcendental knowledge that way then of course they have been intiated by Srila Prabhupada. Again the difference of meaning attached to initiation between us makes all the difference.


The only reason anyone would seek out a ritvik "initiator" is if they had the same view of what constitutes initiation as the one you hold. Therefore I see you as being closer to the ritvik position and myself 100% distant from it.



[quetions]To all rtviks I offer my obeisances from afar, so likewise I am doing for you, for you sir are most certainly a rtvik.

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That is true. I make no distinction whatsoever. My common experience reveals the factfulness of my position.


I have seen those disciples who were considered "closer" to Srila Prabhupada associating with his vapu abundantly commit the most heinous of acts. I have also seen people who recently picked up a book by Srila Prabhupada and even apart fro any physical association have had their spiritual life initiated by the inspiration they received.


I do believe the same for the writings of Bhativinode Thakur. Anyone can read Jaiva Dharma and receive the Lord's grace in the form of hearing it properly. Afterall everyone advances under the tutledge of the Lord in the heart.


On the other hand you can have a roomful of 100 people hearing "directly" from the devotee as he speaks through his body and yet only 1 or 2 of those 100 may have heard him as he is actually speaking.


This idea of just having to place yourself in the same room with the devotee to absorb his message is infantile and ridiculous.


What is needed in both cases is the grace of the Lord in the heart.


As far as Bhatisiddahnta's warning I take that as directed towards those that took Bhativinodes liberal views on science and modern thiking as a gateway to distort the main body of his teachings.


The important thing here is that one's reading of past acaryas should never give rise to developing opposing views on siddahanta as expressed by the acaryas that follow him.


If you disagree with that then let me ask you why your group has bothered to translate Jaiva Dharma and attempt to distribute it worldwide? Why not Narayana Maharaja's books only?


To decry the writings of past acaryas as lacking the potency to get their message across is offensive.



The same example applies to those millions that have their own intrepretaions of the Gita.


Not at all. Diksa is not optional it is an imperative for every soul without exception. I accept diksa as the process (per Jiva Gosvami) whereby transcendental knowledge is imparted into the heart of the aspirant by Caitya-guru and His external manifestation as the earthly visible guru.


I am however totally unconcerned with any other definition of diksa as some formal process and other than what I just stated. I am sure you can find the word used in the way you emphasize but then again so can I. The option of where to place the emphasis lies with each of us. Take your pick and take your chances as the saying goes. I chose to pick the definition that is rooted in the eternal principle of transmission of transcnednetal knowledge. The definiton as it relates to some formal tradition has no appeal to me.


In so much as the ritvikites say the potency is still in Srila Prabhupada's teachings then I agree. When they then after saying that push forward an offciating priest to act as the intermediary betwee that soul and Srila Prabhupada I view them as contradicitng themselves and thus I cannot identify with them.



Why most. My approach necessitates ALL to understand the intiation question without exception. But again your definition of intitiation is not mine. I consider diksa a process of receiving transcendental knowledge which should be emphasized from day one to every newcomer.




If they had followed the instructions found in the books of Srila Prabhupada and received transcendental knowledge that way then of course they have been intiated by Srila Prabhupada. Again the difference of meaning attached to initiation between us makes all the difference.


The only reason anyone would seek out a ritvik "initiator" is if they had the same view of what constitutes initiation as the one you hold. Therefore I see you as being closer to the ritvik position and myself 100% distant from it.



[quetions]To all rtviks I offer my obeisances from afar, so likewise I am doing for you, for you sir are most certainly a rtvik.

And I offer you obeisance from the same distance.


Before you call someone a ritvik you should consider what the word means. That is just common sense in all fields of human interaction. Ritvik refers to an officating priest who conducts a ritualistic ceremony on behalf of someone else.


Since I am not concerned in the slightest with the ritualistic ceremony I see no need of a ritivk to conduct it.


If you examine my position more closely and understanding the word properly you sir will see that I am the farthest removed from a ritvik.


Yet I am not an anti-ritvik. I am a pro-reception of transcendental knowledge advocate.

The reason I was equating your philosophy with rtivikism is because they both have the same underpinnings and tend to influence others to reject the need for higher association in apparent physcial form, the sadhu. I believe this is the main criticism that Saraswati Thakur had against the "so-called followers of Bhaktivinode Thakur". As long as one sees the need of sadhu sanga expressed in the writings of Bhaktivinode Thakur and Prabhupada, then they can get so much from those books. But one must yearn for the association of the sadhu or sadhus, if our reading fuels that desire then it is fruitful, and only then. Any other understanding is mental concoction and a disruption in the devotional community and should be kicked out, utpatyaiva kalpate for in is not in line with the sruti, smriti, puranas and pancharatrika literature.

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The reason I was equating your philosophy with rtivikism is because they both have the same underpinnings and tend to influence others to reject the need for higher association in apparent physcial form, the sadhu.


Well that is not in the slightest my position but even if it were you should use an appropriate word and not ritvik. Why don't you just man up and admit you were wrong in calling me a ritvik?

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For what it's worth, Srila Govinda Maharaj recommends to us that we read Srila Sridhar Maharaj's books, so the physically present acharrya says to seek His Guru's association in books as well. I don't know how this fits into the discussion here but anywhow, it is a quote on our Math's homepage that seemed relevant:


"For the spiritual growth of the sincere practitioners it will be best for them to read our Math's publications. Through his own divine perception Srila Guru Maharaj presented the nectar from the Scriptures to us in a most generous, clear and practical way so that we would be able to gain the nourishment contained in them. If we try to understand everything on our own, we will only become confused and misguided."

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Well that is not in the slightest my position but even if it were you should use an appropriate word and not ritvik. Why don't you just man up and admit you were wrong in calling me a ritvik?

Perhaps I should say that the philosophy you expouse is covered rtvikism. I am writing this because although you don't accept the posthumous rtvik initiating technique, you espouse a viewpoint which helps open the flood gates of rtvikism.

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Stubborn huh?


Your position is absurd. I could just as easily call you a soft or covered ritvik because your emphasis on ceremonial intiation opening the gates for the acceptance of the necessity to ritvikism is someone doesn't happen to share your high estimation of your own guru.


You feel threatened because Srila Prabhupada is still potent in his commentaries. That is your problem. Please stop propagating this misconception in the name of devotional transcendentalism.

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Stubborn huh?


Your position is absurd. I could just as easily call you a soft or covered ritvik because your emphasis on ceremonial intiation opening the gates for the acceptance of the necessity to ritvikism is someone doesn't happen to share your high estimation of your own guru.


You feel threatened because Srila Prabhupada is still potent in his commentaries. That is your problem. Please stop propagating this misconception in the name of devotional transcendentalism.


First of all I am not a "card carrying" member of the Narayana Maharaja Sanga. Although I have been to several of their festivals and personally met with Srila Narayana Maharaja, I have heard that the insiders there consider me to be "stand-offish". Anyway you can't satisfy everyone. I do however very much appreciated NM's preaching and siddhanta and I do believe in sadhu sanga. I also believe that persons can find sadhu sanga with other sadhus and I don't believe that everyone must be a follower of any particular sadhu no matter how great they are. I also believe that Prabhupada's potency is there in his books. But I also must qualify that point with the fact that the ordinary devotee like ourselves in the beginning and early middle stages of bhakti will get much more benefit from Prabhupada's books by getting help and assistance through a higher association.

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You know what I really resent is people like you and there have been hundreds before you that place my postion as being one of rejecting the association of saintly person in physical form just because my emphasis is otherwise. I am sick and tired of fools arguing with me that despite my statements otherwise I am anti-sadhu sanga etc. Piss off with that.


Our conversation here has ended. Feel free to have the last word.

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You know what I really resent is people like you and there have been hundreds before you that place my postion as being one of rejecting the association of saintly person in physical form just because my emphasis is otherwise. I am sick and tired of fools arguing with me that despite my statements otherwise I am anti-sadhu sanga etc. Piss off with that.


Our conversation here has ended. Feel free to have the last word.


Hey Theist,


We shouldn't be trying to place anyone else's position anywhere but see our own correctly, I'm sorry if I ever have made you feel like that, you are sincere and honorable in your postings here and I always appreciate your pespective. Please don't let the material energy that we are all swimming in around here bug you out. Right or wrong in whatever discussion, you have a lot to contribute and it is much appreciated. Jaya Gurudeva! (yours, mine, ours, etc)

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O dear devotees of KRSNA

we all must try to seek out the most highest form of worship


pure and free fromm all dross of matter fruitive or speculative.


Pure Bhakti can ONLY be had from KRSNA'a own son (sadhu, guru, vaisnava, acarya)whom KRSNA so chooses and by KRSNA'S only free and sweet will. :pray: Can we possibly circumvent, bypass or transgress KRSNA'S system of personnally rescueing the fallen conditioned souls via the authourized disciplic succession of Sriman Mahaprabhu?:smash:

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  • 4 weeks later...

1958 August 5 : "I not only restrained myself from attending Bhagavat week but also I advised many others not to attend for the very reason that the recitation of holy Bhagavata is being performed by men who have no access in this great scripture in which only the liberated persons, who are freed from all pretentious religiosities, can take part."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1947-64


letters | 23:51 |



1969 August 5 : "This Krishna Consciousness Movement is for understanding one God, one scripture, one mantra, and one engagement for all living entities, not only within this world, but throughout the whole universe. "

Prabhupada Letters :: 1969


letters | 23:41 |



1970 August 5 : "The MacMillan Company: Regarding publishing an expanded version of the GITA. I have not yet received any reply. If MacMillan does not desire to publish this expanded version, then I will have it published elsewhere immediately."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1970


letters | 18:00 |



1970 August 5 : "Everyone has a mother and father but only a few are fortunate enough to have a Spiritual Master. So you are doubly fortunate, you have a Spiritual Master and also you have a nice Krsna consciousness father and mother, simply live by their example."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1970


letters | 17:55 |





1958 August 4 : "To Pandit Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India. As I am your old friend from Allahabad, my humble advice is that you should now take leave from your present responsibility and just engage your most valuable life in this organized spiritual movement. If you can spare a little time, I am sure to convince you about its importance more quickly."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1947-64


letters | 12:50 |



1967 August 4 : "Don't be afraid of my being attacked by maya. When there is fight between two belligerent parties, it is always expected that there will sometimes be reverses. My declaration of war against maya is certainly a great battle."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1967


letters | 12:41 |



1970 August 4 : "We understand the Absolute Truth by hearing. Simply by hearing and chanting the glories of the Supreme Lord from the Srimad Bhagavatam one can become perfect, this example is shown by Sukadeva Goswami and Maharaja Pariksit."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1970


letters | 07:05 |



1971 August 4 : "You must brief them how serious business it is. At one marriage ceremony we had the boy and girl both sign documents saying that they promised never to separate under any circumstances."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1971


letters | 06:53 |



1971 August 4 : "Whatever is happening is the mercy of Krishna. Once surrendered to Krishna, karmic reaction is immediately gone, but if he acts again independently, then he is again in the clutches of maya."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1971


letters | 06:49 |





1965 August 3 :

"Reached at 65-A, Pachuriaghata St. Ramkumar Bangur Dharmsala at about 1 p.m. Sri Gobindlal Bangur sent his man to receive me. Received letter from Chaitanya Bharati, New Delhi Dt 1/8/65 and also from Govind Maharaj Dt 31/7/65."

Prabhupada Journal :: 1965


letters | 20:37 |



1967 August 3 : "We could not sleep all night and due to that, I became indisposed and was obliged to stay there for three or four extra days. I have now come to Vrindaban and am staying at the Radha Damodara Temple."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1967


letters | 20:34 |



1968 August 3 : "His Holiness The Pope, Paul VI. If you think that a meeting with you will be beneficial for the human society at large, I shall be very much pleased if Your Holiness will grant me an interview. Thanking you in anticipation for an early reply."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1968


letters | 20:28 |



1968 August 3 : "I am anxious to open a branch, and as soon as there is favorable circumstances, either through you or through any other friend, it will be a great pleasure for me to open a branch there."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1968


letters | 20:25 |



1969 August 3 : "Krishna Consciousness is also a sort of fight; but not with rifles. Our weapon is karatalas."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1969


letters | 20:23 |





1958 August 2 : "I am passing my days in Bombay in great inconvenience for want of a suitable residential place. I understand that some of your flats are going to be vacated soon and I shall request you to help and thus mitigate my difficulties."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1947-64


letters | 18:31 |



1967 August 2 : "I am always thinking of you, and I am feeling separation. I wish to return at the earliest opportunity. Never think that I am absent from you. Physical presence is not essential. We feel always the presence of our past Acaryas simply by their immutable instructions."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1967


letters | 18:19 |



1970 August 2 : "I beg to acknowledge receipt of your telegram, 'KRISHNAS PROVIDED FREE HOUSE NINE ROOMS OCCUPY AUGUST FOURTH.' When you occupy this new place I shall send you at least 10 brahmacaris immediately as you desired."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1970


letters | 08:27 |





1965 August 1 :

"To start for Calcutta by the Calcutta Mail via Nagpur starting from Bori-Banrer at 19 hours in the evening. Vide Ticket Dt 24/7/65 Luggage booked. Receipt No. A116695 paid Rs. 12/20."

Prabhupada Journal :: 1965


letters | 19:06 |



1966 August 1 : "All of our various camps may at least cooperate in the matter of special activities. Srila Prabhupada wanted us to do everything in complete cooperation and thus I am inclined to have full cooperation in this great attempt of preaching in the foreign countries."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1966


letters | 19:02 |



1967 August 1 : "We should always be very careful to give full respect to those who have so carefully handled this Divine Fruit of transcendental knowledge before us. Even a slight change will spoil it. That is why I have always been so careful to give you only those things which I have heard from my Guru Maharaja."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1967


letters | 18:59 | Comment



1969 August 1 : "A nice throne may be constructed on which the Deities can be placed. This throne may be swung gently during Kirtana and surely the Deities will enjoy the function."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1969


letters | 18:55 | Comment



1970 Auugst 1 : "Please take this opportunity offered you by Krsna very seriously. So you both husband and wife please take my blessings and blessings of Lord Krsna and be happy in Krsna's transcendental loving service."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1970


letters | 09:03 | Comment



1970 August 1 : "Krsna Consciousness does not depend on the place, it depends on the person who is free from duality. So why another part of the world for opening a new branch? There are so many places in this country."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1970


letters | 08:05 | Comment





1965 July 31 : "Tomorrow I am going to Calcutta to catch my ship M.V. Jaladuta and I am starting for U.S.A. by the 10th of August, 1965 reaching New York after a month. I may return to India by November next."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1965


letters | 18:32 | Comment



1969 July 31 : "I am very pleased to note that you have made such a nice recording of Hare Krishna to be released by the Beatle's Company. Also, it is very encouraging to learn that you think Mr. George Harrison will be happy to print our Krishna book."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1969


letters | 18:28 | Comment



1969 July 31 : "Don't be disappointed. As in the material world sometimes failure is considered as a pillar of success, similarly in the spiritual order also the same principle can be applied."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1969


letters | 18:25 | Comment



1969 July 31 : "My Guru Maharaja would often send young boys out to sell literature and if they sold only a few issues, Guru Maharaja was pleased. So I know that Guru Maharaja is very, very pleased with your work."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1969


letters | 18:22 | Comment



1969 July 31 : "As our movement increases the orthodox section of Christianity may be envious of our successful march. I think you should collect some information from the Bible that chanting of the Holy Names of God, Sankirtana, is recommended there also."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1969


letters | 18:19 | Comment



1970 July 31 : "Take courage. We are on the battlefield of Kuruksetra - one side Maya, the other side Krsna. The order of the commander, must be followed. Otherwise it is impossible to defeat the opposing elements."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1970


letters | 17:38 | Comment



1970 July 31 : "It is the injunction of the Vedas that the Spiritual Master should not be treated as ordinary man even if sometimes the Spiritual Master behaves like ordinary man. It is the duty of the disciple to accept Him as Superhuman Man."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1970


letters | 17:35 | Comment



1970 July 31 : "I am going to the Eastern hemisphere, beginning from Japan. We are going four in a party and all of us are Sannyasis. In this old age I am going just to set an example to my disciples who have recently taken the Sannyas order."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1970


letters | 17:31 | Comment





1965 July 30 :

"Mr. J.M. Choksi today handed

over me the following documents:

1. The Passport.

2. 'P' Form passed Dt 27/7/65

3. Original letter & no objection

certificate from Gopal P. Agarwal.

4. Copies of letters for Calcutta office

Scindia Steam Navigation Co.

5. International Certificate &

vaccination. (3 years & 6 months) "

Prabhupada Journal :: 1965


letters | 16:44 | Comment



1970 July 30 : "I am taking three Sannyasis on world tour. We shall reach Hawaii first and I shall let you know what our plans are for coming to Tokyo. Your reports from Japan are very encouraging, so I am looking forward to seeing you there."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1970


letters | 10:07 | Comment



1970 July 30 : "I am very, very glad that you have got this feeling to not waste even a single moment. You have made these very, very nice dresses although you are so much inconvenienced by your injury. I have immediately got them on my Deities and They are looking so beautiful."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1970


letters | 10:03 | Comment

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